fediversereport, to random
@fediversereport@mastodon.social avatar

Last Week in #Fediverse - ep 36

Been a busy week, with:

  • #FediForum, with tons of cool demos and interesting sessions
  • #Mastodon 4.2 has officially launched
  • After reporting on the CSAM attacks at #Lemmy a few weeks, new tools are being developed to help admins deal with this. One example is scanning images with generative AI, that can run locally on an admin's GPU, without uploading images anywhere.

Read at: https://fediversereport.com/last-week-in-fediverse-episode-36/

J12t, to random
@J12t@social.coop avatar

About half of the Fediverse addresses typed by FediForum attendees into the session notes are missing the leading "@".

People typed in their very own Fediverse handles. And because they came to FediForum, it's very likely they are very well acquainted with the right syntax.

Pretty strong circumstantial evidence that most people won't be able to distinguish Fediverse handles from e-mail addresses.

I have long believed that they should be the same.

#fediverse #email #address #fediforum

@JohnJBurnsIII@kzoo.to avatar


And when said person loses control of the email address (e.g. broadband provider change, employer change, etc.)...

What does that person do? Lose entire setup and start again?

Asking, because this is how many forums did it... and it was wrong then.

apps, to random
@apps@toot.fedilab.app avatar

Did you know that it is possible to play online chess with another user through the ?

How to: https://castling.club/

Developer: @kosinus

Discovered that thanks to

wedistribute, to random
@wedistribute@mastodon.social avatar

We're holding a breakout session with @fediversereport at today at 11:15am PDT in Breakout Room C! We'll be talking about the nature of producing news for the , and the challenges that have come with our efforts.

thisismissem, to random
@thisismissem@hachyderm.io avatar

Whew! Already at 2400 words written about Fediverse Moderation Tooling, and the potential future directions we can take. This is quite the undertaking!

Yes, most of my time over the past few weeks has been spent writing literature and proposals on moderation tooling, which honestly is an under-appreciated task essentially to improving the fediverse.

I'll also be doing up some slides with a summary of my thoughts for @fediforum.


@thisismissem @fediforum Where are you publishing these documents to when they're ready?

@thisismissem@hachyderm.io avatar

@quaken @fediforum they'll be available as PDFs and Google Docs.

(If someone wants to create a powerful document editing & collaboration tool for documents in rich text, by all means do, but until that works well, I'll continue using Google Docs, kthnxbye)

fediforum, to random
@fediforum@mastodon.social avatar

It's less than 24 hours to the start of

In about an hour, we'll host a little pre-event "Meet and Greet" where attendees can casually stroll in, check out the venue (QiQo) and make sure their audio and video is working, so we can have a smooth start tomorrow.

Registration is still open, join us to discuss the most important and urgent, any many other topics in the ? https://fediforum.org

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