@iamlayer8@mastodon.social avatar

What concerns me about the #fediverse / #acrivitypub from a user‘s perspective, is the inflation of identities that will occur as soon as you want to use feature that the platform you started on does not offer.
I am aware that this also can happen, when you use closed services, but …
A) this on of the things that make Google or Meta attractive.
B) federation to me implies the integration of several services under one identity.
So, is a #FederatedIdentity something that is being considered?

@iamlayer8@mastodon.social avatar

User Story:
As a user of multiple #Fediverse services I want to be able to post from these services using one identity, so that other users that follow me can see all my updates in their timeline.
This has the benefit for my subscribers of following easily one person across many federated services and therefore seing all of my content.

@iamlayer8@mastodon.social avatar

Acceptance criteria:

  • I can configure multiple services that use #ActivityPub to use one federated identity
  • When another user follows this identity, they see all my posts on those services in their timeline
@mariusor@metalhead.club avatar

@iamlayer8 the main issue that prevents this from being the case is that Mastodon (and the services that preceded it in some part) unified the client and server parts of ActivityPub.

Ideally an ActivityPub server should be able to accept multiple types of activities for different purposes and different clients can make use of different resulting objects. Ie, a Mastodon client can display textual objects in a twitter like format, a Pixelfed client would display image objects, etc.

@mariusor@metalhead.club avatar

@iamlayer8 so, even though it's possible with the technology currently available, nobody bothered to implement it that way. :(

I am in the process of doing that with a suite of server/clients applications, but the work is not very close to being finished.

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