@roastedDeflator@kbin.social avatar



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@roastedDeflator@kbin.social avatar

@ernest thank you for the update and everything. Its great to hear your personal matter is kinda sorted.

  1. I already have the moderation of several magazines so I won't be able to contribute to that more, I think.
  2. I am a little bit familiar with bug reporting, not in github tho. So I just created a github account and a codeberg to try and contribute. Of course I will have to spend time checking out the existing ones and familiarizing myself with the platforms. I say all this because if you or any of the active devs, have test cases or a specific area that you would like to check first or anything relevant, I would gladly do my best to help on demand.
roastedDeflator, (edited )
@roastedDeflator@kbin.social avatar

@SharkAttak in the link you provided it says stuff like:

There's threads denyng the oppression of Uyghur muslims (...)

Other posts deny that North Korea is oppressive.

I don't understand how these posts are a proof that lemmy has a bunch of devs that are tankies, since there is no link to the problematic threads they mention. If somehow I missed them could you point those out to me?

Also not too sure I understand how this is a topic related to devs and not mods?

@roastedDeflator@kbin.social avatar

@cloudless thank you for those links, now I understand.

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