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FriendOfElphaba, in Disney CEO says company will 'quiet the noise' in culture wars

Oh, fuck these companies.

I really hope their employees push back on this bullshit.


Media companies should just focus on making high quality entertainment instead of preaching politics. I think it's obvious the damage it's done to their brand by not adhering to that principle.

ampersandrew, avatar

Is it? It's obvious that it upset the people who run the state of Florida, but high quality entertainment very frequently comes bundled with some kind of politics, because that entertainment is usually a snapshot of the feelings of the people in the age that created it. I'm not sure which properties you find preachy, but the last thing I remember conservatives being upset about was a gay kiss in a Buzz Lightyear movie or something.


Disney knew what they were doing and that it went too far or they wouldn't have made this statement. The company never cared about LGBTQ, diversity or feminism, they were just pandering and it backfired.

ampersandrew, avatar

They knew that they were implementing a gay kiss because there's such a thing as gay couples in the world? Including parents of plenty of kids who'd go to see that movie? What part was too far?

PenguinJuice, (edited )

If I were to guess, people have a problem with sexuality and what they consider advanced sexual topics, on the nose diversity, and feminism at the cost of incompetent or subservient male characters being in their family films.

I think people prefer content such as Toy Story, Bugs Life, Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, etc. These were good films that had a universal, moral message without having to do with politics or controversies.

ampersandrew, avatar

Is it an advanced sexual topic when a hetero married couple, like a child protagonist's parents, have a similar quick peck on the lips? Because if so, that seems overly prudish, and if not, the people who have a problem with it can grow up. To my knowledge, having not seen the movie, that kiss was really only showing that they had someone important in their lives, and I know that Bo Peep could get away with kissing Woody in Toy Story 1 with no controversy at all. There's also still politics within Monsters Inc and Finding Nemo without looking very hard, and I seem to remember the extremely political Wall-E being wildly popular with audiences and critics, even if I didn't care for it.


It's okay to be prudish when it comes to families and children. They don't need to grow up. If you want to make movies that are not overly prudish and targeted at children you are more than welcome to. No one is stopping you.

ampersandrew, avatar

Disney movies have had pecks on the lips since the beginning of time. Presumably these children's parents kiss in front of them the same way all the time.



ampersandrew, avatar

I mean, yeah, the happy marriages.

TipRing, avatar

Sleeping Beauty was a racy sexual culture war statement.

Itty53, avatar

He's a fascist troll. Block him. Check his history. Classic "rack up reputation in game subs and then spam right wing hate speech everywhere else". Dude is a total fash troll, again, block him. Fedi works best when we block those guys because just responding to them is spreading their messages through your network.


Agreed. These people are psychotic fascists that need to push their sexual obsessions onto children or "they will die." It's sickening. I'm glad this site is not a reflection of the real world.



Itty53, avatar

Bo Peep and Woody flirting isn't universal ... and being unwed, the sexual innuendo presents a double standard. But that's not politics to you.

But make her a him, call him Beau Peep and change nothing else in the same sentence? "Politics". Ugh.


And yet you didn't see parents complaining about hetero couples kissing... 🤔

This is 100% a bigotry issue, they're just using sexuality as their cudgel to attack the LGBT+ community.


Showing two people kissing is, “going too far” and “pushing politics” only to fascists like you.


The vast majority clearly agree otherwise Disney wouldn't be in such financial trouble.

AngrilyEatingMuffins, (edited )

holy shit the brainwashing is in real. "such financial trouble" DISNEY?!


jesus christ you are too stupid and susceptible to be allowed to exist uncritically in society. straight up.

market cap of 170 billion fucking dollars

fucking nazis are too comfortable. doesn't even deny being a fascist. time to arm the fuck up again, kids.


Lmao they are definitely in financial trouble. They've admitted it themselves and this statement is clearly a result of their financial troubles. Keep dreaming though. If this direction was so profitable then they wouldn't be publicly making this statement.

roofuskit, avatar

When two straight people kiss in a movie does that mean a company is pushing "the straight agenda"?




Ah yes. Media companies should produce stories with literally no point or purpose! Just like they always have!


They are more than welcome to, but clearly there isn't a large enough audience who wants to see those types of movies, let alone subject their children to it.


Representation is incredibly important.

If your solution is don’t show gay couples because it upsets homophobic people then that’s fucking stupid.

Black people had to fight a similar battle to be included in the media. Should they have bent to the racists as well in your opinion?

We know the racists are on the wrong side of history. And anyone sensible knows homophobes and transphobes are as well.

be_excellent_to_each_other, avatar

Remember folks, there's one cultural detail you can already see emerging at mastodon, firefish, bluesky, lemmy, kbin, beehaw, etc. A much more vocal advocacy for "block first, ask questions later."

Don't engage. Block. Let the fascist bigots find themselves with no one to talk to but each other.

In the old days we called that "don't feed the trolls."


Yes. If they won't let us have the children like we want, we must silence them!

FfaerieOxide, in A Decongestant in Cold Medicines Doesn’t Work at All, an F.D.A. Panel Says. The panel’s vote tees up a likely decision by the agency on whether to essentially ban the ingredient, phenylephrine. avatar

Just put pseudoephedrine back over the counter again. Christ.

bloopernova, avatar

But someone might make a tiny amount of meth. Therefore everyone must suffer.

Itty53, avatar

therefore everyone must suffer

You do realize you can walk right up to that counter, point to the good stuff, and they'll just give it to you right?

They didn't just put it behind the counter to be pretty back there.

FfaerieOxide, avatar

You do realize you can walk right up to that counter, point to the good stuff, and they'll just give it to you right?

Not after 9.


Just put pseudoephedrine back over the counter again. Christ.

Absolutely. Pseudoephedrine is the real cold medicine. People were saying from the start that phenylephrine didn't work. I almost never used it.

bloopernova, in Kim Davis is ordered to pay $100,000 to same-sex couple she denied marriage license avatar

I wish Jesus was real so he could visit this hateful harridan and tell her just how badly she misinterpreted his teachings.

Tigbitties, avatar

If Jesus came back the same people that rever him would nail him back on the cross and tell him to shut the fuck up.

st3ph3n, avatar

they'd consider him a woke commie libtard.

ImplyingImplications, in US mother sentenced to two years in prison for giving daughter abortion pills

Two years is probably worth it when the alternative was being forced to raise a grandchild she did not want for the next 18+ years

tsonfeir, avatar

Everything about this comment is depressing.


You mean like how individuals are supposedly forced to raise their grandchildren for 18+ years?

In the US you aren’t even forced to raise your own children, you can surrender them to the state if you really can’t take care of them.

Yeah, the dishonesty is depressing. Let’s just ignore that they are implying that a parent should be able to decide if their children reproduce, wouldn’t want people to become grandparents against their wishes!

tsonfeir, avatar

I mean, those are the two options. Jail or a life raising a kid no one wanted.


Yes, the only two options. You realise we are talking about grandparents? Grandparents have no innate legal guardianship over there grandchildren, it’s simply a social norm that they take care of them (often eagerly).

The second option isn’t even required of biological parents who are innate legal guardians let alone grandparents. I already said this once so the fact that you willfully ignored it is telling.

Also 18 years isn’t life, leave it to pro-abortion people to lie about the severity of everything simply to justify a personal convenience.

Nothing said here is true, and it’s so ironic that the Guardian makes a sob piece about this when what they did is illegal in most countries. (Including the UK where the Guardian is based).

tsonfeir, avatar

I’m a little bit confused, which side are you on?


The side of reality? Even if you support an outcome, you are under zero obligation to support everything that leads to that outcome either directly or incidentally.

It may be a fact that the Earth is somewhat spherical, but someone that comes to this conclusion using astronomical data is not equivalent to someone to determines that the Earth is a sphere because oranges are also spheres.

Even if you support the pro-choice position it’s easy to see that many claims and assumptions made are simply false. This is true for essentially every commonly held belief, the vast majority of people couldn’t even develop the scientific method independently.

tsonfeir, avatar

Still confused, and it sounds like you’re being purposefully vague.

Be more specific:

Should the person go to jail? Yes or no.

Are you for or against a woman’s ability to have an abortion? For or against


I’m actually not being purposely vague, you can tell pretty easily. The fact is that it doesn’t matter, so long as the actual criticism is valid.

“Should the person go to jail”- legally, of course.

Practically, probably not. Even though it was a clearly premeditated action, people are simply more sympathetic to certain types of people. This is why people will save their friends before strangers, it is not a question of morality that determines if your friends are more valuable, it’s purely psychology. Likewise people are more concerned about the person they see complaining about a minor inconvenience than the death toll of a famine. People will always fall for a victimisation narrative (everyone on this post is doing just that) so long as the “victim” is more appealing to them. Adult humans are just simply more appealing than fetuses, so incidents like these serve to whip up a frenzy despite the fact that virtually everyone agrees with the moral arguments against late-term abortion. (The majority of people openly oppose it, and those that don’t probably agree with a formal description of the argument, and just want to white knight).

“For or against a woman’s ability to have an abortion”

Nobody has any right to take conscious action to deprive others of future conscious experience, so long as it does not deprive themselves of future conscious experience. This is a fairly succinct claim that addresses the permissibility of killing the temporarily comatose, the suicidal, and individuals with ambiguous self-worth. (None of it is permissible, and consequently neither is abortion of a healthy fetus).

tsonfeir, avatar

Got it. I don’t agree. Goodnight.


Of course you don’t agree, would I have said a word if you did?

Unlike you I find no utility in circle jerking over something I already believe with a group of other dishonest morons.

tsonfeir, avatar

Good thing you’re a minority. 🤪


I adore that you either didnt read or didn’t comprehend the first paragraph of the article and then twist it to fit into your delusions. Its really cute. No critical thinking skills, just vibes. What a life. Honestly enviable.

LinkOpensChest_wav, in A Decongestant in Cold Medicines Doesn’t Work at All, an F.D.A. Panel Says. The panel’s vote tees up a likely decision by the agency on whether to essentially ban the ingredient, phenylephrine. avatar

I feel validated. My doctor recommended taking it when I was congested, and I insisted that it never worked for me.

ono, in With democracy on the ballot, the mainstream press must change its ways

“We have to be truthful, not neutral,” she urged. “I would make sure that you don’t just give a platform … to those who want to crash down the constitution and democracy.”

The importance of this cannot be overstated. Here’s hoping the press rises to the challenge of responsible journalism.

sonori, avatar

Ohh great, we’re all gonna die.

Harlan_Cloverseed, in Pay Transparency Is Sweeping Across the US (Paywall) avatar

Please report companies when they are breaking this law! People think this is unenforceable, but that’s incorrect. Each state has a way to report law breaking companies. Lack of pay transparency causes substantial illegal discrimination against all different classes.

Harlan_Cloverseed, in Russell Brand accused of rape, sexual assaults and abuse avatar

This guy has always come off as a sociopath.

ripcord, avatar

And a semi-stipid person's idea of a smart person.

Half of what he says is gibberish, but he makes it sound smart.

HarkMahlberg, in Alex Jones spent over $93,000 in July. Sandy Hook families who sued him have yet to see a dime avatar

I keep a metal paint scraper in my car for one purpose and one purpose only: to scrape InfoWars stickers off of street signs.


Thankyou for your service o7

Madison_rogue, avatar

I keep a metal paint scraper in my car for one purpose and one purpose only: to scrape InfoWars stickers off of street signs.

Not the hero we need, but definitely the hero we deserve...

MrSpArkle, in Kim Davis is ordered to pay $100,000 to same-sex couple she denied marriage license

Folks, pay attention. This is how long the gears of justice take to turn. This couple was wronged almost 10 years ago and only now are they getting some compensation.

Do not let these people into power, their atrocities will be dust in the wind by the time they face a jury.

ulkesh, in Majority of Americans continue to favor moving away from Electoral College avatar

Ranked choice voting is what we need at all levels of government. But Republicans will never allow this, especially at the President level because they know it will lead to them never being elected again. And ratification of any possible amendment to the Constitution at this point in our history is so unlikely it’s probably easier to just attempt a coup again and continue the attacks on voting rights.

Perhaps in fifty years, if the US lasts that long.

silvershrimp0, avatar

We need a proportional system. Instant Runoff only provides a marginal improvement over the status quo.

JelloBrains, in Mastodon makes a major move amid Musk’s multiple messes avatar

The search function is nice and really appreciated. But, from my experience, the biggest problem with Mastodon is how much work you have to put into curating a feed, something traditional social media has done some of the work for you. I mean it's fairly simple once you get the hang of it, but a lot of people are used to having their hand held.

Also, I'm not looking to piss people off, but I think in terms of the users on the platform it is extremely progressive, and non-progressive people will be less likely to engage with that.


Or will change that. I suspect in their infancy most of the popular corporate owned social media platforms probably had a more left leaning clientele to begin with.

NataliePortland, in US military asks the public for help finding its missing F-35 fighter jet after its pilot had to eject while training over South Carolina avatar

What, this F35? No sir this one was mine already. Ya I’ve had her for years. Hang on a sec lemme ask my cousin if he’s seen yours around

Hey Greg!….

loobkoob, in Property developer Tim Gurner wants unemployment to "rise to 40-50%" reminding people that "they work for the employer, not the other way around" [video, 2 min] avatar

Personally, I'd like to see Tim Gurner's properties rise to a 40-50% vacancy rate to remind him that properties require people to be of any use or value.

I don't know how he thinks 40-50% unemployment rate would lead to a functional economy. If half the population can't afford to buy anything, does he really think that's going to be good for businesses? Unless he's an advocate for universal basic income, of course, but something tells me he's not...


he's an advocate for universal basic poverty

soratoyuki, (edited ) in 6 'Soldiers of Christ' members are in custody after a woman's body was found in a car trunk

"A police spokesperson said Friday that investigators believe they have arrested everyone who is involved and are not looking into Soldiers of Christ any further."

Not sure which prewritten response to choose from... Do I make a joke about how if we defund the police, there won't be any police around to decline to investigate possible human trafficking rings? Or do I make one about QAnon ignoring yet another case of human trafficking coming from there own bizarre christofascist orbit?

style99, avatar

Kinda hard to make a joke out of some psychos starving a poor woman to death and just leaving the body in the trunk of their car.

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