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FaceDeer, in Admirals in The Orville are much better than Star Trek admirals.
@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

Indeed, this is one of the areas where Star Trek has consistently fallen short of its "Utopian future" ideal. I understand that it's often done for storytelling purposes, but Orville shows how that's an unnecessary shortcut - it's still possible to write compelling stories and have the hero be a hero even if his superior officers are actually competent and in his corner.

mynameisjeff, in Admirals in The Orville are much better than Star Trek admirals.
@mynameisjeff@lemmy.world avatar

Never watched Star Trek but in The Orville, it is explained that you get promoted to the higher job if you have a lot of honor and respect from society

So yeah I don’t see how a corrupt politician could rose to admiral. They should either be military expert that already proven great success at a lower rank or as you said ancient captain.

One day we will probably have an episode one day with all the higher ups to see their struggle when they where younger, like a big battle flash back or something like that, it would be cool

@Neato@kbin.social avatar

if you have a lot of honor and respect from society

Isn't that just populism? Do they measure "honor and respect" differently than just "is popular"?

mvirts, in Admirals in The Orville are much better than Star Trek admirals.

The Orville is great, I really hope they make more


I’d say season 3 wraps things up pretty well for the show’s finale. But yeah, I’d love to have season 4, see what new major problems are going to be introduced.

ptz, in Admirals in The Orville are much better than Star Trek admirals.
@ptz@dubvee.org avatar

Yeah, they borrowed a lot from Trek lore, but thankfully they seem to have left the “badmiral” trope in the cutting room with the transporters. Both of which I appreciate they omitted.

The first time I watched through The Orville, every time one of the admirals was on screen, I was like, “What’s your angle?” and just generally distrustful. Even Victor Garber, you might ask? Especially Victor Garber.


If you think transporters are bullshit, wait until you hear about subspace.

teft, in WGA Strike To Officially End At Midnight As Guild Leaders Approve Tentative Deal With Big Gains
@teft@startrek.website avatar
Vode_An, in WGA Strike To Officially End At Midnight As Guild Leaders Approve Tentative Deal With Big Gains

The leadership approved it, as the rail strikes proved, this means nothing. I await the outcome of the rank and file (aka people that actually matter) weighing in.

@StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website avatar

$16,000 for the credited writer of a one hour episode of a ‘big budget series’ of $30 million or more seems incredibly low. Most writers get only one or two script credits out of a 10 episode season, and many EPs take shared credit with the junior writers in the room.

And the rates for streaming residuals seem to be based on domestic uptake in the first 3 months, ignoring ‘sleepers’ and shows that sell well globally. All to say, this doesn’t get around the ‘Suits’ problem.

Yes, the writers get a base pay for being in the room, but it’s still not a lot out of a major property.

Who can live in LA on a couple of script credits a year?


More concerning is that none of the press releases mention the whole AI/LLM issue, is the part that has if not won has truly dystopian possibilities.


Always said to see new headlines pushing the narrative that the strikes over just because there's a proposal. Until the rank and file vote, calling it a tentative deal seems like an overstatement that only serves to build the narrative to attack the workers later when they don't accept it. Use headlines to oversell how good the deal is, act like it's over, and then blame the workers when they don't accept a mediocre deal.


But the leadership is put in place by the rank and file, with the assumption that they are negotiating on their behalf. If leadership accepts it is very likely everyone goes with it.


final approval is the safeguard against a bad deal. I also trust the rank and file to understand their own interests, there is also the possibility they’ve truly won a good deal. I’m mostly concerned with the lack of statements about AI concerns that were a part of the reason for the strike.

@khaosworks@startrek.website avatar

It’s in this article:

Under the terms of the agreement, “AI can’t write or rewrite literary material, and AI-generated material will not be considered source material” under the contract, meaning that AI-generated material can’t be used to undermine a writer’s credit or separated rights.

The summary notes: “A writer can choose to use AI when performing writing services, if the company consents and provided that the writer follows applicable company policies, but the company can’t require the writer to use AI software (e.g., ChatGPT) when performing writing services.”

The company also must disclose to the writer if any materials given to the writer have been generated by AI or incorporate AI-generated material, and the WGA says that it “reserves the right to assert that exploitation of writers’ material to train AI is prohibited by MBA or other law.”

MTLion3, in FCC details plan to restore the net neutrality rules repealed by Ajit Pai

Man was a cancer on the internet - glad they’re trying to repeal his shit.

108, in FCC details plan to restore the net neutrality rules repealed by Ajit Pai
@108@kbin.social avatar

Should have been done already.

@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

💯 Didn’t have the votes until now according to the article though.

Lenny, in FCC details plan to restore the net neutrality rules repealed by Ajit Pai

Fuck Ajit.

@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar


With his stupid, punchable face and outrageously large coffee mug.


Oh god, I forgot about the mug. I unfortunately still have a partial memory of the cringe video they released.

Maoo, in CNN analysis of WGA strike outcomes and impact
@Maoo@hexbear.net avatar


This is the typical anti-union shlock that wants you to think of yourself as a consumer rather than a fellow worker. They even assert the tired cliche, “the strike might make your [X] more expensive!”, entirely without evidence, which is literally management’s line. They then proceed to quote several executives/business ghouls and their opinions without critically examining them. Not a single union voice was cited.

Every victory for worker solidarity benefits everyone else - everyone except the execs, of course.

@StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website avatar

I think this is a misread. Management is getting the blame in this article for making everyone worse off including themselves.

The unions aren’t being blamed at all in this for the strike. If anything their commitment is credited with bringing AMPTP back to the table early.

The article links back to earlier reports from May that AMPTP had a deliberate union-breaking strategy, and planned to refuse to negotiate or to come to the table before late October.

It’s not anti union to point out how management bad faith behaviour and refusal to negotiate is negative for an industry and the broader economy that surrounds it.

Strikes are a blunt and costly tool, but an essential tool. When they last for months as this one has, and one party has been refusing to negotiate on many terms for even months before the strike, everyone in the industry suffers. One of the key points in this article is that AMPTP has managed to lose the PR war of this strike, as they very much deserved.

CNN has been consistently reporting on how the AMPTP has been refusing to bargain, and it’s in this context that it’s weighing the costs of the strike. In comparison to the Hollywood-based media that are owned by the content conglomerates (e.g., Deadline) this is much more neutral reporting.

@Maoo@hexbear.net avatar

Management is getting the blame in this article for making everyone worse off including themselves.

Anti-union shlock includes chiding management for not succeeding at various goals. An anti-union lawyer could’ve written this article, for how it reads.

The unions aren’t being blamed at all in this for the strike. If anything their commitment is credited with bringing AMPTP back to the table early.

I pointed out that the framing is inherently anti-union, emphasizing readers’ status as consumers rather than fellow workers. When strikes are framed entirely by their costs to you, it already sets up the union and workers to implicitly take blame. The last section is literally titled, “the consumer”. The last sentence is, “The real bottom line: We’re all almost certainly going to be asked to pay more for what we watch, wherever and however we watch it.”

Where is the heading, “the fellow worker”?

This is in every union buster’s handbook. It happens all the time. There are actual several framings of this vein throughout the article. Another is claiming that there will be less money to go around after the strike/TA, literally in one of those lopsided quotes from management and then uncritically repeated by the author two paragraphs later.

I’m not seeing anything in the article about bringing AMPTP back to the table early.

The article links back to earlier reports from May that AMPTP had a deliberate union-breaking strategy, and planned to refuse to negotiate or to come to the table before late October.

Links back to a previous article of someone from management anonymously saying they wanted to bleed the unions with a longer strike, yes. The only commentary made by the author is the claim that it didn’t work (obvious, since there’s a TA), that it ended up being bad PR. Also a good example of the light chiding a union-busting lawyer might give, lol. Though to be clear, it may not have backfired at all. Attempting to threaten and/or scare striking workers, to decrease their morale, is always in the playbook, and I’ve never seen management lose an opportunity to lie in order to achieve this. The union will usually use it as an example of how shit management is and try to rally against it even when it succeeded in scaring and demotivating a large chunk of the workers. I’ve seen it happen many times.

I don’t think the author is knowledgeable enough nor intentionally acting like a lawyer for studio execs, I think he’s just repeating framings handed down to him by those execs - framings that went through their lawyers. What he is guilty of is using, almost exclusively, their framings.

It’s not anti union to point out how management bad faith behaviour and refusal to negotiate is negative for an industry and the broader economy that surrounds it.

The article doesn’t say that.

Strikes are a blunt and costly tool, but an essential tool. When they last for months as this one has, and one party has been refusing to negotiate on many terms for even months before the strike, everyone in the industry suffers.

Incorrect. Execs never suffer, they just see slightly less good numbers in a war chest. Striking workers face hardship, yes, but then when they win, which requires sticking out long strikes, they receive all the benefits. It’s only the “consumer” that “suffers” the aftermath. See how the framing has gotten to you!? The tropes come for all of us, which is why we have to practice recognizing and opposing them.

One of the key points in this article is that AMPTP has managed to lose the PR war of this strike, as they very much deserved.

Yes, which reads like a friendly chiding of an ally’s loss. Really, I think the author is just lazy and either doesn’t know how to analyze the issue or avoided doing it, instead relying on lines from management.

CNN has been consistently reporting on how the AMPTP has been refusing to bargain, and it’s in this context that it’s weighing the costs of the strike. In comparison to the Hollywood-based media that are owned by the content conglomerates (e.g., Deadline) this is much more neutral reporting.

CNN is corporate garbage that must be consumed with a very critical lens.

StillPaisleyCat, in Sources (likely AMPTP) say ‘final deal’ sent to WGA for consideration
@StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website avatar

Here’s a bit more cautious perspective in a round up of reports from The Daily Beast:

But sources familiar with the matter told NBC News, Variety, and The Hollywood Reporter on Saturday that one major sticking point was the language surrounding the use of artificial intelligence. According to Variety, those negotiations had largely come down to matters of fine print, signaling that a breakthrough may be close.

But sources familiar with the matter told NBC News, Variety, and The Hollywood Reporter on Saturday that one major sticking point was the language surrounding the use of artificial intelligence. According to Variety, those negotiations had largely come down to matters of fine print, signaling that a breakthrough may be close.

oscardejarjayes, in Where do you fall politically?

I’m an anarchist, and very much into industrial unions.


anarcho syndicalist?


That would probably be an accurate description of me, but I think simply “Anarchist” has wider implications. I do more than unions and I think eco-anarchism and popular assemblies might possibly be a more effective path towards the eradication of unjust hierarchies.

xusontha, in WGA and Studio CEOs Near Deal Finish Line, Working On Fine Print

Finally, hopefully the deal is good for the WGA and the studios realize maybe they should actually pay their workers well

This also means we’re one step closer to SNW S3 (and the fixing of that dastardly cliffhanger)

@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

With luck, this means they’re also willing to negotiate with the actors.


Hopefully it’ll be like dominos, where they’ll lead into each other and help each other

@StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website avatar

The article mentions that the SAG-AFTRA negotiators and leads have been kept in the brief by WGA.

So, it sounds as though the writers have been conscious of the precedents they’re setting and there shouldn’t be surprises when the negotiations move onto the actors.

Grownbravy, in Where do you fall politically?
@Grownbravy@hexbear.net avatar

Some form of militant communist.

culpritus, in Where do you fall politically?
@culpritus@hexbear.net avatar

Centrist communist. I think MLs and Anarchists have useful ideas about making the world better. I’m leaning more ML lately mostly due to learning about the oppressive history of western capitalist interests, and how pacifist approaches have repeatedly failed to survive.


im a centrist, not too far left (mao-wave) and not too far right (deng-smile), just in the moderate centre (xi-clap)

@CommieGabredabok@hexbear.net avatar

Also centrist, not too far left ( bordiga-despair) and not too far right ( chad-trotsky) , just in the moderate centre ( stalin)


TBF to old trot, idk if he’s ultra left or a right deviationist because he was such an opportunist that he fluctuated on which side of the opposition he worked with. He just went with whatever side had more leverage opposing Stalin that day.

@CommieGabredabok@hexbear.net avatar

true dat. Trot is definitely not an ultra left, and you are correct on his opportunism fluctuating on whatever would oppose Stalin – to the point of supporting terrorism

@IceWallowCum@hexbear.net avatar

Yeah, I think some form of Anarchisms are the more-than-long goal for many places, but the early stages, with capitalists fighting to keep power, definately still need strong and organized defense forces, and a state is probably the best way of doing that.

The overabundance of essential resources that communism aims at will probably allow for groups of all sizes to organize as they wish/need

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