
Thanks to that Mike Masnick @mmasnick link I just shared on the (sorry Bluesky people it won't propagate over the bridge but this will) I learned that Hamish McKenzie, Substack co-founder, was integral to lining people up to sign the "anti-Substackers-Against-Nazis" letter. As Mike stated so well, "McKenzie literally organized the 'we support Substack supporting Nazis' letter signing campaign. Which, again, he’s totally allowed to do, but it calls into question his claimed neutrality in all of this. He’s not setting up a 'neutral' site to host speech. He’s created a site that hosts some speech and doesn’t host other speech. It promotes some speech, and doesn’t promote other speech. Those are all choices, and they have nothing to do with supporting free speech."
Substack Realizes Maybe It Doesn’t Want To Help Literal Nazis Make Money After All (But Only Literal Nazis)

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