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gravitas_deficiency, (edited ) in "For All Mankind" season ending coming up - Star Trek fan thoughts?

I would love to see the show ultimately evolve into hard sci fi extra-solar c-fractional exploration and colonization, complete with relativistic time dilation and the personal, societal, and governmental consequences thereof.

I don’t think it would be a good idea to introduce FTL (or even artificial gravity beyond spin and thrust, as they do now) to the show at any point, and I hope they don’t eventually do that.

@NovaPrime@lemmy.ml avatar

Starting next season: Ed becomes a brain in a jar and gets a shiny new robot body. Proceeds to guide humanity into a golden era of galaxy exploration and cooperation. 20 seasons later, humanity has evolved to the point of no longer needing physical form. The entire universe has been explored and catalogued. Only Ed Baldwin-bot remains in corporeal form.


A few thousand years later, Ed decides to create 20 18 superhuman clones of himself, and things start to get pretty grimdark.

Shadow, in "For All Mankind" season ending coming up - Star Trek fan thoughts?
@Shadow@lemmy.ca avatar

Hi Bob!


Hi Bob.

HedonismB0t, in "For All Mankind" season ending coming up - Star Trek fan thoughts?

Sadly the show has been on a deteriorating track as far as plot holes, bad science, bad character aging (or lack of), and massive continuity errors, but somehow I just keep watching it like a car crash. The writers do a great job with character development and interpersonal relationships, but it’s like there’s no script supervisor looking at it with an eye for plot holes and disconnects from physical reality.


The writing surely goes for high amp drama

downpunxx, in "For All Mankind" season ending coming up - Star Trek fan thoughts?
@downpunxx@kbin.social avatar

For All Mankind is the best actual science fiction show on television, hands down, bar none. For the uninitiated think The Martian, but where the space race never ended, because Russia landed on the moon first. It's so good, I hope it never ends


I canceled apple TV because of so many issues on a non-apple browser, and the struggle to do THAT makes me reluctant to sign back up.

I’d almost do that for this show.

neuracnu, in "For All Mankind" season ending coming up - Star Trek fan thoughts?
@neuracnu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I’ve been a huge FAM fan from the beginning primarily for the show’s potential.

Seasons 2 and 3 featured some interpersonal plot twists and astonishingly ridiculous plot choices (avoiding spoilers) that made the show nearly insufferable.

Season 4 seems to have gotten things back on track for the most part. There is still a hint of ridiculousness going on, but I’m mostly satisfied.

At the same time, I wish the show was allowed to jettison some of the pulpy elements and have a bit more auteur flare. But it’s so rare to actually see a television show that’s this ambitious actually make it a few seasons that I hesitate to ask for more.

@StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website avatar

Loved season one. Had a major WTF reaction to a development in season two and hoped it would never be referenced again. But nope.

I bailed one third through season three. The one storyline involving an unlikable character’s unhealthy obsession just became too much.

If you tell me that season four gets away from that, I might be willing to finish season three (fast forwarding through the obession-related scenes).

@khaosworks@startrek.website avatar

I think I know what you’re talking about and the end of Season 3 resolves that character’s story.

@neuracnu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Oof. I don’t have good news for you on the Season 3 front.


remains a central figure throughout the season and is permitted to do more-different hair-brained things as well, which is both annoying to suffer though and awkward to fast-forward over without also missing exposition. There’s still a lot of genuinely interest stuff that happens in season 3 and somehow made the experience worth it, but wow, not by much. I was REALLY happy to see that S4 got itself right-sided again.

halcyoncmdr, in NASA’s Artemis mission to take humans back to the Moon has been delayed until 2025

SpaceX will be colonizing Mars before Artemis launches at the rate of all these delays.

@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

Assuming they can keep Spaceship from exploding.

Not that these sorts of things should be rushed but there are only four surviving Apollo astronauts that walked on the surface, and it would be really special if they could all witness it again.


The last time we rushed things the Challenger exploded


It’s not like SpaceX is making anything on time. They were supposed to be to Mars years ago and they can’t even get the starship to not explode.


That was damn near 40 years ago. You’d think they’d have figured some shit out by now.

@MushuChupacabra@lemmy.world avatar

That’s why we need visionaries such as yourself to cut the red tape and redundancies in Big Idea builds like a spaceship to bring humans to the moon. Or vessels for manned deep sea exploration.


At least the Artemis astronauts won’t be going to their death


SpaceX being behind schedule is one of the major reasons for this delay…


No it isn’t. This delay is directly related to Artemis II, which uses an Orion capsule on SLS.

SpaceX is providing a Super Heavy for HLS as part of Artemis III.


Whoops, you’re right, I guess they’re both delayed.


Nobody is sending people to Mars never mind colonizing it. Hopefully SpaceX/Starlink will fail before the make Earth’s orbit into a junkyard.

ghostblackout, in NASA’s Artemis mission to take humans back to the Moon has been delayed until 2025


bionicjoey, (edited ) in NASA’s Artemis mission to take humans back to the Moon has been delayed until 2025

Ha! First thing I thought of when seeing the headline: “Glad Destin got everyone’s attention.”

bl4ckblooc, in Survey reveals tough job market for Gen Z grads due to employer preferences

Companies: won’t hire college graduates Also Companies: “College graduates aren’t prepared for the workforce”


Also companies: you need to be a college graduate

Colleges: you give me money and I give you a piece of paper. You can get your education from YouTube.


You can get your education from YouTube.

That right there is a big part of the problem. Watching someone do something is not the same as knowing how to do that thing yourself. Especially when the youtuber is just some fuckup selling TV dinners.

GBU_28, (edited )

Both those clauses are in agreement…

Edit for the silly gooses:

Not hiring young folks and believing young folks aren’t prepared to be hired is consistent.


But then why forcing them to work at all?

KazuyaDarklight, in Survey reveals tough job market for Gen Z grads due to employer preferences
@KazuyaDarklight@lemmy.world avatar

I’ll acknowledge that 1-in-5 bring parents bit is pretty wild to me as I’m assuming it was more than just a ride.


1-in-5 of the survey respondents say they’ve seen a recent grad bring in a parent. That doesn’t mean 1-in-5 bring parents.


That doesnt even mean anyone brought in parents. Thats an easy lie that multiple managers Ive worked for would gleefully tell

@KazuyaDarklight@lemmy.world avatar

What’s the point of that lie though?


Reinforcing stereotypes they believe are true despite lack of evidence.

Like how these same people swore up and down that millenials were lazy, greedy, worthless members of society not 10 years prior. Wasnt true then, isnt true now, but I spent my working years getting an earful of “examples” of why millenials were awful workers.

@Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

I've interviewed more than five Gen Zers and none of them brought their parents


That doesn’t mean 1-in-5 bring parents. It means 1-in-5 interviewers have seen someone bring in a parent. If an interviewer has 500 interviews and 1 brings in a parent, that interviewer is one of the five who has seen a parent at an interview. Even though it was only 1 in 500 interviews for them, they’re still 1-in-5 interviewers.

Hell, it could even be the same fucking parent at every interview, if it’s a small enough industry. Maybe that same college grad applied to all of the local jobs in the industry (because of course they did; it’s what they studied for) and so all the interviewers in that part of the industry have seen a parent at an interview. It’s still only the 1 parent, but all of the interviewers in the area have seen them, so they all report that they’ve seen a recent college grad bring a parent.

FuckyWucky, in Survey reveals tough job market for Gen Z grads due to employer preferences

Bullshit, they don’t want to hire because the economy is in the shitter. Just in 2021, corps were hiring college graduates like crazy.

@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

So the respondents were lying?


They are employers. If they say it’s because of the economy, it’ll fuck up the stonks further because the whole thing is vibes based.

They are known to lie. See Target shoplifting claims which turned out to be bullshit.

@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

Thank goodness we have you to tell us what’s real.

FuckyWucky, (edited )

Thank you, I’m so glad we have employers telling us the reason why they are not hiring is because they hate zoomers even though they also know zoomers will be an important market to sell their commodities to, which they can’t buy without a job.



If they cared about giving their employees enough money to buy extra things wages wouldn't have stagnated for decades.

@ShimmeringKoi@hexbear.net avatar

Consider the motivations of one internet commenter to lie, then weigh that against the motivations of an entire economic system predicated on finding excuses to underpay your labor force.


Thank goodness we have people willing to organically repeat what companies say with zero analysis, we don’t get enough of that in every major media outlet


Probably, yeah, its a survey with no stakes asking people to give unverified confirmation of biases and stereotypes that they likely want to support and proliferate.

Weird to take it without a pillar of salt.

@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

Seems to me that assuming it’s a flawed survey for no real reason is a confirmation of biases in and of itself…

@ShimmeringKoi@hexbear.net avatar

As opposed to assuming it’s flawless, which is the Smart and Unbiased thing to doso-true


You mean, beside the fact that I read almost this exact same survey a decade ago, saying almost the exact same thing about millenials? A thing proven to be untrue by the simple passage of time?

Or beside the long history going back to literal documents from the roman empire of older people calling the younger generation lazy, incompetent, and unfit to fill the shoes of the current “of age” generation? Despite this trend being wrong each and every time?

Or beside the fact that the survey has literally no way to back up its data as more than nonsense hearsay, and trusting it at all is inherently questionable?

Yeah man, Im the one with biases. Surely. No other explanation.


It’s impossible to create a survey that transmits people’s actual thoughts directly to you. Every single survey, ever, has flaws and biases. The game is figuring out the bias, how significant it is, and if you can get anything useful out of the results.

@bazingabrain@hexbear.net avatar

Are you geniunely trying to be an asshole? Curious, keep me posted.

Igotz80HDnImWinning, in Survey reveals tough job market for Gen Z grads due to employer preferences

*Boomers and older GenX with outdated value systems and brains addled by leaded gasoline are still in power but shouldn’t be



Who decides what is or is not an “outdated valued system”?

@leopardboy@midwest.social avatar

I think every single generation does that when they’re young. They freak out the old folks. Eventually they become the old folks, and then younger generations are freaking them out.

It’s like we forget how the boomers were criticized for their rock-n-roll music (huge amounts of panic). We forget that Gen X’ers were supposed to be a bunch of disaffected slackers. Rinse. Repeat.

It’s a choice to participate in the moral panic du jour, you know. I think Gen Z will end up being just fine, just like everyone else.

OpenStars, in Survey reveals tough job market for Gen Z grads due to employer preferences
@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

It is a sad fact that for-profit universities and colleges sometimes hand out degrees like candy, making them not worth the paper they are printed on. In essence they trade on their past reputations, hoping that nobody will notice. Well, people noticed. Students, after they start interviewing, often BEG their professors to actually teach them what they need to know. But they cannot, b/c, and I cannot state this hard enough, the purpose of a for-profit education system is not to teach, but to… can you guess what I am about to say… say it with me now… “just make profits”.

bigbluealien, in Survey reveals tough job market for Gen Z grads due to employer preferences
@bigbluealien@kbin.social avatar

"Small survey finds majority of employers looking for fresh graduates, though as would be expected most graduates need to develop professional skills. Sometimes weird people turn up to interviews, which is sad funny, and every now and then you hire someone who's a bad fit". This is normal

M500, in Survey reveals tough job market for Gen Z grads due to employer preferences

There are plenty of millennials looking for work. If I could hire someone with work experience or something with no experience, the choice is obvious.

Additionally, I have heard complaints about gen z from millennials and older. Even in my very very small business, gen z workers have been very unreliable.

The work they do is to make things, they are paid for the things they make. They are paid well above the market rate. Like significantly higher, but they still disappear for a month or two at a time without warning and don’t respond to messages.

There is always a final exam or family emergency. I don’t mind if they take time off, but c’mon. How many finals exams can you have per year.

So due to their lack of communication I often need to find people to replace them. Millennial workers are hard working and produce high quality work. They often over communicate.

So this is my perspective on the issue.

I do have some very good gen z workers and some bad millennial workers, but that is the exception.

@aaaaaaadjsf@hexbear.net avatar

So the millenial workers have had their spirits crushed, backs broken and expectations subverted to the point they’re considered “hard workers” now. I still remember when millenials were the ones considered lazy bums. Will only be another decade before gen Z become the “hard workers” and the next generation (I think it’s generation alpha) will be the “unreliable” ones. The cycle repeats infinitely under the current mode of production.


Yes. That’s called “climbing the ladder” or “having your spirits crushed”, same thing.

Old people don’t like when young people think they can start halfway up the ladder. It takes a few years before newbies learn that they don’t know everything and stop being insufferable pricks.


With 4 college semesters (two standard and two accelerated summer sessions) I’d say they could probably have a final exam at least once every 3 months.

I think it’s best we evaluate workers as individuals and leave ALL generational labeling out of it.


I remember this exact shite about millennials, a decade ago.

I will hear this exact same trite bullshit in a decade about the new generation.

It was made up bullshit then, its made up bullshit now. Put it back up your ass where you got it


College is practically a full time job so if you’re juggling classes and work sometimes classes take precedent. Final exam may be a lie, but being overwhelmed by the combined workload isn’t. Poor communication just comes with being young and figuring stuff out.

@bazingabrain@hexbear.net avatar

Youre expecting a lemmy user to actually learn???


I’m a millennial and it sounds just like me and the majority of people I know. A friend of mine just gave up during this Christmas because she wasn’t feeling well and her manager kept pressuring her and making her feel guilty. I can tell you my friend is a nice and honest woman, but this just scared her and made it even harder to return. She’s completely freaking out now and started drinking and it takes me a lot of effort to support her.

I’ve been there myself too. Loved my job. Perfect track record for a year. Then suddenly for a day I had 5 bosses, each giving me conflicting orders. I clearly communicated multiple times that it doesn’t work and that I need one boss. I’m sure that if they would’ve spoken to me as a human being that I would’ve continued. I cared and they didn’t.

But ya then the next day I was ready to go but at my door this powerful dread came over me and I simply froze. And then you just start feeling worse due to guilt and so on and it becomes harder to overcome that barrier. After a month I managed to finally overcome my fear and return to the same job with the same people! I’m still proud of that. Unfortunately there was a lingering resentment from my manager’s side. I decided to move and do something else, eventhough I loved that job and I was good at it.

It’s not a comment on you, because I wasn’t there. But in all the situations this happened to my friends and me it was always due to a lack of half decent communication. One could argue that a manager should be good at listening.


How could anyone outwork a millennial? If you shower us with praise we will literally die at our desk

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

There is always a final exam […] How many finals exams can you have per year.

I mean not every course has the same structure but I had about 12 per year.

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