
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

10A, in "Antiwoke" magazin on kbin.social posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin.

Welcome to the real world, where people disagree with you, and sometimes they're right and you're wrong. You can learn from everyone's perspective.

Is kbin meant to be a far-leftist echo chamber?

@Noki@kbin.social avatar

its a far right talking point, do you want extremist on kbin.social?

Edit: Funny, your the guy agreeing with "ps".

"No normal person who obeys the laws of sexual morality calls himself a "cis". It's a slur used by those who hate being called something they don't call themselves (their God-given gender), but have too much cognitive dissonance and too much hatred for normal people to let that stop them. We need to reopen the asylums yesterday" - this you ?

more hatefull stuff from you "We may not all have been Christian back then, but almost all of us were, and everyone supported Judeo-Christian values without question. Homosexuals were regularly taken outside and beaten to a pulp, so it was extremely rare for anyone to think such behavior was acceptable."

@deelightful@kbin.social avatar

Unfortunately I don't know how to report magazines/users so I can't help you there but I just want to add my support to what you're asking because this sort of thing is against the kbin terms of service:

We expect all users to treat each other with respect and kindness. Harassment, hate speech, or any other form of harmful behavior will not be tolerated. We reserve the right to remove any content or user that violates these guidelines.


The communist far-left calls all disagreement "hate speech". It is not hateful to speak the truth.

@jalda@kbin.social avatar

You are longing for the times when "Homosexuals were regularly taken outside and beaten to a pulp". Isn't this hateful?


It would be if that's what I said, but I never said I was longing for anything, and I never threatened to harm anyone.


You keep to coded language. Congratulations. Don't think we can't read it.


No, actually I say what I mean. You might try taking the context of the entire comment into account. It was about the purpose of freedom.


The tolerance of intolerance leads to the loss of all freedom. You'd have to be either a fraud or a fool to try and sell the opposite as truth. So which are you?


If you are intolerant of intolerance, then you are intolerant. Full stop. If those are my only two available options, I must be a fool.

@jalda@kbin.social avatar

Whatever, I copied your whole paragraph in another comment, and the context is pretty clear for anyone who cares to read it. I didn't claim that you personally were threatening to do the beating, only that you thought that the beating was desiderable for the "program of western civilization". If you really don't want homosexual people to be beaten to a pulp, then you should seriously reconsider how you express your ideas.


Even taking that paragraph out of context is misleading. The whole comment was about the purpose of freedom.

@jalda@kbin.social avatar

You still haven't addressed my point. Do you think it is desiderable that homosexual people are beaten to a pulp? Is a YES/NO question, it shouldn't be difficult to answer.


No, I do not advocate for violence (except in self-defense situations where there's no other option).

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar
It made sense back when everyone was, more or less, on board with the program of western civilization. We may not all have been Christian back then, but almost all of us were, and everyone supported Judeo-Christian values without question. Homosexuals were regularly taken outside and beaten to a pulp, so it was extremely rare for anyone to think such behavior was acceptable.

At this point we need to ask ourselves what the purpose of freedom is. Are we a free people so we can exercise perverted pleasures of the flesh, the slaughter of innocent babies, and genital mutilation of children without their parents knowledge? If you answer "yes", you just might be repeating the whisper of a demon.

The purpose of our freedom is to worship God as we see fit, and to do His will. In the past we never needed to spell that out, because it went without saying. Different people have different views and belief systems, and they're all valid provided they all worship God.

As secular society grows, we lose the underlying reason for our freedom. Freedom is still a valid concept for anyone who knows how to use it correctly, and who understands that the ultimate freedom is the freedom from sin, which is achieved by accepting Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior.

But for those who think the purpose of freedom is to follow Satan, to abuse themselves and others, to commit endless sins, and then, most evil of all, to celebrate pride in their sin (as if they don't even understand that pride itself is a sin), no, I no longer agree that people are entitled to live their lives in the way that they want. They're entitled to repent, and once they do that we can discuss freedom.

Here is your exact quote, there is no "misrepresentation" here. You are firstly suggesting that the gays are worshiping (indirectly or directly) Satan and have no right to "freedom" because your fictionally sky daddy said so. Lets take a step backwards, so you are suggesting your all loving god, basically has doomed 3/5s (if not more until the white people came) of the world because he decided to only care about Europe and part of the middle east for hundreds to thousands of years because this all knowing being somehow couldn't have stable and growing amount of worshipers in Asia, the Americas, Australia, the pacific, etc dooming them all to hell (or purgatory depending on your denomination) because they as you say can't be able to accept "Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior."

You yearn for a day when everyone (in your neighborhood) had your stupid sky daddy's beliefs and if they didn't you wouldn't pull the trigger or what not but you aren't opposed because now we live in a world of sin and whatnot and you want them to repent because they decide to have their freedom that is instill upon them because they are born a fucking human not because a fucking fictional sky daddy said you have it.

It god damn hilarious you are also reiterating god damn fanfic, the cardinal 7 sins weren't a major concept until they were first enumerated by Pope Gregory I in the 6th century and further expanded upon by St. Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century. Then to top it all off, we as a modern society mostly know the configuration of hell by a god damn self insert fanfic by Dante Alighieri in "Divine Comedy" or to be more specific Dante's Inferno.

Also seems you aren't very godly if you aren't even following Jesus' own words

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:39),

Your love seems very conditional on the concept that they have to worship your god before they deserve any love. Its honestly disgusting and you are the posterchild of why people hate religious nuts. People can worship what they want if they aren't hurting people but holy shit the shit you are willfully allowing by decree people deserve no freedom if they don't have Judeo-Christians.

@Bizarroland@kbin.social avatar

That's called masturpraying.

You're not hurting anyone (in the physical sense) but you're getting off on the idea that bad things should happen to other people, people you consider to not be in your "in group", and this is usually done in the name of and for the glory of God.

It's a fancy sin that preachers don't tell people about because they're usually guilty of it themselves.

Masturpraying is direct service to and worship of Satan, and he really enjoys it because the people who do it do it in God's name as they commit spiritual violence against the kingdom of God and its occupants while thinking that they are doing good.


Okay except no, I wasn't doing that whatsoever.


Fuck off or grow up.


There is no disagreement when it comes to gender identity. You don't get to disagree with how someone lives their life when it doesn't effect you. It is not a "communist" ideology to support trans folks and you're exposing how little you actually understand about politics with these types of assertions.


It's off-topic to debate that here, so I'll refrain. But suppose you're right, and I understand nothing. And suppose the antiwoke mod knows nothing either. Would that be suitable grounds to ban a magazine and/or ban us as users?

@GizmoLion@kbin.social avatar

Well that depends, you've been pretty thoroughly educated in this post, so now what will you do about it? I fully expect you'll return to your far right anti-woke hatemongering, in which case yes you should be blocked.

Or you can retract it, and maybe there's hope for you yet.

@Naich@kbin.social avatar

If you genuinely can't see that it's hate speech, then you need to be blocked and not debated because you are immune to reasoning.


Amusing. If I can't accept your obviously incorrect position, then you must shut down conversation because I'm immune to reasoning? Take a look in the mirror.

@Naich@kbin.social avatar

This is not a conversation. Nothing of value will be lost by shutting it down.


"We need to reopen the asylums yesterday" isn't the truth, it's your opinion.

In my opinion, words like this are propaganda intended for radicalisation, and dehumanize people that don't fit into rigid definitions of acceptable lifestyle. Your opinion states that these people should be deprived of liberty and free movement, and deprived of autonomy over their own bodies.

In my opinion, I don't need to tolerate you in my social circles, and Ernest doesn't need to use his own computing resources to enable your shit take on what freedom is.

Kindly go and have your "free speech" using resources that come out of your own pocket, not an unwilling person's.


I respect most of what you wrote. Yes, that one sentence you quoted at the top is nothing more than my opinion. Yes, you could consider it propaganda. But I didn't intend it to be for radicalization, and I wouldn't hope that to be its effect.

I don't mean to dehumanize anyone, no matter what. But I do agree that I have advocated for a somewhat rigid definition of acceptable lifestyle.

With regard to depriving anyone of liberty, free movement, and autonomy, that's specifically for those who need mental help. For many years we used asylums to contain such people. Many of our current social ills began when we closed the asylums down, and changed the DSM to redefine conditions formerly considered types of insanity to now be considered perfectly healthy. This too is just my opinion, but I'm trying to clarify that it only addresses people who need mental help.

You most certainly don't need to tolerate me in your social circles, and I won't be offended if you choose to block me.

Ernest doesn't need to do anything at all, and I think we can all agree we're grateful for what he's done. Personally I hope he establishes a free speech policy, but in any case we'll see what happens.

With regard to money, I've bought Ernest coffee and I hope you have too! That doesn't entitle me to anything, of course. But it's just to say that yes, I have contributed.


and changed the DSM

Side note, that's more an indictment of the DSM and the rigor of psychology than anything else. Whether something is a disorder or not depends on how popular it is, the whole thing reeks of quackery


Woke is far-leftist neo-Marxism. What you call "far right" and "extremist" is actually normal, conservative, and Christian. What you call "hateful" is actually just truth telling.

Downvote me all you want, but you sound like naive child who hasn't learned how to engage with competing worldviews.

@FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar

I think the people downvoting you know exactly how to engage hate.


Hatred is not speech you disagree with. It's not speech that hurts your delicate feelings. It's not speech that contradicts your values. It's none of that.

I'm fine with downvotes, although I miss old-school reddiquette back when we upvoted content that should be seen, regardless of whether or not we agreed with it. But this discussion is about banning people and magazines, not downvotes.


Hatred is not speech you disagree with. It's not speech that hurts your delicate feelings. It's not speech that contradicts your values. It's none of that.

Right. It's speech that tells people they're not worthy of or welcome to exist.

Thanks for playing.


That's not exactly what hate speech is, but it's also not what I said. Standing up for conservative Christian behavior is wholly different from telling anyone they're not worthy or welcome to exist. We are all made in God's image, all of us able to repent, be forgiven, and live according to God's will.

@effingjoe@kbin.social avatar

Which god? Zeus?

@Cyzaine@kbin.social avatar

Zeus!??! Blasphemy. All father or no father I say. Odin for best God.

@GizmoLion@kbin.social avatar

Your sky daddy is fake, and I, for one, will not live under your people's delusions of truth.


What if they don't believe in the Christian God because the Christian God is demonstrably not real?


Mmmmm, it's more like no one can reasonably demonstrate the truth of any god, rather than any specific god being demonstrably false. It's an important distinction. You can't disprove a thing, but you can prove that alternate explanations are far more probable, or that the thing doesn't fit the evidence.

@szczur@kbin.social avatar

So perhaps you should repent for actively hurting your fellow children of God. Because unless you're not a hardcore old-school christian, freedom of choice on how to live ones life if it doesn't hurt anybody is a God given right. And you actively want to take that away.


I absolutely do not want anyone's freedom of choice taken away. That's one of my core principles. God gives us free will so that we may choose. Without the ability to choose, we cannot be saved. So you are grossly misinterpreting me.

@kestrel7@kbin.social avatar

No one needs to see this, you are throwing out extremely basic arguments that all of us encounter every day in this regressive society. You aren't speaking truth to power, you're just being part of the power right now. You aren't making yourself look good and you aren't making the world a better, freer, more nuanced, or happier place.

People: Hey, stop being a jackass.


Every fucking time.

@Infiltrated_ad8271@kbin.social avatar


You do realize that this post is specifically about ideological censorship, right?


Hatred invites and deserves censorship.


Can you explain how a post that was aimed towards "trans lobby harms our society" is not hatred?

I mean I somewhat blame the OP for not linking the posts for some context, but after a bit of looking around it sounds like the posts in question are in fact hate speech and not just things to disagree with.


What if an article was titled "Christian lobby harms our society"? Would you consider that hateful? Personally, as a Christian, I certainly wouldn't upvote such an article, but I wouldn't try to get it banned either. People have viewpoints based on personal experiences, and some people find harm in some political lobbies. It's not hatred to speak what one believes to be true.


Jesus wore dresses, get over it.

@Infiltrated_ad8271@kbin.social avatar

Since you read in context, could you tell me where the hate speech is?

I only see one article where they spend most of the time making a disclaimer in favor of trans rights, followed by a critique of non-diagnosis and surgery on children, or how nothing is allowed to be questioned. That last one we can see in this thread, people are foaming at the mouth over a title (which includes "extreme, btw...), it's crazy.

@FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar

Do you remember when I called you an asshole?

I'd like to expand that you're a mi-sogynist , homophobe, and your support for fascists leaves me with no compunctions presuming you hold racist beliefs as well.

In short, I want to make clear this is not a case of what you may have read in Mathew 10:22. You are not being persecuted, and it is not "for righteousness' sake". You are a hate filled asshole who pursues policies which will harm society, and you seek to insert and establish the dominance of (what you believe to be) the word of your god while desiring safe space free from the calling out of your hate.

I also suspect you might be closeted.

That last line is not served as a "gotcha". I want you to know community and acceptance can exist outside what you seem to have found convening with some very dangerous ideology on the right. I suspect at some level you want to be lead away as as you say yourself there are places you could hang out that would not challenge your beliefs. You are here in a "den of sin".

I will commune with a few gods (not yhwh; different better gods) to see if they can bless you with the conviction to choose kindness over cantankerousness.
Change is possible.
You are not broken beyond repair.
I Love You.

I have faith in your ability to be a better person than you have thus-far demonstrated yourself to be.


Wow, this is such a well composed comment that I almost want to upvote it. Nice work with all of the links and research. You deserve a better reply than I have the energy to write, as I'm tired of this conversation. Sorry.

To address a few of your accusations:

  1. I am not racist. I'd like to remind you that the southern slaveholders were all Democrats, and the Republican party has always opposed slavery. To this day, Democrats are obsessed with skin color, in their CRT and BLM, while Republicans advocate for color-blind meritocracy. Let's not argue about politics here, please, but no, I am not a racist.
  2. I am not closeted. I do confess that I endure other sorts of evil temptations on occasion, though, just like any human being does, so I can certainly relate to those who suffer from SSA. But as a Christian, I pray that I may be shielded from such temptation when I encounter it, and prayer works.

And lastly, quickly, to address two other high-level points you made:

  1. I'm here because there are a large majority of non-Christians here, many of whom have no exposure to the word of God or anyone who praises it. I believe the Great Commission tells me to be here, if the community will accept me. I may get plenty of downvotes (seriously, look at my reputation score!), but if I can plant a seed in the fertile heart of even just one other person, the Holy Spirit will do His work.
  2. Despite your rejection of the one true living God, I truly appreciate your expression of love, however sarcastic it may have been (I can't tell). I am certainly not broken, though I was a broken, drugged out nihilist in my youth before I found Jesus. I love you too, @FfaerieOxide.
@FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar

You seem to be under the mistaken assumption I am interested in debating you.

I am not. Nor do I care to hear you loudly proselytizing as a certain other group of people do.

I invite you to consider why you get the reaction you universally seem to to your posts, and proffer that it is not because everyone is jealous that Jesus loves you more than them.
I am not however here to convert you, nor do I intend to platform fascist talking points by treating them as worthy or needing of debate.

I will leave you with the words of one of the prophets of my faith,

"You ain't a vampire; you don't have to suck."

@jclinares@kbin.social avatar

If you answer "yes", you just might be repeating the whisper of a demon."

So, wait... people who have a competing world view from yours are listening to demons? Now who's naive? xD


Demons absolutely do exist, and I'm happy to discuss that in a different context. It's pretty off-topic here, though.


“Demons absolutely do exist” lol


The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn’t exist.

—Verbal Kint


Haha hell yeah, hail Satan, am I right?


Trust me, this guy told some people a thing and they wrote it down, and while no one has seen or has proof, its real.


I think you mistyped truth social in your URL bar. This place will not welcome you, I think.


Who are ya gonna believe, me; or your own eyes?

@geoffervescent@kbin.social avatar

We are all happy to engage with competing worldviews

What you call "far right" and "extremist" is actually normal, conservative, and Christian. What you call "hateful" is actually just truth telling.

This isn't a competing worldview, or rather, it's a competing worldview in the same way that phrenology and alchemy are competing ways to view anatomy and chemistry. Like, it's possible to genuinely believe in these things if your conditions of childhood existence are so constrained, isolated, or manipulated that you are happier living life in your own personal 'Truman show.' But the rest of us don't have an obligation to play along with your fantasy.

Most of us here on the internet have at some point met someone we've had a reasonable political disagreement with but could walk away understanding each other better due to those disagreements. Most of us would even say thise diagreements have gone in both political directions. The same cannot honestly be said for folks with your version of a 'world view.' It's like a method actor but worse because it lacks any goal, it's like a person suffering mental but worse because the cause (Patriarchal models of religion) is external, intentional, and had been prosthlytizing delusion as a worldview for millenia.


You know, calling everyone not on your political compass "Not Normal" is kindof not coming off as mature as you think it is....

Basically rather than "disagree" with people, you're creating strawmen to debase anyone speaking to you, so you don't have to disagree with them.


I'm sorry. That sounds reasonable. I'm really trying to avoid political debate here, and just stand up for kbin allowing a diversity of perspectives. I understand how that might come across as you describe.


Woke is far-leftist neo-Marxism

Lmaoooo with the buzzwords. Define far-left neo marxism and give some examples of it being promoted by US politicians.


I'd be happy to do that, but not in the context of this thread. If m/antiwoke survives, maybe we can have a mutually respectful disagreement about it there in a few days.

@jalda@kbin.social avatar

I don't usually go to through other people's comment history, but this one is a goldmine

"It made sense back when everyone was, more or less, on board with the program of western civilization. We may not all have been Christian back then, but almost all of us were, and everyone supported Judeo-Christian values without question. Homosexuals were regularly taken outside and beaten to a pulp, so it was extremely rare for anyone to think such behavior was acceptable. At this point we need to ask ourselves what the purpose of freedom is. Are we a free people so we can exercise perverted pleasures of the flesh, the slaughter of innocent babies, and genital mutilation of children without their parents knowledge? If you answer "yes", you just might be repeating the whisper of a demon."

"woke neo-marxism claims that any normal person is bad. That means its practitioners openly discriminate against conservative white Christian men, especially if they practice heterosexual behavior in a traditional marriage."

"Ironically, secession is about the most American thing we could do at this point"

@Noki@kbin.social avatar

keep digging, your doing "gods work" ;)

strange to see someone as crazy as 10A on kbin.social, feels more like a Fox-Viewer who chose the wrong server.


So happens I'm the moderator of m/FoxNews so, in a way, you're right!

@minnieo@kbin.social avatar

mod of the foxnews mag lmfao. oh man, it keeps getting better and better


Guess it was only a matter of time before the Nazis colonized here with the server being open sign-up


You have clearly never been to m/FoxNews.


Click on the link to the magazine. I promise you you'll be happy you did.

@minnieo@kbin.social avatar

i'm not in the mood for comedy so i'll pass, but thanks C:


I mean, it's literally news about foxes.

@GizmoLion@kbin.social avatar

His name's 10A... he may well be as sovcit too. Par for the course.

@mmmplak@kbin.social avatar

I mean who can argue with that. Things got weirder on the second page of this thread. I just can’t take this seriously.

@VerifiablyMrWonka@kbin.social avatar

Thank you for doing the investigation so I don't have to. He'll be going on many peoples block lists at this point.


You present the false choice between hateful extremists and left wing extremists.


I agree that would be a false dichotomy. I disagree that I presented that choice. But I appreciate that you're actually engaging with ideas here.


I don't want kbin to be a far-leftist echo chamber. I also don't want kbin to be a far-right echo chamber. I think it's perfectly reasonable to want to protect a community from extreme and hateful views, regardless of which side they come from, because those views tend to attract the type of horrible, toxic people such as yourself who advocate beating the shit out of people for being different in a harmless way.

Welcome to the real world, where people who are different from you exist and mind their own business. If you can't put up with people who don't affect you in any way, I don't think the rest of us owe it to you to put up with you, either. Go find a cesspit to wallow in.


I upvoted you because your response was based on a misunderstanding of me. I never advocating for harming anyone, and I would never do that.


Oh, and about sexual morality, here's how that works:

If it doesn't involve children, animals, the deceased, or non-consenting people, it's none of your business. Persecuting people who have done nothing to you is immoral.


Your notion of how that works is not rooted in the Bible.


Matthew 7:5 -You hypocrite! First, remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother's eye.

Maybe worry about yourself first, guy who pines for the "good old days" when gay people used to get the shit beat out of them. Nobody corrupts the God's word like loud, intolerant far-right Christians.


Do you know how many times in this thread I've explained that I never expressed a desire for harm to come to anyone? And each time I'm just downvoted and mocked with a "we know what you really mean" attitude. No, really, I don't pine for that. Some people just really love to hate on Christians.

@matthieu_xyz@piaille.fr avatar

Considering the issue about tankies on some lemmy instances, I think we understand how much left is too far left. And what you describe as "woke" isn’t it.


I concede that's a very good point. The term "far-left" (just like "far-right") is problematic because there's such a wide spectrum. In the center-left, you have old-school leftists like Bill Maher. On the far left you have tankies. In between them you have the woke. So what do we call that? I can't pretend to answer the question, but I recognize that you have a very good point. Personally I'll continue calling woke far-left until I learn a more appropriate term.


As a member of that group, we prefer to call ourselves "progressives".


Fair, but so does the center-left.

ernest, in How do we get an instance removed?
@ernest@kbin.social avatar

I'll try to take care of it today and potentially clean up the activity. For now, I've limited the traffic from that instance. I'm currently working on additional tools for moderators.


Thanks Ernest. I definitely think if we've blocked a user in a magazine the microblog shouldn't be picking up stuff from them, and we need to be able to turn on automatic hashtag pickup or not.


Hell Ernest, 7 months on, this is still an issue.

Sylveon-Z, in PSA: Upvote is not an upvote like you are used to (like Reddit) - "Boost" is the Reddit Upvote
@Sylveon-Z@kbin.social avatar

I do wish there was a bit more privacy involved with boosting though, as of right now anyone can see what I boost.


for me, the main selling point of kbin over lemmy was the transparency in user interactions on here. the last straw on the camel's back over at lemmy for me was seeing blatant vote manipulation hiding behind the end-user anonymity; kept an eye on some accounts that would instantly always get the same number of upvotes, dependent on the specific account, less than 3-5 seconds after posting. it was always some single-digit amount (I assume to not get flagged by the system), but that's all it takes to signal others to feel safer upvoting it.

the same can be done likewise to bury others' content that they can view as competition to what they want seen, multiple early downvotes can act as a subconscious deterrent to others

Shortcake, in PSA: Upvote is not an upvote like you are used to (like Reddit) - "Boost" is the Reddit Upvote

the dev of kbin will be changing this. so up/downvotes are what affect your reputation. It's just not a priority right now


Do we know if there have been any releases since the influx of users? Or are they just focusing on backend stuff still?

There's still a lot of long hanging fruit *COUGHcollapsingthreads that would be great to have addressed sooner rather than later.

@ChillChillinChinchilla@kbin.social avatar


It's just one guy. We were a bit worried if he was even sleeping when the first big wave hit and he kept everything up by cloudflare and prayer.

@AnonymousLlama@kbin.social avatar

You can have a look here to see a test instance with some of the things that are coming, Ernest (the admin) has been merging in a range of tickets including bug fixes, UI improvements and other bits.

There seems to be an ever growing backlog of feature requests and bug fixes in the issues list but a fair bit is getting sorted out behind the scenes.

I'm mostly focused on UI/UX for mobile.

printerjammed, in /kbin Issues
@printerjammed@kbin.social avatar

Maybe I don't understand but my reputation points always say negative. I did the math myself, i have lots more updoots than dislikes. Am i not understanding reputation maybe?

@blazera@kbin.social avatar

its the same for everyone. upvotes dont increase reputation.


Is this by design or a known issue?

simo, in /kbin Issues
@simo@kbin.social avatar

Can't seem to hide threads at all. Would love to see this, or have up/downvoted threads also dissapear like the reddit functionality has.

@wakasm@kbin.social avatar

I agree. Once a comment gets like 20 replies it can be pretty unreadable. Have my updoot.

nicetriangle, in /kbin Issues
@nicetriangle@kbin.social avatar


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  • valaramech,
    @valaramech@kbin.social avatar

    The root path for kbin is currently always "all". I actually have a PR up right now to change this to what people actually expect to happen.

    azura, in Hey guys, this time I really messed up :/

    It's alright. I do think the actual issue was worded perhaps a bit harshly and combative, and I think you responded correctly. Very much appreciate the accountability here. To be honest if anything, this probably gives me more faith in you in the long run. There are many ways you could have dealt with it, but as far as I can see you've dealt with the issue as honorably as you could have.
    Proper attribution can be tricky. We all learn. We all make mistakes. A lot of us will never release a project that makes it as far as yours has so even our issues don't become even nearly as visible.
    Keep your head up and stay calm. You're doing great. We got you.


    There are many ways you could have dealt with it, but as far as I can see you've dealt with the issue as honorably as you could have

    It's certainly a far cry away from "We will remain profit driven until profits arrive" that a certain someone said in response to a legitimate question over on the other site. A breath of fresh air really.

    @CoderKat@kbin.social avatar

    Lol, exactly what I was thinking. I can't imagine a Reddit admin posting something like this.

    knoland, in Hey guys, this time I really messed up :/

    Cross-posting my comment:

    This is one of my largest frustrations with the open source community. Everything is immediately assumed as malicious. There is no escalation, it's "you screwed me over" from the jump.

    I suppose it's bred from decades of large corporations pilfering open source for profit. However, this post could easily have been, "I noticed there's some code I wrote that wasn't attributed, would you mind adding that?". Escalate from there if the appropriate actions aren't taken.

    @neonfire@kbin.social avatar

    For real, the person's name is LitigousEmma. This is one step away from a copyright troll, which imo seems to the the mortal enemy of the idea of FOSS. Did this Emma recognize all the developers of the programming languages they used, or the people who made the computer they worked on, or the pioneers of electronics in general? It's not like Emma took quarks and atoms and turned it into an web aggregator.


    In LitigousEmma's defense, kbin did not comply with the license terms of the open source software, so there is a valid concern here. Unlike most programming languages which are often released under licenses which do not requite attribution.

    However, mistakes happen. The open source community is better off if we could all just start from 0 and escalate based on response.

    @gus@kbin.social avatar

    Honestly that's my only issue with this. Ernest was totally rightfully called out for this, as he should have been. But Emma's knee jerk reaction is just a real bad look. Don't make any attempt to reach out and figure out why it's in there. Immediately make a public post accusing him of stealing code, trying to hide that he stole it, and claim it as his own...on a FOSS project no less...

    Surely there's a step or 2 before that point..


    I don't have any issue with opening an issue in the repo, that part seems reasonable. It, by definition, is an issue with the codebase.

    @gus@kbin.social avatar

    Right, I wasn't saying it shouldn't have been a public post. Just that the public post shouldn't have immediately jumped to accusations. FOSS or not, accusing someone of stealing code and intentionally trying to obfuscate its origin to pass it off as their own is a big deal for a developer. One that can destroy your reputation

    A simple "I've noticed snippets in here of my work that falls under a license which is not attributed at all. Could you add the proper attributions or remove it from your project?" says the same thing and doesn't jump to any accusations that you have no idea if are true or not

    @Rhaedas@kbin.social avatar

    Not knowing either parties at all, I'd say the best solution is to assume both meant the best and some mistakes were made. One for forgetting to give credit for code, the other for wording in their asking to fix the mistake. At the end of the day, credit is given and the code grows, both benefit. Don't dwell on the small stuff that got there, problem is solved.

    @gus@kbin.social avatar

    Agreed! Totally think this is a learning experience for both sides

    An...earnest mistake?

    I'm sorry


    accusing someone of stealing code and intentionally trying to obfuscate its origin to pass it off as their own is a big deal for a developer. One that can destroy your reputation

    Is it? It sure didn’t destroy the reputations of the Microsoft employees who plagiarized Stacker. And their plagiarism cost people their livelihoods, not just a smidgen of fame.


    Some good points but a counter point to consider.

    Whether it’s a photo used without permission by a big company or people using your work without attribution there does tend to be a dismissive attitude overall (not that that is the case here)

    I can see how somebody could come into this situation with that as the background and just cut right to the chase.

    There wasn’t a “cease and desist” (the legal equivalent of an ahem) nor a DMCA copyright takedown (harsher but less financial damaging than a copyright suit with damages)

    Their tone was scolding but it was a “hey… heads up… you gotta fix this” without resorting to any of the above.

    Ernest took it with the right attitude and Emma accepted it and that’s that.

    Couldn’t really ask for a better outcome and Emma has every right to come out swinging harder than she did.

    I can’t speak to her experience with this but personally it is sometimes better to be firm (but fair) at the outset so people don’t ignore a softer tone requiring you to escalate it.

    That’s just bad for everybody all around.


    She may have had the right, but that doesn’t mean it was necessary.

    @neonfire@kbin.social avatar

    Copyright is the enemy of freedom and knowledge. What if Einstein copyrighted E=MC^2? Emma didn't create the software, they just figured out how to make it.


    And instead of making it closed they made it available under open source licensing. With the only terms being attribution.

    They’re not the bad guy here. Nor is Ernest. There’s no bad guys here just a mistake, a call to fix it, a fix and an acceptance of that fix.

    Really Ernest showed the perfect example of “if you have to eat crow eat it while it’s young and tender”

    @andromedusgalacticus@lemm.ee avatar

    What an interesting phrase. I’ve never heard that one before. Perfectly sums up less elegant forms of phrasing it.


    We have a similar one in Nigeria. If you are going to eat a frog, eat a fat one that has eggs

    @FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

    He couldn't have copyrighted E=mc^2, he'd have had to patent it. But laws of nature are excluded from patent eligibiligy in the US, and presumably most other jurisdictions.

    Software code is an interesting edge case in the middle. The code itself is a creative expression, and so copyright applies. This brings benefits as well as restrictions; software code is also speech as far as many free-speech rights are concerned. The algorithms expressed by the code are subject to software patents, which is a more controversial grey area.

    @DracolaAdil@kbin.social avatar

    I agree. Firstly, a public post...and secondly...a public post bashing a fellow developer with passive aggressive quotes.

    Now I may be assuming but it didn't seem like LitigiousEmma mad an attempt to privately contact Ernest and... and assumed the worst in the post.

    I'm just a reddit normie so I don't know what happens behind the scenes but so far Ernest has been earnest and honest... as long as that is the case I'll stand with you bud!

    You made a mistake and are taking responsibility for it. I respect that!

    P.S. - Notice how LitigiousEmma's post is recent. LE just wants their name out there. If Kbin flopped then no fs would be given.


    Nah I do believe that it was right to open an issue, and also that the code should've been credited. But it is now. Also I mean... yes? How else would you expect for them to find the code? /kbin is a project with quite a few eyes on it now. If you upload a project that nobody looks at, of course things like that go unnoticed. Doesn't make them less wrong.
    But all is well that ends well. If you do anything in the public, you gotta be prepared to deal with people who might not be the friendliest. That's fine. I think defusing the situation like was done here and immediately fixing the problem was exactly how this kind of thing should have gone. It's on all of us to defuse tense situations, whether we're bringing up an issue or responding to an issue brought up by someone that might be offended. Kinda like how you should be driving defensively to avoid any accidents before they can begin to happen. I guess? Oh god I'm making too many driving analogies today I really gotta stop.
    [edit]: I'm also not trying to call out the person opening the issue. There are many ways why it might have been worded like that, including past experience. People are very complex and seeing just a snippet of them like this isn't what we should immediately base all of our judgements on.

    Adderalldependent, in Hey guys, this time I really messed up :/

    This is the kind of transparent communication that buys so much goodwill and trust from the community. I've been enjoying my first experience in the Fediverse with Kbin, and the response here only makes me love it that much more. Nicely handled.

    @PtitSerpent@kbin.social avatar

    I think we did a good choice


    Agreed. I had already created an account on a Lemmy instance (Lemmy.one since I wanted to avoid the two main .ml instances). I had just about settled but decided to give Kbin a try. While it doesn't seem quite as far along in it's development, it struck me as a better user experience. Combined with reservations I have about the Lemmy developers... Well, here we are. And seeing this level of involvement and dedication to doing the right thing from the developer confirms that choice. Kudos @ernest


    As I am totally new to this whole thing, could you elaborate for me on those reservations about the lemmy developers? And are those the same that created lemmy.world?

    RaleighEnt, in Hey guys, this time I really messed up :/

    Damn emma really tore into you in that issue lol. A lot of assumptions about malicious intentions when a simple mistake seems much more likely. I mean I know they're in the right defending their work but damn idk if they needed to make such a big public stink about it lol

    @ernest@kbin.social avatar

    It seems to me that she did it very gently ;)


    Contacting the project "officially" through the the public tracker was the right thing to do.
    As for the tone of the message - I don't think it was out of line considering the circumstances.

    Mistakes do happen (licensing is actually hard) - and I'm happy to see it got fixed fast.

    @0x1C3B00DA@kbin.social avatar

    Mistakes do happen (licensing is actually hard)

    Which is why the tone is striking people here as over the top. Ernest is clearly not a large business trying to profit off their work so some benefit of the doubt was warranted.

    Ernest corrected it and the story is over so none of this matters, but open source devs going at other devs who make a mistake with attribution just makes the ecosystem a less nice place to be. Save that hostility for the ones trying to take advantage of others


    Yeah I suppose you're right. Just the little digs at earnest's character seem needlessly hostile to me. like saying he edited the code to hide its origins or saying "what would your sponsors think?"

    idk. just don't like it. I do feel for them, I'm sure having your work copied without credit sucks. just wish we could all be friends and hold hands and shit:(

    effingjoe, in Hey guys, this time I really messed up :/
    @effingjoe@kbin.social avatar

    Is 'LitigiousEmma' an inside joke, or an extremely relevant username? haha

    Edit: For some reason this keeps bouncing around in my head and the more I think about the more I believe that Emma should have contacted you privately (at first, anyway) instead of jumping right into attempting to publicly shame you.


    Edit: For some reason this keeps bouncing around in my head and the more I think about the more I believe that Emma should have contacted you privately (at first, anyway) instead of jumping right into attempting to publicly shame you.

    The issue tracker for kbin codebase was the correct place to submit the complaint.

    Licensing issues are tricky and if you're the copyright holder there's no way to know if people stealing your code are acting in good faith or not. Best course of action is to document and report the violations "officially". You need to have a clear track record in case the other part is going to try to deny or obfuscate the situation.

    It was the right thing to do.

    As for the tone and the username.
    From what I can see, she's the main dev for that codebase and has been for many, many years. She gets to decide the tone, she's the one who's defending her rights and work.

    Having said that, ernest handled it well - and is clearly acting in good faith. So that should be the end of that.


    I’m not a coder, so hopefully you can answer my question. When using open source code, does each instance of borrowed code need to be “tagged” and identified to attribute to the original author? My brain keeps telling me that all this code needs is a MLA reference page, but after reading this post I’m assuming it’s more difficult than that.


    Yup that’s basically it. If you have some electronic device (like an Android or iPhone), you can go to some sort of “about phone” setting page and poke around for a licenses button that’ll show you all the software that your device uses. It’s just proper attribution.

    I’ve done reverse engineering and found obvious illegally used GPL code in closed source projects, and they could (theoretically) get in big trouble for not following the license. (I anonymously requested their source based on the terms of the license, but the company threatened to sue for reverse engineering, so it’s often not worth it)


    Hi Emma!

    Zak8022, in Hey guys, this time I really messed up :/
    @Zak8022@kbin.social avatar

    Seems that so long as the attribution is in place the Postmill people aren't going to push it further. I (and I hope the community) appreciate your transparency and honesty. That's the sort of thing that makes me want to stick around here and support this project.

    And for fun, I will check out those other sites, since I hadn't heard about Postmill/Raddle before.


    last time i used raddle, admittedly it was about a year ago, it was a barren wasteland.

    stickerface, in /kbin - a few quick announcements

    Just found this site - definitely going to be putting an effort in to getting the formula1 kbin populated.


    FYI, there is already a lemmy community for f1 gaining some traction. Do with that what you will, just putting it out there :)


    @VerifiablyMrWonka@kbin.social avatar

    Sadly, until federation is working, it may as well not exist.

    That said, when it does start working I look forward to the battle of the f1 communities.

    @rokejulianlockhart@kbin.social avatar

    It appears to be federating now.

    Flames5123, in /kbin Issues

    I am not enjoying kbin.social right now. The latency is beyond atrocious, at 10+ seconds to load each page. The UI reminds me of 2004 forums that don’t know how users work. The mobile UI is just the worst.

    Some pain points:

    • I’m a software engineer so I can figure this shit out, but how the hell do I subscribe to a magazine? If I go to it, there should be a “subscribe” or context menu at the top to subscribe/favorite/mute. (I found it, but it's so weird on mobile to click the logo then scroll to get to the subscribe.)
    • Why is the comment box all the way at the bottom? Where’s the “add comment” button on a post?
    • Why are comments paginated like a forum? Why not just a “load more” like Reddit? What’s the point? It's not to decrease the response because you can do that with "load more" buttons.
    • Selecting the comment box should NOT zoom slightly into the page. The mobile web UI needs a lot of work from people who know how to do mobile UIs.
    • Is there no “homepage” button? Clicking the Kbin logo at the top just brings up a menu, which requires another click on the homepage button to get back. This is weird and unintuitive.
    • Edit: And you can't collapse comment threads? What even...

    I really want a Reddit replacement, but this is not it with this terrible UI.


    I’m a software engineer

    if you're a software engineer you should had known to make constructive comments and also most importantly realise that you are on a Non-commercial open source one-man-project. Your attitude is disgusting and you sound like the guys that nobody wants to work with. Nobody forces you to be here and you're welcome to go and please take your cancer with you on your way out.


    Add issues to the codeberg.
    RN there are users scripts and userstyles over at m/kbinStyles to add collapsing and move text box to the top. Users are already adding requests for these functions natively. The infinite scroll rather than pages is available in the gear icon on the side or in your profile

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