Flipboard, to random
@Flipboard@flipboard.social avatar

We're federating a few more profiles this #FollowFriday

@euronews — European news network

@fansided — fan-focused sports network

@LaughingSquid — art, culture and lifestyle

@macstories — publication about all things app

@thecollector — history, art, philosophy

You can also see what CEO and cofounder @mike is curating on Flipboard here:


#Flipboard #ActivityPub #Federation #OpenSocialWeb #New #Sports #Tech #Lifestyle

darnell, to random
@darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

A few suggestions for https://darnell.day/a-few-fediverse-suggestions-for-flipboard

Too Long; Did Not Read:

👉🏾 Federating Flipboard magazines using subdomains. Instead of following all sports news from @espn you could follow magazine via @espn

👉🏾 Verification for prominent accounts & organizations (needed now as the masses on will be activating next year)

👉🏾 Custom domains (Premium feature)

CC: @mike

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, (edited ) to fediverse
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

Now that for-profit tech companies are beginning to implement , I think it's important to establish what we want with the and whether federation with , , Tumblr, and the like bring us closer to or further from those goals.

With that in mind, I've come up with a few statements (in no particular order) that describe what I think is an "ideal fediverse" — a fediverse that's not necessarily realistic but that we should aim for:

  1. No actor controls a large portion of visible activity.
  2. Users can move between instances without penalty.
  3. Creating and running an instance requires minimal effort.
  4. People on or entering the fediverse understand the variety of available options.
  5. There is no downside to using free and open-source platforms over proprietary ones.

These definitely aren't comprehensive, and if you have anything you'd add, let's discuss that! They're currently helping me reassess my stance on Threads now that Flipboard is also entering the stage, and I hope they're helpful for others as well.

I'll elaborate on these five statements in the comments.


peterbutler, to random
@peterbutler@mas.to avatar

"If we do this correctly — if the next phase of how we congregate and communicate online is built for humans and not advertisers — there won’t be a new titanic company to rival Meta or a platform with eye-poppingly huge numbers like Facebook

"What we’ll get instead is something much bigger: an entirely new infrastructure for our online lives that no company or platform controls”


mike, to random
@mike@flipboard.social avatar

I think that fully integrating into Flipboard's backend is going to be one of the best things we've done since we started the company.

There are three phases:

Phase 1 (Today): Federate 25 accounts to test and learn

Phase 2 (January): Enable anyone in the Fediverse to engage with any public curator on Flipboard

Phase 3 (April): Enable anyone on Flipboard to follow and engage with any public account in the

Check out my Medium post for more


crepels, to random
@crepels@mastodon.social avatar

New blog post: Understanding ActivityPub - Part 4: Threads

A first detailed look into how Threads implements ActivityPub. Learn about the data that is shared (or not), an interesting implementation of HTTP signatures, and Threads' take on quote posts in ActivityPub.


#ActivityPub #Threads #Fediverse

vsg_DE, to random German
@vsg_DE@mastodon.social avatar

Uff @linos kann es sein, dass ich noch etwas nicht verstehe? Offensichtlich haben Menschen an meinen letzten #activitypub Post kommentiert und die Kommentare sind auch am WordPress Beitrag https://www.videospielgeschichten.de/welche-konsole-ist-die-schoenste/ gelandet. Leider finde / sehe ich diese aber nicht im Fediverse am Post; was mache ich falsch?

weekinfediverse, to random
@weekinfediverse@mitra.social avatar
fedidevs, to random
@fedidevs@mastodon.social avatar

A project has started to build a #Fediverse #testsuite, so it becomes possible to systematically test interoperability between applications in the fediverse.

It is going to need some virtualization, to run "substantial" server-side applications for testing. So we'd like to know what development and virtualization platforms #ActivityPub developers develop and test on.

If you are a Fediverse developer, could you spend 5min and answer our survey?


Thank you!!

box464, to random
@box464@mastodon.social avatar

The proliferation of #ActivityPub is exciting. But don't dismiss those that want to defederate with corporate socials. The #fediverse was built by individuals escaping the harassment they faced on those platforms.

If you don't agree with your server admin's decision to federate with a specific domain, you can block it on your own. You have the power!

This seems preferable to an admin making the decision for all users.

Are there loopholes I'm not aware of here?


cliffwade, to meta
@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

With yesterday's announcement that Meta is starting to test Threads and ActivityPub integration, I see the #Fediverse is at an all time high again of whining and crying and being butthurt over it all.

I get stating your opinion about not wanting them here or whatever, but come on people, don't sound like a little 2 year old who lost their pacifier. It gets old, quick.

Just mute/block and move on and be done with it all. It's really that damn simple.

#Threads #Meta #ActivityPub #Mastodon

J12t, to meta
@J12t@social.coop avatar

Hey @TechCrunch, re your piece on #activitypub and #threads, my notes from last week’s meeting at #meta answer some of the questions in your article.


mike, to random
@mike@flipboard.social avatar

The network effect for #ActivityPub is gaining some serious momentum right now. As more services adopt the protocol, more people, more communities and more content are added to the network making it increasingly more valuable for everyone. This will only accelerate in the coming months as Threads, Wordpress, Tumblr, Flipboard and others federate.

We're still in early innings but there's no way to put this genie back in the bottle. The open social Web / the #Fediverse is going to be huge.

danyork, to random
@danyork@mastodon.social avatar

Advocates for #ActivityPub - IF YOU HAVE A #WORDPRESS SITE, have you installed the ActivityPub plugin? https://wordpress.org/plugins/activitypub/

At the State of the Word address this week, Matt Mullenweg was asked about support for the plugin, and he commented that less than 5,000 sites had installed it. So he wasn't sure how interested people are in it.

So... if you have a WP site, let's start installing that plugin and making more sites available via ActivityPub! 😀

#StateOfTheWord #SotW

pfefferle, to random
@pfefferle@mastodon.social avatar

what do we have to do to make the plugin attractive to more users? We are currently at 4000+ active users on WordPress.org + the WordPress.com users.

weekinfediverse, to random
@weekinfediverse@mitra.social avatar
hrefna, to random
@hrefna@hachyderm.io avatar

I sort of want:

  • To/cc to control where the message gets sent.
  • Audience to control who can see the message.
  • bto, bcc to not exist or be broadly disabled in AP (edit, to clarify: I want to and cc to take the meaning of bto and bcc in general; the functionality is useful, but in a social network it should be the default behavior and we have other mechanisms to tag people in)

nw, to random
@nw@ioc.exchange avatar

Is it possible yet to follow a #Flipboard magazine like this on one the #Fediverse?



@janettespeyer@flipboard.social avatar

@nw @mike that’s a great question. I would also like to know if you can read #flipboard magazines and comments on Flipboard directly here on #mastodon. I know you can post directly from Flipboard to the #fediverse. Engagement would be much better if we can interact directly from both platforms. :flipboard: #Community #activitypub

Flipboard, to random
@Flipboard@flipboard.social avatar

What’s the BBC up to in the Fediverse? What have they learned so far from their experiments? And how is all this like the early days of the internet? In the latest episode of Dot Social, Flipboard CEO @mike chats with @Ianforrester, Senior Firestarter at @BBCRD. (How cool is that title, btw!)


#ActivityPub #Fediverse #Flipboard #SocialWeb #DotSocial #Podcast #BBC

Video clip from podcast conversation between Flipboard's Mike McCue and the BBC's Ian Forrester about the BBC's experiments in the Fediverse.

moira, to random
@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar


pfefferle, to random
@pfefferle@mastodon.social avatar

We just released version 1.3.0 of the #ActivityPub plugin for #WordPress


The WordPress.com release is in preparation!

Main new feature: Threaded Comments 😍

Here is a nice example: https://notiz.blog/2023/12/04/sidebar/#comments

Thanks to everyone who was involved!


#fediverse #automattic

steve, to random
@steve@social.technoetic.com avatar

#ActivityPub dev tip of the day: An inbox (or outbox) is not a queue. An inbox is reverse chronological (LIFO-ish) and maintains long-term references to items. A queue has FIFO behavior and items are dequeued/removed for processing. AP is difficult enough without equating the inbox concept with MQ middleware (which could be a useful internal implementation technique).

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, (edited ) to fediverse
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

I've been thinking a bit about this post regarding #Mastodon's responsibility to be compatible with the #threadiverse (#ActivityPub thread aggregators like #Lemmy & #Kbin). Right now, a thread from Lemmy or Kbin usually federates to Mastodon with truncated text and a link to the actual thread. However, many want Mastodon to be more compatible with threads so that the people over on Mastodon interact with the threadiverse more.

I was initially in agreement as a Kbin user. But having given it some thought, I think this is an unwise approach that'll only serve to overcomplicate platforms on the #fediverse. Yes, people on Mastodon should promote other parts of the fediverse (and vice versa), but complete interoperability shouldn't be expected of every platform.

As much as many would like it, you can't have long-form video from PeerTube, images from Pixelfed, threads from Kbin, blogs from Writefreely, etc. all neatly fit in a microblog feed. These are different formats made for different platforms, and the people making them are expecting them to be interacted with in completely different ways. When someone makes a thread in a Lemmy community, they're probably expecting that the people who are going to see and interact with the thread are people that want to see threads and are thus on a Lemmy instance (or another thread aggregator). If someone from Mastodon were to interact with it as if it were a microblog post, there'd be a big mismatch. People interact with microblogs differently than they do with threads — that's why they're separate to begin with. You don't see everyone on Twitter also wanting to use to Reddit because people who want microblogs don't necessarily want Reddit-style threads, and vice versa.

The other option, then, is to separate these different formats into different feeds or otherwise make them clearly distinct from one another. Kbin does this by separating threads and microblog posts into two tabs. While you can view both in the "All Content" tab if you'd like, they're styled differently enough that it's very clear when you're looking at a thread and when you're looking at a microblog post. This distinction lets users treat threads like threads and microblog posts like microblog posts, which is really helpful since the two formats serve different purposes and have different audiences. This option — clear distinction — is a great way to solve the conundrum I've been talking about… if your platform is meant for viewing all these different kinds of content to begin with.

And that's what it really comes down to imo. Mastodon is a platform for microblogging. Most people go to Mastodon because they want a Twitter alternative, not a Twitter alternative that's also an Instagram alternative and a Reddit alternative and a YouTube alternative. Even if you put these different content types in separate tabs, it would inevitably make things seem more confusing and thus raise the barrier of entry. Add a Videos tab to Mastodon to view stuff on PeerTube, and people are inevitably going to go, "Wait, what's this? Is this like YouTube? I thought this was just a Twitter alternative! This all seems too complicated," even if you tell them to ignore it.

It's probably best to leave Mastodon as it is: a microblogging platform that has some limited federation with other formats. The way Kbin threads currently display on Mastodon is fine. In fact, when I post a Kbin thread, I'm expecting it to be viewed via a thread aggregator. If people on Mastodon were part of the target audience, I would've made a microblog post.

Now, if you want to make something that lets you view everything on the fediverse via different tabs, feel free. As aforementioned, Kbin supports both threads and microblogs, though it comes with some challenges (e.g., trying to fit magazine-less microblog posts into Kbin's magazine system). However, this doesn't mean every platform on the fediverse needs to seamlessly incorporate everything else. I'd love people on Mastodon to promote and even try out Lemmy & Kbin more, but that doesn't mean Mastodon needs to also become a thread aggregator.

Sylkeweb, to random
@Sylkeweb@mastodon.social avatar

I‘ve updated my blog post about the interconnectivity of Fediverse services with a new table. There are still many gaps where I need to test more but here we go for now:

iamlayer8, to random
@iamlayer8@mastodon.social avatar

What concerns me about the #fediverse / #acrivitypub from a user‘s perspective, is the inflation of identities that will occur as soon as you want to use feature that the platform you started on does not offer.
I am aware that this also can happen, when you use closed services, but …
A) this on of the things that make Google or Meta attractive.
B) federation to me implies the integration of several services under one identity.
So, is a #FederatedIdentity something that is being considered?

@iamlayer8@mastodon.social avatar

Acceptance criteria:

  • I can configure multiple services that use #ActivityPub to use one federated identity
  • When another user follows this identity, they see all my posts on those services in their timeline
  • All
  • Subscribed
  • Moderated
  • Favorites
  • random
  • meta
  • Macbeth
  • All magazines