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magic_lobster_party, 4 months ago to quarks in In honor of the late William Anders, here's a really great video on the "Earthrise" photo and how improbable it is that we have it at all There’s nothing wrong with wanting a short TL;DW summary. I’ve already seen the video a while ago, but I don’t remember all the exact details.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting a short TL;DW summary. I’ve already seen the video a while ago, but I don’t remember all the exact details.
magic_lobster_party, 4 months ago to quarks in In honor of the late William Anders, here's a really great video on the "Earthrise" photo and how improbable it is that we have it at all When the internet is riddled with clickbait and sensational headlines, we’re getting quite protective of where we want to put our attention.
When the internet is riddled with clickbait and sensational headlines, we’re getting quite protective of where we want to put our attention.
magic_lobster_party, 4 months ago to quarks in In honor of the late William Anders, here's a really great video on the "Earthrise" photo and how improbable it is that we have it at all Why spend 15 minutes to get the answer when it can be explained in a few paragraphs?
Why spend 15 minutes to get the answer when it can be explained in a few paragraphs?