This isn't really exciting to read. I really appreciate the article handling this as strict information, it doesn't seem to have any loafed terms or forecasting in it. As you say, it is very accessible and probably the best way to digest this!
Thanks for sharing it. I am curious to see how this manifests.
Relatedly, where are memories stored? How can we have flashes of memory from decades ago? Why can we not access certain memories until something traumatic or triggering happens and then it comes flooding back? Why do smells trigger memory?
Long term memories are stored in the hypothalamus as you sleep at night.
Smells are tied to more primitive structures in in the brain. I'm a little rusty on why it makes the memories so strong, but there's quite a bit of research out on that one.
Trauma is also encoded differently, but there's a lot of garbage research that muddies the waters on that particular subject.
Well, all went a bit quiet. Partly because the Montreal-based company leading the way, Nexia Biotechnologies, a company spun out of McGill University, swiftly went bust and sold its two GM goats — Sugar and Spice — to the Canada Agriculture Museum in Ottawa, which in 2013 removed its genetically-engineered goats from display amid public pressure.
Quiet momentum continues, however, under Dr Randy Lewis of Utah State University and his team. Though he is unaware of the whereabouts of Sugar and Spice today, his lab looks after over twenty goats capable of producing silky milk.
Sounds to me like it's the opposite of how an LED works. Instead of creating a small gap that discharges a photon, the material creates a small gap that collects an ion. The ion is then run downstream to the thing that is being powered, making the gap available for another ion.
In other words, it kinda works the same as clouds do to create lightening, the material just facilitates this in a way that can be reliably consumed and at a much, much lower energy scale.
@readbeanicecream exploding human population a threat to all the mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, oceans, glaciers, crops, forests, and atmosphere on the planet. also to ourselves.