

Communications technologist. Internet, web, and fediverse pioneer. I build free communications tools in my spare time for free people based on common sense and what works, not on what sells. Systems integration, software development, and robot repair. Former music store owner. Plays a mean guitar, upside down and backwards.

I came from the San Francisco bay area of the 1960s. Make of that what you will. I cut my teeth professionally in the bat-shit crazy world of Silicon Valley through the early 2000s, and have seen greed up close and personal -- and once played the tech startup game with gusto. I'm well and truly over it.

Currently living mostly off-grid on a modest farm in rural Australia. A free citizen of the world, with no lords, no masters, no allegiance, and no brands.

When the people making the rules are leading the world to the brink, maybe it's time to tell them all to bugger off and make your own rules.


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osma, to random
@osma@mas.to avatar

A case of spec ambiguity, maybe? I can't find a mention in WebFinger or ActivityPub specs of usernames being case insensitive. Are @osma and @osma referring to the same actor? Is that up to implementation? How does a remote server determine which is correct?

Edit: I wrote above (at)Osma@mas.to and (at)osma@mas.to, but some part of the stack converted both to a lowercase mention during posting. I don't know which part, and what specs describes that.


To my knowledge there are no specifications for this. It's left completely to the implementation. Some projects have case-sensitive usernames and some do not. Some provide case-insensitive search and some do not. As a general rule, you'll often avoid issues if you use whatever form was used by the source of the information that you got it from.

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