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pineapplelover, in Scientists Identify The Optimal Number of Daily Steps For Longevity, And It's Not 10,000

Damn. Guess I’m gonna die. I really gotta change my routine

Scio, avatar

@pineapplelover Which way though? Increase or decrease?

Big_Boss_77, avatar

You and me both, neighbor.

BilboSwaggins, in Scientists Identify The Optimal Number of Daily Steps For Longevity, And It's Not 10,000 avatar

For adults aged 60 and older, this reduced risk topped out at around 6,000 to 8,000 steps a day. Pushing further might have other benefits, but a reduced chance of death isn't one.

The study found that those who are younger could do well to walk a little more, but there wasn't evidence that they'd necessarily live longer by walking more than 8,000 to 10,000 steps a day.

As for the rate of steps, the team found volume is what really matters.

rhythmisaprancer, in Scientists Identify The Optimal Number of Daily Steps For Longevity, And It's Not 10,000 avatar

I don't understand why they use steps. Who counts steps? It is more individualized than a distance, but my gosh, who is out there saying 4,981, 4,982, ...? I know roughly the distance of my pace and could convert.

It really sounds like we need folks to get out and do it, tho!

Hyperreality, in Scientists Identify The Optimal Number of Daily Steps For Longevity, And It's Not 10,000


Some people aren't unhealthy because they don't walk enough, they don't walk enough because they're unhealthy or have an underlying condition.

Someone in a coma ain't walking much, but that's not the main reason they're more likely to die sooner rather than later.

wildncrazyguy, in 1st look at asteroid Bennu samples suggests space rock may even be 'a fragment of an ancient ocean world'

Any chance it could be a fragment of Theia?

pragmakist, avatar

Or Earth.

Pieces of Earth was do doubt also flung about.

shiveyarbles, in Astronauts may be able to make cement using their own pee

Well that’s a kick. I would have thought poop would work better

CodexArcanum, in 3D-Printed Neural Tissue Grows And Functions Like a Human Brain

Everyday we get closer to artificially grown brains replacing LLMs as the new AI hype.

topinambour_rex, avatar

It won’t be an AI anymore. But an AM, an artificial mind.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, avatar

Maybe home-grown human intelligence (HGHI)?

TimeSquirrel, in 3D-Printed Neural Tissue Grows And Functions Like a Human Brain avatar

Really balancing on that ethics knife's edge here, aren't we?

BaldProphet, in 3D-Printed Neural Tissue Grows And Functions Like a Human Brain avatar

Am I the only one who thinks this looks like a bunch of cherry shrimp in a bed of Java moss?

milkytoast, in Prosthetic limb device enables users to ‘sense’ temperature difference avatar

can people with prosthetics feel stuff? are we at that point technologically? if so, how precisely? with my fleshy fingers I can tell the difference between glass and less smooth surfaces, or even a hair ir some dust, but I doubt prosthetics would be at such s point

Rpmkp, in Inside the Proton, the ‘Most Complicated Thing’ Imaginable

@HeartyBeast this is a fascinating article. It’s mind blowing to think that the fundamental component making up most of the physical universe is just a chaotic probability field of chaotically moving quarks and antiquarks.

Deykun, in Academic journal forced to retract peer-reviewed AI-generated paper after "rat penis" pics go viral
FaceDeer, in Academic journal forced to retract peer-reviewed AI-generated paper after "rat penis" pics go viral avatar

It's the "peer-reviewed" part that should be raising eyebrows, not the AI-generated part. How the gibberish images were generated is secondary to the fact that the peer reviewers just waved the obvious nonsense through without even the most cursory inspection.


In another article, it said that one of the reviewers did being up the nonsense images, but he was just completely ignored. Which is an equally big problem.

YMS, avatar

It's in this article.


It's how this publisher works. They make it insanely difficult for reviewers to reject a submission.


Some of the reviewers have explained it as the software they use doesn’t even load up the images. So unless the picture is a cited figure, it might not get reviewed directly.

I can kindof understand how something like this could happen. It’s like doing code reviews at work. Even if the logical bug is obvious once the code is running, it might still be very difficult to spot when simply reviewing the changed code.

We have definitely found some funny business that made it past two reviewers and the original worker, and nobody’s even using machine models to shortcut it! (even things far more visible than logical bugs)

Still, that only offers an explanation. It’s still an unacceptable thing.


Actually, figures should be checked during the reviewing process. It's not an excuse.


Yea, “should be”, but as said, if it’s not literally directly relevant even while being in the paper, it might get skipped. Lazy? Sure. Still understandable.

A more apt coding analogy might be code reviewing unit tests. Why dig in to the unit tests if they’re passing and it seems to work already? Lazy? Yes. Though it happens far more than most non-anonymous devs would care to admit!


No, "should be" as in, it must be reviewed but can be skipped if there's a concern like revealing the author identity in a double-blind process.


I’ve heard some of my more senior colleagues call frontiers a scam even before this regarding editorial practices there.

It’s actually furstratingly common for some reviewer comments to be completely ignored, so it’s possible someone raised a flag and no one did anything about it.


Frontiers has something like a 90%+ publish rate, which for any “per reviewed” journal is ridiculously high. They have also been in previous scandals where a large portion of their editorial staff were sacked (no pun intended).

bedrooms, (edited )

The biggest problem with Frontiers for me is that there are some handy survey articles that are cited like 500 times. It seems that Interdisciplinary surveys are hard to publish in a traditional journal, and as a result 500 articles cited this handy overview article for readers who would need an overview.

The article I checked was in a reasonable quality, and it's a shame I can't cite it just because it's in Frontiers.

TimeSquirrel, in Academic journal forced to retract peer-reviewed AI-generated paper after "rat penis" pics go viral avatar

Nice. Now I got a giant rat penis pic imma have to quickly scroll past at work for a few hours when looking at posts...

Froyn, in Academic journal forced to retract peer-reviewed AI-generated paper after "rat penis" pics go viral

I enjoy reading between the lines. "Had the rat penis not gone viral, the paper would not have been retracted"

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