Where do you fall politically?

I’m hoping this doesn’t start a fight, I’m just curious what the political orientation is of this community. I grew up in a liberal (in the American sense) family, and I identify now as a socialist, though a lot of the liberalism I grew up in has stuck with me, like interest in LGBTQ and women’s rights, environmentalism, etc. Wondering where people here land?


I am very heavy left leaning. I want adults to be able to marry as many other consenting adults as they want(yes I mean a poly liftstyle). I want trans people to have rights and I want women to have full reproductive rights. I want free Healthcare for all as well as some sort of free food and water if needed and free basic clothing and housing if needed. And honestly I want us to start killing nazis again.


Killing nazis, like the government executing people who identify as neo-nazis?


I call myself a New Deal democrat.


I’m right wing, or at least compared to most of lemmy.

I want everyone to bear arms. To that end, we should air drop liberator-style pistols all over the world. No, I’m not joking.

I think America should put America first.

I think Trek is cool, but its also fiction and not some sort of practical political ideal.

I think we need common sense immigration laws, which would mean going after coyotes and businesses that hire illegals and abuse visa workers. We’ll be fine if our population was stagnant for a bit.

I think (in regards to lgbt) that you can do whatever you want between consenting adults, but leave kids out of it. Lot of upset about elementary school libraries and drag in schools, especially for a group that has nothing to do with kids.

I think we need better mental health, but I have no idea how that would look practically.

The internet was an inevitable mistake.

Anime was an avoidable mistake. Darkness best waifu.

Leftism feels like a cult these days. I don’t know why or how to describe it, but it does.

I think large international corporations need to be heavily regulated. At a certain size, maybe even making them utilities. Small companies should have more leeway.

There are problems, but they can be solved without burning down the system.


So you are one of those types against drag story hour?

Also you want a stagnant population and prefer that over immigration?

@Spot@startrek.website avatar

I don’t get how bible story times is any better that drag queen story times, if the interest of the children’s well being is real. I was raised in the christian church and feel very much like I was groomed and indoctrinated as I was brought up.


Drag queens just reading nice kids books to children is better than indoctrinating kids into Christianity, IMO


CBO projects that the majority of population growth overthe next two decades is from immigration. It seems our friend here is in favor of a shrinking population



I am. Or at least slowing growth. I’d prefer stopping or shrinking, but I figure slowing is an easier sell.


Yeah that confused me, because a shrinking population is bad for the economy, no?


Yes, we cant grow forever. Better long term solution is for other countries to become livable.


But immigration is an excellent solution to declining birth rates, why be against that?


I don’t view declining birth rates as a problem.


It’s economic suicide but okay.


That’s a lot of words to say you are an ignorant racist.


You’re full of shit, just based on prior comments.

Common sense immigration, leaving what’s done with consenting adults alone, these things do not track with what you’re usually saying around here. Just saying

If “leftism” (what the fuck does that even mean?) feels like a cult, you’re getting your information from places that are busy making mountains out of molehills because of the money they get by keeping you outraged so they can keep your attention. “Some random weirdos on Twitter posted some crazy shit” has nothing to do with actual policies being actually enacted.



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  • startrekexplained,

    Where in the EU are you from?



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  • startrekexplained,

    Oh, cool :)



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  • startrekexplained,

    California originally, now living in Arizona :)


    I would like to be King.


    I vote Green. Howard destroyed the utopia future we all hoped for, but there is still opportunity for Australia to be a society of equals.

    The two right wing and far right wing parties of the US still mostly confuse me. Their lack of compulsory voting scares me. I also have been shocked on my visits to the US as to how their country is full of inequalities and people desperately poor. Weird place, glad I don’t live there.


    Australia has compulsory voting?


    Yeah If you forget to vote in a election you’re fined around $20. So I guess it counts as compulsory voting.


    Sounds horrible


    Yeah if you don’t participate in our democracy you might not be able to afford half a pack of ciggies


    Its not really a democracy if you have to vote


    How do you define democracy then


    In a representative democracy, what’s the point in making everyone vote in it?


    This statement confuses me



    @CapillaryUpgrade@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    I don’t know about Australia, but in the countries i have heard about with compulsory voting, it’s totally legal to vote blank, i.e. not actually vote for anyone. You just have to go to the polling station and put your blank ballot in the box.

    So you’re (if i’m not mistaken) not forced to vote for a party you don’t agree with.


    Fair enough but we get to accomplish that here by just staying home.


    One of our right-wing parties has figured out that most people are not as right-wing as it is, but it can still win if only the most extreme people vote. So they try to make voting more difficult even. The opposite of compulsory


    Anarchism. Not the radical burn-the-world-to-ashes kind but rather the kind where power is given to the individuals as a whole and every one of them directly decides how society is shaped. A society with no authority that can turn to tyranny and where everyone's needs are satisfied and everyone contributes on the field they are best on (to each according to their needs, from each according to their ability).


    So a direct democracy?


    WIth some differences, but yes.

    startrekexplained, (edited )

    Just asking for clarification. I’m not for direct democracy because it seems like democracy just for the elite.


    According to the school of thought I follow, every individual on a society has a direct say on everything discussed. Rules, or laws, are defined through a consensus between every individual. If a single individual disagrees, provided they present valid arguments, then the rule must be expanded in a way everyone agrees with it.

    On this society, everyone's basic needs are a core right that cannot be taken or restricted in any way, shape or form. That includes, but not restricted to, proper housing, including electricity and Internet, food and water infrastructure, education and healthcare. That explains the "to each according to their needs" part partially.
    Having their needs, therefore their survival ensured, individuals can dedicate themselves to the field they prefer, ensuring no-one is stuck on a job they hate, they can at any point change, and society as a whole benefits from this liberty. Of course there are some fields that individuals with some kinds of disabilities physically cannot work on normally, but there can be jobs that are adapted to their condition, if possible. That covers the "from each according to their ability".

    Those two statements allow for an economical reform. The basic needs of an individual are fulfilled from the get-go, but if they desire some other commodities, they can work for them. Money, if needed at all, would only be needed for those commodities, while favoring trading between individuals. Again, society as a whole would determine how much a product would be worth comparatively to others, creating something more akin to a measuring scale of worth rather than a currency.


    I don’t think you can have a direct say in everything in society, trying to make such a society sounds like a nightmare IMO.

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