
mammoth, to random avatar
br00t4c, to random avatar
robz, to random avatar

Consider this a petition to call people who use the #Fediverse ...


Does it reference...



rm4, avatar

@robz Fedizens? Like citizens of the Fedi

robz, avatar

@rm4 I'm not so certain the #Fediverse is optimized for "zen" - which is how I read "fedizen". It's a worthy goal, though.

But my timeline is filled with -verts of all kinds. That may say more about me than the Fediverse in general, though...

BoydStephenSmithJr, to random avatar

Hey, #Fediverse experts. Is there is simple way to Boost a Kbin/Lemmy post I like onto my #Mastodon?

I know I can look up the #KBin / #Lemmy poster on my Mastodon instance and boost from their timeline.

But, that's a bit difficult, I have to translate the KBin/Lemmy user URL into a remote Mastodon user URL, and then I have to manually match up the KBin post URL with the contents of a toot in the timeline.

maegul, avatar

@BoydStephenSmithJr Well, that's just the lemmy post. Boost it directly if you like.

In truth, it's not the original lemmy post, but that's normal on the fediverse ... all posts from instances other than our own are duplicated on our instance with interactions and replies synced, often, as you may have discovered incompletely.

BoydStephenSmithJr, avatar

@maegul I think you are missing the point. I can't find a button or URL in the Lemmy interface that lets me boost something to my Mastodon feed (on

Also, it isn't easy to find toot that "matches" a post (or comment) when I'm in the Mastodon interface, even when federation has distributed it to my Mastodon instance.

Yes, once I've gone through copy-paste plus manual search process, to find the right toot, then all I have to do is hit boost, but that final step isn't the problem.

reiver, to random avatar

@IrkedAngua @atomicpoet


"Firstly I would recommend you have transcripts available for the Hearing Impaired."

Our plan is indeed to have text transcripts.

We haven't tested out our system for it yet. But plan to later this week.


atomicpoet, to random

Hey there, wonderful folks! Guess what? @reiver and I are thinking about starting a podcast, all about the fascinating world of the Fediverse. Super exciting, right?

Now here's where you come in: we would absolutely love to hear what topics about the #Fediverse or social media tickle your curiosity. Maybe you're wondering about its inner workings, or perhaps you're keen on exploring some other intriguing aspects. Whatever it may be, please do share your thoughts and comment below. Your input is truly valuable!

Sending out lots of love and appreciation to all of you!



I'd love to see new fediverse tech and platforms discussed.

royal, avatar

@reiver @atomicpoet Here are some ideas:
Technical topics - you have ideas already I'm sure. Scaling, responding to DDOS, spam control, etc.

Moderation. From the moderator's POV and from the user's. Arguments around pre-blocking, blocklist management, pros and cons. Proactive vs reactive. This is a more complex topic than some like to think.

Talk about particular instances and news related to them. Fosstodon goes invite-only. Talk to some of their users and admins about what they have seen and want to see in the future. Do a survey of the Star Trek instances.

Hashtaggery. What's up with Mosstodon? How about CasioCult? Highlight some of the interesting inter-instance communities. Dadjokes is pretty active!

Personalities. Journalists. The passing and legacy of Kris Nova. mekka okereke. Veronica Explains. Grammar Girl. Technology Connections. Admins like stux or Jerry.

The Infosec community. Jerry has an absolute armada of Fediverse servers.

Orgs and companies on the Fediverse. What kind of impact are they having and seeing? Talk to their social managers about how the Fed is like or different from others. Talk to their followers and blockers.

Comedy on the Fediverse. Low Quality Facts. Dadjokes hashtag. RikerGoogling.

Migrating instances. Who's done it and why? How to make it go well? How to make it go poorly? What's the user experience like after migration?

The Reddit to Lemmy/Kbin migration.
The X-twitter to Mastodon migration.
How about the other biggies, like Facebook or Instagram or Linkedin?

Running an instance. How to get started? How to fund it? Why would you want to? Why would you not want to? Talk to Jerry. Talk to Amin Hollon. Talk to someone who runs a single-user instance.

So many possibilities. Lots more I haven't mentioned.

reiver, to random avatar

Be the content you want to see on the Fediverse.

#Fediverse #SpreadFediverse


@reiver Two things you need to do to gain a following here, post good stuff and be nice in other words, be excellent to each other and party on

reiver, to random avatar

What topics about the Fediverse, social-media, or Tech are you most curious about?

What questions about the Fediverse, social-media, or Tech do you hav?

(The Fediverse includes all the Fediverse software.)

Reply with your topics and questions.

#AllYourBases #Fediverse

benlk, avatar

@reiver Where can I find libraries for creating send-only ? I know that in theory that I just have to make the right GET or POST request, but I don't know what that request looks like or where to make it.

maegul, avatar

@reiver what’s the deal with decentralised social media protocols … like at a full comprehensive theoretical problem and solution space level.

More directly, what features are reasonably expected but unavailable on the Fedi and which are often expected but unreasonably difficult

fediversereport, to random avatar

Last Week in - ep 38

  • releases their annual report for 2022, providing an interesting insight in their financials, as well as what they accomplished last year. The amount of work they managed with the means they have is absolutely impressive.
  • Work on the closed beta for server continues, with some interesting glimpses of their plans.

Read at:

crossmr, to kbinMeta

can't even post a thread in this magazine.

So my question: are we going to be defederating instances that don't crack down on users supporting and advocating terrorism?

J12t, to random avatar

Very much agreeing with @evan here on the strategy for and related.

183231bcb, to random

What's the status of federation between Lemmy/KBin and Misskey/Sharkey/Firefish/Iceshrimp? I just tried loading several Lemmy and Kbin posts in Sharkey and it doesn't work. I remember having the same issue with Firefish, and I vaguely recall hearing awhile back it was something related to authorized fetch. Have their been any recent developments on that front?

testing, avatar

lemmy posts are not visible on the *keys > regarding kbin: it depends - adding a link on kbin will result in invisibility on the *keys > every other kbin post type (thread, post, photo) should appear on *keys timelines

soweli-mute, to kbinMeta

kbin is lowkey kinda complicated lol

there's so many different kinds of posts, microblogging, threads, etc.

lowkey a bit overwhelming.

Teppic, avatar

@soweli There is certainly some truth to that, but

  1. it gets easeir farily quickly; and
  2. it's worth the effort! Other platforms don't give you the same power and breadth of access across the fediverse.

You'll find you get more interaction from within kbin (and also from Lemmy) if you use 'Threads' rather than 'Posts' (like this). Posts sit in the Microblog and are more aligned to Mastodon way of working - they are harder to see unless people already follow you.

bjoern, to random avatar

"We get exponential growth based on having one protocol, not a half dozen. [..] standards aren’t about competition. They’re about cooperation".

Great article by @evanprodromou . I completely agree, has to win if we want to have a great social web. Don't get seduced by the shiny marketing of the next VC driven social network (protocol).

weekinfediverse, to random avatar
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