Stamets, avatar

Oh fuck. Hard question. I’m gonna answer with a couple because I can’t really rank them. That being said, they’re all in my top 10. Special shoutout to the last one.

  • Event Horizon: Just a good ol’ science fiction horror movie. I buy into the fan theory that it actually takes place in the early years of Warhammer 40k Universe.
  • Galaxy Quest: This is almost cheating. It’s not Star Trek but it has been called ‘The Best Star Trek movie’ so take that as you will.
  • Rocky Horror Picture Show: Could technically be classified as a science fiction movie. Just saying.
  • Moon: Sam Rockwell is a fantastic actor. Kevin Spacey is in it as a voice only role so that does ding the movie but it’s well worth it. I didn’t even recognize it was Kevin first time watching it. Performance from Sam Rockwell is incredible.
  • Hitchhikers Guide (2005): It gets a bad wrap because it’s not the greatest adaptation but it’s still a fun movie nonetheless.
  • Sunshine: Highly recommend not watching any trailers going into the movie and just enjoying the ride. If you don’t consider anything else on this list, consider this movie. Exceptionally well done. Stars Chris Evans, Cillian Murphy and even got good ol’ Michelle Yeoh in a considerably less evil role than Mirror Georgiou. The only thing you need to know about the movie is that its set not that far in the future. The Sun is dying and there’s a plan to restart the sun by flying a nuke into it the size of manhattan. Not a word of a lie, that is literally the plan. Don’t look up anything about the movie, just enjoy it. Trust me.
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