@sab@kbin.social avatar



Quite possibly a luddite.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

@sab@kbin.social avatar

I've been curious about trying out mbin, and this seems like a good instance to do it on. So I absolutely like option 2 the best.

That said, I tried to sign up earlier today, and never received the registration email. Tried to sign up with an old Gmail account. Might be worth looking into. :)

@sab@kbin.social avatar

Nope, and it doesn't seem to be on the agenda either. Kbin/Mbin is still the only platform(s) to try to bridge the two.

@sab@kbin.social avatar

More global moderators is great news! Good luck to anyone on the team! :)

@sab@kbin.social avatar

https://kbin.earth/ seems to be a nice kbin instances ran by the guy behind the Interstellar app, in case you want another kbin instance!

I do agree with you though - kbin.social is a lovely place but it's large enough that it needs a proper moderation team.

@sab@kbin.social avatar

There's something like 50 million Threads users. Chances are there's at least a few people out there who would be happy to be able to connect with at least some of those 50 million people, without having to use Threads themselves.

As an academic, I would just be happy if I could reach my peers on Mastodon. I don't really give a fuck which platform they choose to use - I've chosen mine, and that's enough for me.

Furthermore, what's even the point of open standards if you don't want them to be adopted.

@sab@kbin.social avatar

It's almost - almost - as if this is what ActivityPub was designed for.

@sab@kbin.social avatar

God forbid if Microsoft decided to use open document formats by default and to phase out docx - it would clearly be the first step of EEE!

God forbid companies use the world wide web - they'll run it down the gutter!

The standards must be protected at all costs - may they never see mass adoption.

@sab@kbin.social avatar

Yes, indeed - which is why it would be good for them if Threads federated, and they could reach their network without using a Meta service.

For some users the network is a really important part of social networks.

@sab@kbin.social avatar

A bunch of people are pretty disgusting on the established fediverse as well. It's just that nobody has a way of imposing themselves in your feed.

And I don't use Lemmy, nor will I use Threads. I use services that broadcas information with both - that's different. I made a web site once, that doesn't make me a Google Chrome user. I send emails with Gmail users, but I still don't use Gmail. I just co-exist with people who do.

@sab@kbin.social avatar

Absolutely - if they federate and it turns out to be a problem, there's no reason one should be more patient with Threads than with any other poorly moderated instance. But in all likelihood the slimy parts of Threads will very rarely make it to the feeds of anyone not actively looking for it.

@sab@kbin.social avatar

This makes no sense whatsoever. You could want Meta to use ActivityPub, say it's a good thing that they use an open standard, and still say you have no interest in communicating with them and stick to services where they are defederated.

You don't have an obligation to read every email you receive just because it's an open standard.

There's no logical connection between services using activitypub and you bring forced to connect to them. So I guess at least that's a point to your free speech example.

@sab@kbin.social avatar

If a threads user is so hellbent on finding and ruining conversations over at Mastodon or whereever, it would probably be easier for them just to sign up for a Mastodon instance in the first place. I don't think Threads federating is going to make it all that much easier for the trolls.

@sab@kbin.social avatar

There's already a bunch of awful Mastodon servers! It's just that the way the whole system is designed makes them easy to mariginalize.

Why are peertube channels federated like a magazine or a community on lemmy? (kbin.social)

I've been using #Kbin for a while since reddit exodus, but it wasn't until like a week ago that I decided to create an account. It's been great, it is the best way for me to experience the #fediverse, I used mastodon and firefish before, but I think I like more the community format, and not losing the possibility to follow...

@sab@kbin.social avatar

I think I remember Ernest mentioning at some point that better Peertube integration is on the todo-list, but there's of course more pressing issues out there.

Another related issue is a.gup.pe-groups, which could potentially be cool if implemented well.

There's also ongoing developments to add groups to Mastodon, which will probably set some sort of standard for groups in the Fediverse. It might make sense to wait until this is ready before putting too much work into supporting other types of groups, though at this point it's of course quite a bit of a different issue from Peertube support. :)

Dragging out my old account for this: looking for Kbin instance with active admin that is running Kbin and not Mbin (kbin.social)

I started on kbin.social with this account, then moved out to kbin.cafe to try to avoid overloading the flagship instance and help out with decentralization. Then the admin went inactive, so I fled to kbin.run. This is active and I am satisfied, but it is also running Mbin, a fork of Kbin. I'd like to try regular Kbin again, but...

sab, (edited )
@sab@kbin.social avatar

Since Kbin was still at what Ernest refers to as a proof of concept stage when the project reached peak popularity, and I think at the time (and probably still) it was really not particularly easy to run an instance of. That's probably part of the reason why so many of the early Kbin instances died off.

According to FediDB, the biggest instances other than kbin.social are Karab.in and Kbin.cafe. Karab.in is run by Ernest who also runs kbin.social - it's just the Polish instance. As developments are happening fast (see !kbinDevlog), it's to be expected that instances not run by Ernest lag a little bit behind in development.

It seems the administrator of kbin.cafe is @barista. I'm not sure how actively maintained it is.

Considering the fast pace of development, I think it makes sense for the time being to either use kbin.social or an mbin instance.

@sab@kbin.social avatar

Oh shoot - I read your post, but then I just skimmed it again after checking fedidb and lost track of the context.

I think the point still hold that kbin is not at a point in its development where it makes too much sense for people to open independent kbin instances. By the way I understood it, mbin seeks to patch some of these problems, while the kbin development is focusing on improving the infrastructure on a deeper level. The drama is a bit silly, but I think forking is not always a bad thing and the differences in development between kbin (deep changes to the code base) and mbin (patches to make things work) are enough to justify parallell developments for the time being.

It's also worth noting that not a single new kbin instance has been created since September this year - I think for now you're unfortunately not likely to find an actively maintained instance beside the two run by Ernest.

@sab@kbin.social avatar

There's a new server worth checking out now, in connection to the !interstellar app: kbin.earth!

Worth checking out.

@sab@kbin.social avatar

It is really incredible how far down the drain the SCOTUS has gone in such a short period of time. Not saying it was great before Justice Kennedy retired either, but at least back then it was generally respected.

sab, to kbinMeta
@sab@kbin.social avatar

I'm curious - what's the difference between magazines and users when linked to the greater fediverse?

It seems like the link to both would be @name@kbin.social. If somebody creates a user named news, it would therefore be found at @news@kbin.social - which is where the news magazine is found.

Don't these collide? How do we distinguish between the two?

I'm sorry if the answer is obvious somehow. :)


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