
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

Quacksalber, in Is Kbin dying? I wanted to address the deleted thread and provide some insight into the current situation.

I am tempted to make Kbin my daily-driver social media platform, as opposed to Lemmy now, as I really like the seamless integration of reddit-style Lemmy threads and Twitter-style Mastodon toots. But what is keeping me away right now is the lack of /instances, as it is provided by Lemmy. I want to make sure I can follow all the content I like to interact with and the current trial-and-error method required for Kbin makes it unattractive to me.


this exists in latest so kbin.social should get it once the update is out. some kbins already have it (it's /federation for them, though)

hypelightfly, in Is Kbin dying? I wanted to address the deleted thread and provide some insight into the current situation.

You need to find someone else who can help admin this instance and moderate the magazines you're the only moderator for. I understand that means stepping down as admin at least temporarily as kbin currently doesn't support multiple admins.

You're obviously doing everything you can, but there is only so much time in a day and you don't have enough to do everything at once. You need help with it.

ContentConsumer9999, in positive experience with /kbin automatically bringing in older comments and posts to newly subscribed community

Do you know of any way to "force update" threads without having another account? Can you do something similar to force searching communities?


Can you reword your second question? 'force searching communities' - not sure why you would want to force or automate a search.


So when a community isn't in kbin yet you can search @[community name]@[instance] to create it. I was asking if a similar thing is possible with threads.

@static@kbin.social avatar

Yea that works for single posts, use the fediverse icon on the remote server for the proper url to search.
You don't get the reply's but you can search like that on a single reply too.


What's the "Fediverse icon"?

@static@kbin.social avatar

For lemmy it's the rainbow coloured hexagon on a post or comment.


For some reason I can only see the icon next to comments but just pasting the top link works for posts.

@static@kbin.social avatar

Then just try the url itself.
Do you have an example of what you want to pull in?

@static@kbin.social avatar

yes, if that icon is missing you can just use the url.

RoundSparrow, in positive experience with /kbin automatically bringing in older comments and posts to newly subscribed community

Although I've found one area that Lemmy to kbin doesn't seem to work when bringing in older content when a new vote is done.

Instance: StarTrek.website Lemmy. comment thread: https://startrek.website/comment/2051539

The copy on kbin.social does not seem to load the thread that starts with user @jet

Not sure what is going on under the hood where those won't copy into kbin.

static, (edited )
@static@kbin.social avatar

I think hackertalks.com is misconfigured, their posts do not federate to kbin. And I cannot add their magazines to kbin.social.

My best guess : https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-ansible/pull/114

cacheson, in are these periodic infuxes of bots (first porn, and now pharmaceuticals) a kbin-specific problem, or a wider fediverse issue?
@cacheson@kbin.social avatar

It's partly specific to the kbin software, and partly specific to kbin.social. The biggest problem is that the software doesn't currently support having more than one administrator account per instance.

The flagship instance, kbin.social, is administered by ernest, who is also the lead developer of the project. Working on the software seems to keep him plenty busy, to the point where he's not able to keep up with administrator tasks.

Since kbin.social was (I assume) not used by very many people before the reddit migration, almost all the older magazines are owned by ernest, and have no other moderators set. There's also a large number of magazines that were created during the migration, but have since been abandoned by their owners. Reassigning these is a task that currently only ernest can do.

And of course as the most populated instance, kbin.social is a more desirable target for spammers, compared to the other kbin instances.

cacheson, in Migrating Kbin account to new instance
@cacheson@kbin.social avatar

Neither lemmy nor kbin have an account migration feature yet. AFAIK that's just a mastodon thing for now.

RoundSparrow, in Can't see content from other instances or create new users.

Hi. I know it's been a couple weeks. Did you get this sorted out?

e569668, in What's the recommended way to set up a development environment for KBin?
@e569668@fedia.io avatar

I believe you should be able to run it all locally without a hostname. The guides for doing so are here, depending on how you want to:

Edit: I should clarify, I meant to test things without activitypub. As the other poster mentioned you would need a valid hostname and valid certs for federation testing. Though it might be possible to run multiple local kbins that trust each other, not sure there is going to be much information on that

Someone just went through this themselves in the matrix kbin development channel so you could also potentially find help there if you're having issues. One thing that came up during that is https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core/pulls/132 has a bunch of changes to those docs which might make it easier

Pons_Aelius, in Can I create a magazine, then step down from a moderator position?

Sorry but that sounds a bit self serving.

"I want this place to exist but want someone else to provide it for me."

If no one else has created the community...maybe no one cares about it as much as you do (and you don't care enough to maintain it...).

So your chance of getting someone else to do the work for you is pretty slim.

ZILtoid1991, in /kbin Issues
@ZILtoid1991@kbin.social avatar

I have an issue with creating threads on federated magazines, it does not appear on the remote server, but does here.


I have this issue, I realise. Is this a Kbin thing or a federation thing?

@ZILtoid1991@kbin.social avatar

I can safely comment on federated instances.


Yea, comments aren't an issue, but my recent threads aren't going through, it seems. Which is weird, because I know I've posted weeks before and it was fine.

guyrocket, in How are you using or hoping to use kbin?

I was really getting sick of all the negativity on Reddit. It feels like about 80% of posts are shitting on someone for some reason that I don't really care about. Feels like a bunch of bitchy teenage girls all trying to rain on each others parade. I hope they all choke on their own social vomit.

So glad there seems to be NONE of that energy here. I hope it never arrives.

Other random thoughts/observations:
I appreciate that kbin/fediverse is more mature and academic.

I like Star Trek much more than Star Wars and see plenty of ST and no SW here.

While I appreciate that Reddit has more smaller and special interest communities because of it's size, I like that kbin is smaller. I think it will be a little sad to see it get big.

I plan to stay here for a while. I may host a mag or two eventually. I have ideas for improvements but as a non app user it seems pretty good so far.

Also, thanks to Ernest (sp?) and others who keep the lights on and motors running. You make it all possible.


Jesus Christ youre preaching to the choir here.

I had to leave it at around November 2022 cause I noticed the negativity was seirously harming my mental health. Im only a lurker in all social medias, so I was surprised something "finally" got to me. Since I had been "immune" to metaverse shit up to that point (not because im in any way better than anyone, I just dont have enough IRL friends to matter lol), I was surprised with how much reddit mined my sanity without me noticing.

And I fully intended to only keep Insta for family contact and tiktok for funny videos until GOOGLE FUCKING STOPS WORKING. So now I need another "search engine alternative" -_-

Well, disaster averted, let's hope we get at least a decade or so of usage on this one!


I expect this one to last. No commercial interests. I guess growth could cause some problems but we will see.

e569668, in ~~How does the @random magazine work?~~
@e569668@fedia.io avatar

My guess would be it's due to you having a follower from kbin.social https://kbin.social/u/@cwagner@lemmy.cwagner.me/followers


Oh wow, I didn’t even think to check that. I guess that’s through one of those bots that make you follow everyone.

Macduff avatar

Oh wow, the OP edited the title to include strikeout, which kbin doesn't seem to process markdown on title.

Rhaedas, in /kbin Issues
@Rhaedas@kbin.social avatar

Been seeing a lot of lazy spamming the past few days as I browse newest, all Kbin users. I report them, but they are numerous and it gets tedious. Maybe some tightening up of new registrations should be done? Has there been an uptick on new users lately like Lemmy had a while back?

Added: I figured out where the titles are coming from. They are lifted off search engine prompts like recent Google searches, which explains why some of them are so odd.

e569668, in Question about reliability of kbin federation
@e569668@fedia.io avatar

Check out https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core/issues/1019#issuecomment-1064117 and https://kbin.social/m/kbinMeta/t/361909/-/comment/1870631 as well.

I think when people get an error posting to kbin.social a text or photo post it doesn't federate until, as floppy / stopthatgirl7 mentioned, it is interacted with.

Edit: After reading your replies closer I see you were already aware, my bad for repeating information. There is a PR pending for the blocked domains so hopefully that is resolves soon

NotAPenguin, in kbin.social has been unusably slow lately?

Like when I posted this thread it didn't send me to the thread after posting, it stayed at https://kbin.social/new/article and gave me the 50x error.

@McBinary@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, I'm still seeing this bug when trying to post a thread or a picture post. "Link" posting seems to work alright though, but I can't post any other type of content... It's been this way for about a month. I'm sort of losing interest since I can't really post threads - I can only comment.


Supposedly a big update that fixes a lot of things is coming soon

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