
I have a lot of thoughts about this as a trans person, and a communist. For one I strongly dislike the way liberals try to use queer people to excuse their war machine - it just gives the cover for bigots abroad to veil their misogyny and transphobia as “anti-imperialism”

Liberals are not doing queer people a service by making them the political football. You’re not helping queer people in the countries you sanction and lay waste to either. Stonewall was a riot. If you’re poor, queer people have not been really “accepted” in places like the US until relatively recently- it took 9 unelected people in robes to allow gay marriage, and Obama “evolved” on it.

As a trans person, the outcome that would directly benefit me the most from political action would be the immediate abolition of private property - ie decommodifying housing, and guaranteeing healthcare- nationalizing the for-profit healthcare. It’s no good to me that my rights are “accepted” in the west if I can’t afford to fucking transition and I’m living on the street. But I guess that would be “authoritarian”

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