Level 14 Dad of 4. Christian. Left. Xennial. Enginerd. He/Him. 2006 TIME POTY. Enviromancer. Amateur Pokémon Trainer. Animal Crossing Island: Moduland. Opinions 🗑.
Staff / Mastodon Admin: https://sakurajima.moe/@beneaththetangles
Tags: #fedi22 #Parenting #ACNH #AnimalCrossing #VideoGames #DadJokes #Jokes #Humor #Silly #Anime #Manga #OnePiece #KPop #Music #ACNHInspo #Christian #Faith
PFP: Bearded white man laying on a bed of nails.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons screenshot. Image of a light skinned, thick bearded, bald villager looking proud while sitting on a golden throne wearing a crown and Pirate King robe with villagers in front clapping.
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