@SallyStrange@eldritch.cafe avatar



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kylewritescode, to meta
@kylewritescode@allthingstech.social avatar

Okay #Fediverse, let’s get something straight. We are all grown ups here (hopefully) and can make choices for ourselves. We alive in a society that allows us the freedom to choose for ourselves what to do.

Why would you allow or want to be part of an instance where they choose for you who or what to block? I understand that there are BAD people on #Meta, just as there are on EVERY platform on the internet.

Give the regular people on each platform a chance to been seen.


@SallyStrange@eldritch.cafe avatar

@kylewritescode "Why have moderators" is a question that was asked and answered decades ago, yes?

@SallyStrange@eldritch.cafe avatar

@kylewritescode 1. No
2. Yes

Now your turn to answer my question

@SallyStrange@eldritch.cafe avatar

@kylewritescode Semantics. The answer to the question "Why would you allow or want to be part of an instance where they choose for you who or what to block?" is the same answer as to the question "Why have moderators?"

Something tells me you're still confused about why we have moderators, though.

I'm also skeptical that you can explain clearly what issue gets swept under the rug if multiple instances don't federate with Mark Zuckerberg's platform. Please prove my skepticism unfounded.

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