
My problem with Voyager is their native american consultant was a fraud, they ruined the Borg, and Janeway’s racism and transphobia wasn’t treated with the appropriate seriousness by the plot. I watch Star Trek to see woke communists explore space. Voyager and Enterprise both break that core enjoyment by making me feel pessimistic about the future, as though humanity will never grow beyond its baser instincts. People say Enterprise is supposed to be non-progressive because it’s a prequel, but the problem with that is that the real world progressed beyond the likes of Trip in less than a decade. It sends a message that things are gonna be worse in the 22nd century.

9/11 plots and augment wars suck because they don’t inspire me with hope like TNG did. S4E4 was actually pretty good despite my apprehension, they definitely went hard on the theme that people are capable of being better than they are and I really appreciate that. But I wonder whether they’re going to stick with that theme and redeem these characters, or chase conflict and misery for the appeal of the drama. Drama like that doesn’t appeal to me.

I just wanna see a strange new world. It’s been like 10 episodes since I got one in ENT. Why can’t we just seek out new life and new civilisations? And no, an Orion slave market doesn’t count, because it’s miserable and Star Trek is about hope.

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