Fedia submissions stopped federating out again?

I've noticed that recent submissions made in both @LoLFanArt and @FloatingIsFun don't seem to have federated out:


Both magazines had a post within the last 24 hours (one by me, one by another user). Issue with Fedia or mbin?

@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

Ah, so it wasn't just me? I thought I must have done something weird with my formatting to mess up federation. Since the post you mentioned, this has happened on two more posts with images and a link post. I'm not trying to break Fedia, I promise!

@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

Ah, so it wasn't just me? I thought I must have done something weird with my formatting to mess up federation. Since the post you mentioned, this has happened on two more posts with images and a link post. I'm not trying to break Fedia, I promise!

I left that comment five hours ago and it didn't federate either. I can see it on Fedia but not on Kbin.social. I thought comments always federated, but maybe not? It looks like there's another bug to squash somewhere. @jerry and @melroy have been doing an amazing job running a cool social media platform to run on this cursed code base.

@jerry@fedia.io avatar

I think the issue now is with the containerized version of mbin. I tried saving money by running it in my container host, but it's clear to me that is not going to work out. So I will be rolling it back to a bare metal server :/

@MHLoppy@fedia.io avatar

Sorry to contribute to the ruination of your server-consolidation dreams 😢

@jerry@fedia.io avatar

I am going to wait till it happens again and try to debug. I really don’t want another $100/month server bill if I can avoid it

@MHLoppy@fedia.io avatar

I can give you a quick yell on infosec.exchange the next time I notice it!

@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

Me too. Next time I notice something I post doesn't federate, I'll give you a shout out on infosec.exchange if it's easier for you.

@jerry@fedia.io avatar

That would be great. Thank you!

@jerry@fedia.io avatar

ok - it's fixed now. My apologies for the problems.

@kbal@fedia.io avatar

The more I see of its sysop the more I like this place. Thanks for keeping it all running.

Whilst it's on my mind can you recommend a place to report general mbin bugs? It doesn't seem able to see m/baduk@lemmy.ml and a few others I've noticed. Neither was kbin until recently.

@jerry@fedia.io avatar

My best recommendation is to create issues in their github repo here: https://github.com/MbinOrg/mbin/issues

@MHLoppy@fedia.io avatar


@jerry@fedia.io avatar

I am working with the most excellent mbin team trying to figure out why this is happening...

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