bloopernova, avatar

I wish Jesus was real so he could visit this hateful harridan and tell her just how badly she misinterpreted his teachings.

Tigbitties, avatar

If Jesus came back the same people that rever him would nail him back on the cross and tell him to shut the fuck up.

st3ph3n, avatar

they'd consider him a woke commie libtard.

magnetosphere, avatar

Fine. Let her appeal. I’ll enjoy reading about her losing again.


Folks, pay attention. This is how long the gears of justice take to turn. This couple was wronged almost 10 years ago and only now are they getting some compensation.

Do not let these people into power, their atrocities will be dust in the wind by the time they face a jury.


One thing I love about the GOP is to see them constantly abandon their pawns. Kim Davis, Joe the Plumber, Kyle Rittenhouse, etc.... All of these people were mainstage for their 15 minutes of fame and the moment the GOP had wrung them out for all the outrage bait they can generate, they get left in the deep end to fend for themselves.

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