
Hey OP, thanks a lot for making this post! I appreciate you giving me an outlet for my mental illness the opportunity to let you, and any other users here, know that I actually really prefer graphic novels.

OP, would you kindly consider adapting the information presented in this video into a graphic novel (in color, of course) so I can consume the infoyou found interesting in my preferred format? Also, one of my cousins is deaf , so could you make a copy of the graphic novel in sign language, too?

I hope it’s as interesting as I imagine. I haven’t clicked on it yet since I don’t want to spoil anything in the graphic novel adaptation

Sorry. Just having fun. Some people on this site are legit interesting characters, to put it nicely

Corgana, avatar
ValueSubtracted, avatar

Could someone please adapt this video into a full-length stage musical? That’s the only type of content I consume so it’s only reasonable for someone to do this for me.

Corgana, avatar

This is a great comment! I appreciate you mentioning your favorite form of content!

I’m going to go ahead and let OP know what my preferred format is so they can keep in mind in the future, as well


One useful function for AI would be to watch YouTube videos and extract any useful information into concise paragraphs. I am looking to be informed, not entertained.

Corgana, (edited ) avatar

sir this is a wendys


I am saying I am not watching the video. I would prefer a tight paragraph or two about whatever the videographer thinks are the extraordinary circumstances.

Corgana, avatar

I know what you are saying, and I fully support you in your mission to consume content faster, it’s just got nothing to do with the topic of this thread.


Well how else would they make your post about themselves? I mean, would they even feel superior if they hadn’t bother to comment


you can keep using tiktok and melt your brain with 10 videos per minute then


Not sure if you’re mostly joking but TT has tons of long-form content as well. It’s one of the main reasons I don’t use it - all my recommendations are super interesting 7+ min videos (I think I get too anxious to open the app knowing it’s going to open up to some super in-depth breakdown on a very specific topic. It’s insane how good their algorithm is. It practically never misses



Corgana, (edited ) avatar

my dude it is a youtube video and I am not chatgpt


Why spend 15 minutes to get the answer when it can be explained in a few paragraphs?

Corgana, (edited ) avatar

the answer to what?


Most people don’t like a paragraph worth of information being stretched out into a 14 minute video. Luckily someone already provided the info in another comment.


Because the video is nice in and of itself. You do you though, no one’s forcing you to do anything.


There’s nothing wrong with wanting a short TL;DW summary. I’ve already seen the video a while ago, but I don’t remember all the exact details.

frauddogg, avatar

I’m convinced this is what death of attention span looks like


Death of attention span is real but not wanting to listen to ten minutes of bullshit waffle, please like and subscribe, for two minutes of information is not it.

frauddogg, avatar

That could be someone’s creative output. Hell, that could be the paycheck someone’s eating off of-- and you and others like you out here “can it be condensed? I rly don’t wanna hear it”. If it’s not death of attention span, then it’s atomized, anti-social fuckshit; so either way this ain’t the defense strat you think it is


Ok? We’re not obligated to watch stuff just because it’s someone’s creative output. We don’t owe this person a paycheck through YouTube ads. Everyone’s got the right to have the necessities of life but that’s got nothing to do with this. Different people have different interests, and someone who’s really into this subject or this creator might want to watch the whole thing, but not everyone has to.

frauddogg, (edited ) avatar

It’s the principle of the thing. You clearly have the free-time, otherwise you wouldn’t be here. You clearly have the interest, otherwise you wouldn’t be in this thread. And yet, you demand an abridging of someone’s creative output to suit your entitlement. Tfu.

If you only have the time to demand abridgings of people’s work, maybe you shouldn’t be on this site. I’m sure twitter or reddit would be more your speed.

Corgana, (edited ) avatar

Nobody is obligating anyone to watch this video.


When the internet is riddled with clickbait and sensational headlines, we’re getting quite protective of where we want to put our attention.

frauddogg, avatar

Still not a defense for demanding abridgings to suit one’s entitlement. If I think something is sensationalized or clickbait, I move the fuck on without demanding somebody else play stenographer for me.


No it you’re sensitive af, just don’t respond next time.

Corgana, avatar

tf u smoking? that dude responded to me


Tf you smoking, he wasn’t asking you directly. That’s not how these platforms work. Go outside you’ll feel better.


Basically they weren’t originally planning on taking a photo of earth from the moon. The fact that they even had a camera was due to interest from a few astronauts in the earlier missions. The camera had its viewfinder stripped to save weight, so the astronauts couldnt see what they were filming. On that mission they were only planning to take photos of the moon’s surface. And then they decided in the moment as the earthrise happened, that it needed to be photographed, and out of tons of shots they only got one clear image.

Maybe a little clickbaity but “It’s highly imporbable that they got this shot” doesn’t ring the same


Brilliant, thanks.


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