
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

wafer, in /kbin Issues

Why are comment threads no longer indented further than 2 indentations? I can't tell when someone is replying to the parent comment or one of its replies anymore...


Testing, 1..2


Testing, 1..2..3


Testing 1..2...B


Testing 1..2...B

This is a reply, now 1..2...B 3


Why are comment threads no longer indented further than 2 indentations?

That seems to be the behavior of 'classic view'. Change to 'tree view'?


Thanks! I didn't notice that setting changed and where to find it. That did the trick.

ninbreaker, in kbin Login bug fixed?

Still broken

Montagge, in /kbin Issues
@Montagge@kbin.social avatar

I can't see pinned posts at the moment. It seems like I can see them if I log out. I can't seem to find a setting that would cause this that I could have changed to cause it.

e569668, in Blocking any domain seems to make certain stuff disappear
@e569668@fedia.io avatar

This seems to be a popular topic today, I imagine it must be getting worse for kbin.social users (the errors when posting threads / images, if it is that)

I made this issue for what you described https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core/issues/1019

@ernest sorry to ping you but just want to make sure you're aware of this as the last ~4+ posts to this magazine have been about this issue

LanternEverywhere, in Is Blocking Ever Going To Block?

Aside from you getting notifications when they reply, i think all the rest is how blocking works on all internet forums (as opposed to social media sites). Like if you block someone on Reddit i believe they can still see your posts, you just don't see theirs.

@FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar

That is incredibly unuseful as a way to curate how and who all can interact with you.

The way blocking seems to currently work is to the benefit of trolls & sealions.

It would be well improved as a feature were blocked accounts unable to see or reply to posts or profiles of accounts that have them blocked.


I disagree. On a public forum no one should be able to control what content i see and what content i don't see. If you're going around saying bullshit in a public forum, i should be able to see that, and i should be able to post a public reply refuting your bullshit. Otherwise people could post bullshit and block everyone from replying who would show that their post is bullshit. You shouldn't get to block people from rebutting your claims.


Though i could see the usefulness of an automatic tag on their comment saying "the OP has blocked this user, so OP doesn't see this post."

@FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar

I disagree in turn with you.

If someone is harassing me and not engaging in good faith, I should be able to disengage from them and hide myself from their view.

If I was talking to someone in a park and a third person joined the conversation that's fine. If that person starts being an annoying asshole, I should be able to walk away from the harassment while still maintaining my conversation. Accepting harassment is not a requirement to talk to people, and I should not have to accept harassment from whomever wants to fuck with me for the privilege of talking to people who aren't harassing me.

I also don't consider a site where people shitpost memes to be needing the same "public forum" protections of say a town hall meeting or a politician's official communications.

"Open air free-for-alls" as I am reading you seem to prefer tend also to drive out people with marginalized identities as they leave them open to harassment people from dominate groups members do not get subjected to for just existing.

Further, there is no moral or technical reason a person should not be able to send out a message to "Everyone in the world except for Tom when he is logged in—because fuck that guy."

@Gordon_Freeman@kbin.social avatar

If that person starts being an annoying asshole, I should be able to walk away from the harassment while still maintaining my conversation

Except for the notification part, that is how blocking works currently.

If someone is harassing you, just block that person, you won't see any content created by that person, while you can maintain communication with the rest

@FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar

They shouldn't be able to eavesdrop on my conversation, nor take part in it.

I should be able to speak to Everybody But Tom if I so wish, and Tom should not be able to butt into the conversation.

@Gordon_Freeman@kbin.social avatar

So you want to forbid people to speak to other people because you say so? That's really selfish, to say the least

If you want to maintain private conversations, use private messages. The rest is public

@FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar

Yes, I want to forbid people to speak to me or take part in my conversations because I say so.

I, selfishly, do not wish to be harassed or have my conversations derailed by bad actors.

If people are free to make their own threads and own claims, why do they need "the right" to butt into and derail mine?

If you want to maintain private conversations, use private messages. The rest is public

It doesn't have to be. There is no reason I should not be able to speak to "everyone accept for people I designate" (Tom).

@Gordon_Freeman@kbin.social avatar

Yes, I want to forbid people to speak to me

Well, block that people. Currently blocking is working as intended (except for the already mentioned notifications that is either a bug or an overlook). You block them and they can speak to you. The End

@FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar

If they can still see what I post, then blocking is not working as optimally as it could.

(And since their replies—that they should not be able to make—still show up in my notifications, then it isn't even working the way you say it does.)


Not true. You could respond to someone on reddit and they could not respond back. People abused this to get the last word in arguments

NotAPenguin, in kbin.social has been unusably slow lately?

Like when I posted this thread it didn't send me to the thread after posting, it stayed at https://kbin.social/new/article and gave me the 50x error.

@McBinary@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, I'm still seeing this bug when trying to post a thread or a picture post. "Link" posting seems to work alright though, but I can't post any other type of content... It's been this way for about a month. I'm sort of losing interest since I can't really post threads - I can only comment.


Supposedly a big update that fixes a lot of things is coming soon

e569668, in Question about reliability of kbin federation
@e569668@fedia.io avatar

Check out https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core/issues/1019#issuecomment-1064117 and https://kbin.social/m/kbinMeta/t/361909/-/comment/1870631 as well.

I think when people get an error posting to kbin.social a text or photo post it doesn't federate until, as floppy / stopthatgirl7 mentioned, it is interacted with.

Edit: After reading your replies closer I see you were already aware, my bad for repeating information. There is a PR pending for the blocked domains so hopefully that is resolves soon

Rhaedas, in /kbin Issues
@Rhaedas@kbin.social avatar

Been seeing a lot of lazy spamming the past few days as I browse newest, all Kbin users. I report them, but they are numerous and it gets tedious. Maybe some tightening up of new registrations should be done? Has there been an uptick on new users lately like Lemmy had a while back?

Added: I figured out where the titles are coming from. They are lifted off search engine prompts like recent Google searches, which explains why some of them are so odd.

DessertStorms, in /kbin Issues
@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

It's become impossible to browse by new thanks to an army of spam bots.

Every time I sort by new, there are several new groups of 3-5 new users posting to "random" all at once (so 12-15 spam posts for every 5-10 legit posts), I haven't risked the click, but it's a lot of promises of nudes or gold, or celebrity names, you know, bait.

I'll block and report one post from each user as spam, but that seems pointless when there's a seemingly endless stream of them popping up.

My feed sorted by new now, 8 of the 10 first posts are these bots:

Is there anyway to stop this (beyond blocking m/random which I've now done but don't want to)?

NotTheOnlyGamer, in /kbin Issues
@NotTheOnlyGamer@kbin.social avatar

So, are notifications just a dead feature now?

e569668, in ~~How does the @random magazine work?~~
@e569668@fedia.io avatar

My guess would be it's due to you having a follower from kbin.social https://kbin.social/u/@cwagner@lemmy.cwagner.me/followers


Oh wow, I didn’t even think to check that. I guess that’s through one of those bots that make you follow everyone.

Macduff avatar

Oh wow, the OP edited the title to include strikeout, which kbin doesn't seem to process markdown on title.

daredevil, in Lots of new spam
@daredevil@kbin.social avatar

Mods seem to be fairly inactive as well. Pretty unfortunate.

@wagesj45@kbin.social avatar

@ernest is the sole moderator for tons of the most popular/default magazines, and he spends most of his time working on the code for kbin, as far as I know.

@daredevil@kbin.social avatar

I'm aware. I don't think that reply is really necessary of a tag as I'm sure you and I both know he's busy. This problem is fairly common among kbin native magazines as well and not limited to the federated ones where Ernest is assigned as the owner and moderator. And yes, I'm also aware that it's something Ernest has talked about and plans to address. I'm not hating, but that doesn't change the fact that it's still an unfortunate situation.

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

This month, the largest update is planned. It's taking a long time because part of the team is returning from vacation, hence the delays. I hope that the update will resolve some of the most pressing issues. I'm also trying to remove spam systematically, but currently, the code is my priority. After implementing the new version, I will seriously address the community.

If there's anything urgent, currently contacting through the form is the quickest option. Cheers!

Arotrios, in How's the progress on allowing users to adopt magazines with inactive mods?
@Arotrios@kbin.social avatar

The only person who could really answer that is @ernest.

While we wait for him to respond on the topic (which may be awhile, as I'm sure he's got his hands full right now given the lemmy CSAM issues), I'd suggest that if you're looking to become mod of a dead magazine, give it life again. Post and fill it up and become a contributing member so that Ernest has something to go on when reassigning permissions. Otherwise he'll have no indication as to your commitment towards the community in question.

@ernest@kbin.social avatar

The mechanism itself is already ready, but there are so many other changes that the next server update won't be that easy. Additionally, I had to solve several private issues that effectively distracted me from work, sorry for that. At the beginning of September, everything will start to stabilize, and that's also when all the changes will be on kbin.social.

guyrocket, in How are you using or hoping to use kbin?

I was really getting sick of all the negativity on Reddit. It feels like about 80% of posts are shitting on someone for some reason that I don't really care about. Feels like a bunch of bitchy teenage girls all trying to rain on each others parade. I hope they all choke on their own social vomit.

So glad there seems to be NONE of that energy here. I hope it never arrives.

Other random thoughts/observations:
I appreciate that kbin/fediverse is more mature and academic.

I like Star Trek much more than Star Wars and see plenty of ST and no SW here.

While I appreciate that Reddit has more smaller and special interest communities because of it's size, I like that kbin is smaller. I think it will be a little sad to see it get big.

I plan to stay here for a while. I may host a mag or two eventually. I have ideas for improvements but as a non app user it seems pretty good so far.

Also, thanks to Ernest (sp?) and others who keep the lights on and motors running. You make it all possible.


Jesus Christ youre preaching to the choir here.

I had to leave it at around November 2022 cause I noticed the negativity was seirously harming my mental health. Im only a lurker in all social medias, so I was surprised something "finally" got to me. Since I had been "immune" to metaverse shit up to that point (not because im in any way better than anyone, I just dont have enough IRL friends to matter lol), I was surprised with how much reddit mined my sanity without me noticing.

And I fully intended to only keep Insta for family contact and tiktok for funny videos until GOOGLE FUCKING STOPS WORKING. So now I need another "search engine alternative" -_-

Well, disaster averted, let's hope we get at least a decade or so of usage on this one!


I expect this one to last. No commercial interests. I guess growth could cause some problems but we will see.

ZILtoid1991, in /kbin Issues
@ZILtoid1991@kbin.social avatar

I have an issue with creating threads on federated magazines, it does not appear on the remote server, but does here.


I have this issue, I realise. Is this a Kbin thing or a federation thing?

@ZILtoid1991@kbin.social avatar

I can safely comment on federated instances.


Yea, comments aren't an issue, but my recent threads aren't going through, it seems. Which is weird, because I know I've posted weeks before and it was fine.

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