Is Kbin dying? I wanted to address the deleted thread and provide some insight into the current situation.

/kbin is certainly not dying, as @fr0g pointed out, work on new features and bug fixes is ongoing. However, it may give the impression that it is, and for that, I take full responsibility and owe you an explanation.

Several factors have contributed to this situation. The first and most significant reason is my family issues, which I must prioritize. I'm doing my best to stabilize the situation as quickly as possible, but not everything is within my control. The second reason is unfortunate financial matters. When Kbin suddenly gained popularity, the project's maintenance costs far exceeded my initial estimates. While community support still allows for the cluster's maintenance, I also need to take care of my own livelihood and commitments. Another reason involves spam campaigns and other issues that I need to address behind the scenes. I don't want to go into specifics right now, but there will come a time when I can share more. My top priority is to resolve all these matters so that I can return to working on Kbin full-time.

I spend every spare moment writing code and reviewing code? from other contributors. It's a lot of work that goes into development, and I try to verify every accepted pull request and make improvements when I can. It also takes up a lot of time, more than it may seem. I have also delegated some responsibilities and permissions to the Kbin core team (, which has allowed the project to continue to grow, and I am immensely grateful for that. However, I still want to maintain overall control, although over time, we will work on better processes to make it less dependent on me.

I paused updates on some time ago until the release of the first version. Hence, the impression that nothing is happening. Kbin is, in fact, developing so rapidly that I wouldn't be able to respond to potential issues quickly enough, adding to the stress.

I've given myself a deadline to resolve all my issues and release the first official version by the end of September. If I can't meet the deadline, I will step down from leading the project and transfer full rights over the repository and instance to the contributors. Of course, this includes the budget I mentioned earlier, earmarked for instance maintenance.

I feel truly awful about this. I can't even keep up with threads on Matrix Spaces, notifications here, etc. Right now, the only way to contact me is through the contact form. However, I want to catch up on everything as soon as possible and stabilize the situation. It's crucial to me, but at the moment, I can't put it above family matters. I apologize for letting you down, and I appreciate your words of support. If it weren't for such an amazing community, I might have given up a long time ago.


Take all the time you need! Do I think that there’s a bunch of QOL features missing since launch? Yes. But at the same time, this platform has been a solid alternative to Reddit for me, and I haven’t had any major issues.

Thank you for making this platform a reality, and for all the work you have undoubtedly been putting in.


I am tempted to make Kbin my daily-driver social media platform, as opposed to Lemmy now, as I really like the seamless integration of reddit-style Lemmy threads and Twitter-style Mastodon toots. But what is keeping me away right now is the lack of /instances, as it is provided by Lemmy. I want to make sure I can follow all the content I like to interact with and the current trial-and-error method required for Kbin makes it unattractive to me.


this exists in latest so should get it once the update is out. some kbins already have it (it's /federation for them, though)


Please delegate a task to develop a revenue stream.

Kotking, avatar

@ernest I think lack of communication is a problem, but it's not end of the world. Some people gone Kbin and understand potential Kbin has, so don't throw line like you step down due delays. When reddit blackout happened some people noted that "Reddit founders" only noted 2 people... when years ago there was 3 founders. One was booted and now is buried as if he never was there. I would rather have you with your life problems than someone who have no such problems... Thank you for your hard work!

Redhotkurt, avatar

Ernest, we love you, man. FYI the complaints about Kbin come from a very vocal minority; most of us understand managing a project like this is difficult and do not have these gripes. We will be fine, please take care of yourself and your family first. Btw thanks for everything you have done for us.


A thousand thanks for Ernest and everyone involved in the developement of kbin.

Kbin in its current state is a way bigger contribution to the fediverse than most of us will ever do and I'm extremely thankful for it. Take your time, you and your familly comes first.
Im sorry I dont have the resources to donate or know how to code, but if theres anything I can do to help please point me to it. I'll be more than happy to help. I know a bit of GIMP and Inkscape in case you need some light graphic work and I speak spanish if you need/want to translate stuff.

Thanks again <3 Hope you have a great day.


Ernest, you're doing a Wonderful job and I know the community appreciates everything you do!

Super low priority, but I started this thread last week that I'd love to get your feedback on:

theinspectorst, avatar

Kbin seems alive and well to me. If it wasn't for this post then it would never have occurred to me it might be 'dying'.

The growth in users has slowed but not reversed, and that's no bad thing. Initial growth was always going to come in spurts (driven more by whatever the latest drama is over at Reddit) and this lull is useful for getting our communities well-established and letting @ernest keep up the great work on the development side - all of which will ensure we're in a good place to ride the next wave of migration from Reddit when it happens!

Teppic, avatar

Please don't feel guilty for prioritising your family and yourself, that is 100% the right thing to do.

Also building on what others have said don't chase perfection by the end of the month, at some point you will have to draw a line and call it v1.00. It won't be, it can't be perfect ...but kbin is already great, and as you observe there is a lot of development which has already happened which isn't live here yet - I'm looking forward to when it does go live.

And finally, just thank you. Being admin of is already a huge responsibility, owning and managing the codebase on top of that must feel like a huge weight of responsibility at times - it is really appreciated and we love what you have created here, it is already epic.

elouboub, avatar

Dude, you're being quite hard on yourself. You're not the only one who can write code, you're not the only one who can review it. It would be fine for you to step back and take a decision making role until everything else has been handled in your life.

Don't burn out in a few months. Protect your sanity so that you can be there for the long run.

DarkGamer, (edited ) avatar

Self care first, my friend. When you are okay then you can worry about others. All the weight doesn't have to be on your shoulders.

I appreciate what you've built so far and the rest can come as it does. It's not worth running yourself ragged over. I hope things resolve well with your family issues, many thanks and no gripes here. Kbin remains awesome as-is and I'm sure it will only get even better eventually. Every improvement doesn't have to be today.


You need to find someone else who can help admin this instance and moderate the magazines you're the only moderator for. I understand that means stepping down as admin at least temporarily as kbin currently doesn't support multiple admins.

You're obviously doing everything you can, but there is only so much time in a day and you don't have enough to do everything at once. You need help with it.


So I’m more some bystander, running Lemmy myself, and having serious issues about your handling of the open source licence attribution thing.

But that said, personally I’d prefer not having you set a deadline like that. Especially early stage projects, imo, need focused leadership. Maybe you need to delegate even more, including stepping back a bit and maybe paying someone else part time, but you should still keep control. You created a wonderful alternative to Lemmy, with a very thoughtfully designed Interface. That is not a sign you already need to step back just because things started moving faster than expected.


You're good dude. Don't be too hard on yourself or let silly comments get to ya. This place is awesome and it seems to only be getting better.


Thank you for all your work and I hope everything with the family is well and you're taking care of yourself!

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