Where do you fall politically?

I’m hoping this doesn’t start a fight, I’m just curious what the political orientation is of this community. I grew up in a liberal (in the American sense) family, and I identify now as a socialist, though a lot of the liberalism I grew up in has stuck with me, like interest in LGBTQ and women’s rights, environmentalism, etc. Wondering where people here land?


I would like to be King.


My liberal friends call me a libertarian, and my conservative friends call me a libtard. So what does that make me? A centrist? I don’t believe fully in any one ideology. There are good things about multiple different belief systems, and bad things about them too. I think we’re doing ourselves a massive disservice by aligning so neatly into tribalistic views of the world.


Agreed with that

@Maoo@hexbear.net avatar

Most Americans (your terminology is American so I’m assuming) have incoherent political beliefs handed down to them by popular discourse. Nearly all of them can be summarized as liberalism, i.e. a supporter of the capitalist order, and “debate” is whittled down to which of its various forms you “support”. You are given basically zero agency to actually support those things unless you’re a major business influence, but your frustrations at a lack of material improvement in your and others’ lives has been effectively redirected into a pantomime of political movements, and this helps the boss pick your pocket.

Basically… this is how I would contextualize conservatives (liberals) and liberals (liberals) calling you “the other”. You probably just aren’t subscribing to their own team sport-like political divide, one that changes easily and often depending on what their masters tell them to think. That doesn’t necessarily make your understanding better or worse, I just want to point out that their opinions probably mean nothing and that you are probably a fairly typical person in your region.

With that said, I highly recommend reading about the foundations of socialism and the horrible things the US has done and continues to do to other countries to enforce its economic order. We are not taught these things in school - we are instead taught nationalism and arguably fascist things so that there are ready-made excuses for the terrorism our country inflicts on others and us. There are, unfortunately, many, many examples, but one place to start is the coup and genocidal campaign in Guatemala premised in bailing out the exploitative landlords (basically feudal lords) there in the form of fruit companies. Their truth and reconciliation document is one of pure horror. The School of the Americas never died, it just expanded and became more diffuse. This is the ideology of mainstream America.


I am mostly a Maoist, with some anarchism sprinkled in.

Basically I think the single fastest thing we could to do improve our society is to:

  1. all kill our landlords
  2. form community mutual aid networks in the homes we subsequently inhabit without fear, while
  3. putting a priority on decolonisation and welcoming of displaced peoples to their imperialized lands.

How do you feel on the Nepalese Maoists?


This might not be the most satisfying answer, but my opinions of Maoism are based on what I’ve read of his principal texts and of the economic and social revitalization of China since he was in power. I live in the imperial core, and when I look around at the societal problems in my community and in my country writ large, I see immediate land redistribution as the swiftest cure to the largest issue, and Mao in my mind is the foremost advocate, architect, and practitioner of anticapitalist land redistribution on the national scale.

So my view is mostly from old books and from my neighborhood, and I’m not too well versed with the other cells around the world who claim the Maoist title. All I’ll say about the Nepalese Maoists is, my knee-jerk reaction to anticapitalist forces is support, I don’t know enough about them to comment further, and I hesitate to levy judgment on people across the world from me.


Fair enough, was specifically wondering what your views were on People’s Multiparty Democracy that Nepalese Maoists subscribe to?



Nepal’s communist and “communist” parties are a very complex and complicated topic.


ML, death to amerikkka

@culpritus@hexbear.net avatar

Centrist communist. I think MLs and Anarchists have useful ideas about making the world better. I’m leaning more ML lately mostly due to learning about the oppressive history of western capitalist interests, and how pacifist approaches have repeatedly failed to survive.


im a centrist, not too far left (mao-wave) and not too far right (deng-smile), just in the moderate centre (xi-clap)

@CommieGabredabok@hexbear.net avatar

Also centrist, not too far left ( bordiga-despair) and not too far right ( chad-trotsky) , just in the moderate centre ( stalin)


TBF to old trot, idk if he’s ultra left or a right deviationist because he was such an opportunist that he fluctuated on which side of the opposition he worked with. He just went with whatever side had more leverage opposing Stalin that day.

@CommieGabredabok@hexbear.net avatar

true dat. Trot is definitely not an ultra left, and you are correct on his opportunism fluctuating on whatever would oppose Stalin – to the point of supporting terrorism

@IceWallowCum@hexbear.net avatar

Yeah, I think some form of Anarchisms are the more-than-long goal for many places, but the early stages, with capitalists fighting to keep power, definately still need strong and organized defense forces, and a state is probably the best way of doing that.

The overabundance of essential resources that communism aims at will probably allow for groups of all sizes to organize as they wish/need

@Grownbravy@hexbear.net avatar

Some form of militant communist.


I’m an anarchist, and very much into industrial unions.


anarcho syndicalist?


That would probably be an accurate description of me, but I think simply “Anarchist” has wider implications. I do more than unions and I think eco-anarchism and popular assemblies might possibly be a more effective path towards the eradication of unjust hierarchies.

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