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lowdownfool, in Man who set fire to Planned Parenthood sentenced to 10 years in prison avatar

You mean "terrorist".

52fighters, avatar

That's what they called John Brown.


...are you seriously comparing someone who fought against slavery to someone who burned a place where women receive health care?

Fucking hell, enough internet for today.

52fighters, avatar

Are you able to offer a contrast against two people who oppose the commodification of human life?

lowdownfool, avatar

We get to use violence against those who "commodify human life"? Cool, let's take out people forcing women to be baby-making machines.

52fighters, avatar

I agree. That's why our society should take a much, much harder stance against rapists. The folks commodifying human life are the people who have turned abortion into an industry. But beyond that, a person who willfully engages in acts that are capable of producing new human life but with the plan to murder that life (painfully, if necessary) for the sake of lifestyle or convenience, are objectively immoral. These are the vast majority of abortions. No medical necessity. No rape. Lifestyle decisions after consenting to sex and either not using contraceptives or having a contraceptive failure. And these folks are the bread and butter for the abortion industry. Almost none of these clinics would be financially viable without this market segment.

lowdownfool, avatar

And these folks are the bread and butter for the abortion industry

Lie. Back that up with something. There is no abortion industry. There is a right-wing propaganda industry, though. Sounds like you're a customer.

not using contraceptives or having a contraceptive failure

The contraceptives that religous extremists try to limit or ban. You think we don't see this shit?

52fighters, avatar

Just do an overlay of the number of planned parenthood clinics and the abortion rate over time. They mirror very closely. Why? Because they are the opening pipeline to the abortion industry. But we also know they have a secondary market for dead babies [link].

The rest of your commend is just throwing mud to detract from the issue. The issue is lifestyle abortions. Instead of dealing with the fact that these are the vast majority of abortions and there is no moral reasons these abortions should exist, you try to detract to arguments about contraceptives that are not going anywhere because nobody is taking away anyone's access to condoms, the pill, or other popular non-abortive contraceptives. Did you want to deal with the fact that most of these abortions are without a question immoral lifestyle abortions?

lowdownfool, avatar

The issue is lifestyle abortions

No, it really is not. This is a manufactured outrage by your media overlords. The issue is women's health and autonomy (aka freedom).

52fighters, avatar

What we have is a situation with multiple, competing rights. The right to the right to a certain choice related to autonomy on one side and the right to life on the other. In a civilized society, when two rights come into conflict, we have DUE PROCESS to decide the issue. There is no due process. Nobody represents the right of the murdered children. There is no judge, jury, or tribunal. There is no effort to balance the rights of one against the rights of the other. The rights of one entirely trump the life of another. That's immoral, most especially when involving cases of lifestyle abortions.

lowdownfool, avatar

Funny how it's the people who aren't impacted that have a say in a woman's choice.

52fighters, avatar

That's about as bright as saying "Don't like slavery? Don't own slaves." There's another life whose value has been commodified and who is not represented in an essential question about their life.

lowdownfool, avatar

No, it's "IF YOU HAVE A PENIS GET THE FUCK OUT OF TELLING WOMEN WHAT TO DO WITH THEIR BODIES". End of story, get it through your thick dumbass skull.

52fighters, avatar

Your logic is so profound that no man could stop a woman from burning down an abortion clinic. After all, if you stop her or arrest her, you are infringing on her freedom of movement and self-agency.

lowdownfool, avatar

Just stop. We know you just want women to shut up, make your dinner, and be baby makers.

52fighters, avatar

All I want is for them to not be murderers and the industry that exists to support murder to be demolished. If they want to work, raise a family, remain single, go wondering around the mountains, or something else...whatever works for them.

CeruleanRuin, in U.S., Texas teacher fired for showing Anne Frank graphic novel to eighth-graders

Fuck Texas.

Audrey0nne, in U.S., Texas teacher fired for showing Anne Frank graphic novel to eighth-graders

Operation Paperclip was a resounding success and these are the fruits it bears.

LineNoise, in Conservative advocacy group targets race-based admissions at West Point -

Considering the US far right’s evident interest in insurrection it’s almost a little surprising this wasn’t the lead case. The more non-white military officers the more difficult it would be for US fascists to put together an openly white supremacist coup.


Not wanting race to be a factor in admissions is a conservative thing these days?

Clangbang, in Protester who held sign outside London climate trial prosecuted

As a Canadian with a similar legal system to the UK, I’m shocked reading about the judicial overreach of the UK government and their attempt to squash dissent.

It’s been over a decade of torie rule in the UK. It’s hard to imagine what would be required for enough people in the UK to vote them out if it hasn’t happened yet.

lowdownfool, in With democracy on the ballot, the mainstream press must change its ways avatar

I would like to hear from those that downvoted this: why do you support fascism?

End0fLine, in Scientists call for a tree planting drive to help tackle heat waves avatar

I would like to see more, but, at least in the US, they are getting started on doing this.

Announcement found here

I live in Texas and there are so many small towns that seemed to have forgotten trees exist outside of the trees planted in a private yard. I have only lived in Dallas as far as bigger cities go, but the trees are mostly located in the richer/older neighborhoods. Trees planted next to the curb and cared for by the city are almost non-existent.

ripcord, avatar

Trees and other plants are also, you know, excellent carbon capture systems.

roldyclark, avatar

So I got in an argument with a friend who thinks govt is useless. This is exactly the kind of source I’ve been looking for. Where do you keep up with official announcements like this?

readbeanicecream, avatar

@roldyclark @End0fLine

RSS is good place to start:

roldyclark, avatar

Nice. Brb gonna build a rss feed of all govt websites

readbeanicecream, avatar

@roldyclark @End0fLine Well, if you are interested in the US gov't:

    <outline title="Government" text="Government">
      <outline type="rss" xmlUrl=""/>
      <outline type="rss" xmlUrl=";Site=945&amp;max=10"/>
      <outline type="rss" xmlUrl=";ContentType=1&amp;Site=945"/>
      <outline type="rss" xmlUrl=";Site=945&amp;max=10"/>
      <outline type="rss" xmlUrl=""/>
      <outline type="rss" xmlUrl=""/>
      <outline type="rss" xmlUrl=""/>
      <outline type="rss" xmlUrl=""/>
      <outline type="rss" xmlUrl=""/>
      <outline type="rss" xmlUrl=""/>
      <outline type="rss" xmlUrl=";Site=1067&amp;max=10"/>
      <outline type="rss" xmlUrl=";Site=1067&amp;max=10"/>
      <outline type="rss" xmlUrl=""/>

roldyclark, avatar

Wow. You should publish this!

End0fLine, avatar

I have a particular interest in the heat-island effect so this kind of stuff is always on my radar. This one specifically however I stumbled upon by chance.

As for your friend, I don’t know if it is only a change once I got older, but you will almost never be able to change your friend’s mind. I’ve had conversations along those lines with libertarians many times and there is a distinct lack of logic when discussing government. It’s not worth your time. I may be a bit exhausted by politics after the last eight years.

roldyclark, avatar

Yeah you’re right. It’s an emotional thing that I won’t be able to argue against unfortunately.

Itty53, in Scientists call for a tree planting drive to help tackle heat waves avatar

This is important for managing heat on a human level in cities. So I'm not saying this is stupid.

But don't get this twisted: This is useless for addressing the climate change problem. It's not even a bandaid on a stab wound, this is equivalent to offering someone bleeding out a glass of warm water and fanning them with a brochure about new plastic doodads. A trillion trees planted tomorrow wouldn't even be a pebble on the pavement to that SUV flying down the fiery freeway.

HubertManne, in Why healthcare workers are worried about possible changes to masking protocols in hospitals avatar

All health care settings should require masks all around all the time at this point. It would be the best way to blunt spikes or new outbreaks without a more general mask mandates.

stopthatgirl7, in Scientists call for a tree planting drive to help tackle heat waves avatar

I really hope more cities do this.

Gorejelly, in With democracy on the ballot, the mainstream press must change its ways avatar

I don't understand why every news source has to give dump so much more time than anyone else. Who cares what he said this time. It's the same thing every time. I guess it gets them more views (by what metric? Nielson?). CNN even said after dump's first win that maybe they shouldn't have given him about triple the coverage of every other candidate from both sides combined. In the interim years, CNN has still had more dump than even the current president.

This is why I do not watch news anymore. But, it matters little. Humanity, please continue our speed run to extinction.

Aatube, in US military asks the public for help finding its missing F-35 fighter jet after its pilot had to eject while training over South Carolina avatar


intensely_human, in US military asks the public for help finding its missing F-35 fighter jet after its pilot had to eject while training over South Carolina

This is strange. It almost makes me think the scenario was an elaborate ruse to capture an F-35:

  • get an inside man to mess with the avionics
  • including turning off location telemetry
  • simulate a failure that requires an ejection
  • fly the plane into the ocean using autopilot
  • recover via submarine
Ulrich_the_Old, in Russell Brand accused of rape, sexual assaults and abuse

elon musk, alex jones and andrew tate are all vouching for him. Personally if I had people like that vouching for me I would try to keep it a secret.

Kalkaline, in Property developer Tim Gurner wants unemployment to "rise to 40-50%" reminding people that "they work for the employer, not the other way around" [video, 2 min] avatar

He’s walked back the statement a bit since this video came out. Still a tone deaf statement, right up there with “let them eat cake”.


he only walked it back because he still has functioning legs

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