
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

melroy, in Remember you can donate to help support the development and maintenance of kbin and/or Ernest directly
@melroy@kbin.melroy.org avatar

Don't forget to donate to other contributors as well. All core developers are doing voluntary work and for free. We all try to do our best to keep the project going.

If you wish to support me as well 😉.. Can do so here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/melroy or other ways as well : https://melroy.org/thanks.html

cacheson, in kbin.social seems to keep asking if I want to download a file when opening the page? Is this an xss? bug? what is this
@cacheson@kbin.social avatar
@dango@kbin.social avatar

That smells right, I see it was labeled "high priority" 3 months ago...

Lodespawn, in /kbin Issues

Is there a way to stop videos and audio from autoplaying? Browsing kbin on Firefox mobile and it keeps randomly playing some unknown audio.


Ever find a fix for this? News videos keep autoplaying for me on Firefox mobile, even before I scroll to the post in the feed


Sadly I haven't yet, the same think happens to me, random news videos autoplaying, even when not on screen yet. I'm fairly confident there's no setting to turn off video autoplay on kbin. Sadly even if you tell Firefox to not autoplay videos the videos continue to play, the Firefox mobile settings seem to be limited in that respect though.

I wonder if turning it of on the desktop browser site settings and then syncing will fix it.


Hrmm I think I have automedia preview set to on. I've turned it off and will see if this fixes it. I say think as the UI for the kbin page settings isn't super clear what's on and what's off ..


Err well that maybe worked but it also stopped all images loading in the feed so not really helpful


Yes, I think that's where the problem may lie, loading images has been intertwined with video autoplay

e569668, in What's up with notifications?
@e569668@fedia.io avatar

I don't want to give false information, but on fedia the majority of 500 pages seemed to stem from the image media cache causing issues (our instance admin detailed the issue here). People were able to mitigate it by disabling images everywhere they could, but one place they can't be disabled is the user avatars on the notification page. I could be wrong, but it's my belief it's those images causing the 500s, and that pushed me to add https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core/issues/1039 in hopes that if it was possible to disable them the 500s would stop. All this could be wrong though, maybe it's something else like deleted messages or anything else, or maybe there's a better way to solve issues with cached images

ernest, in What's up with notifications?
@ernest@kbin.social avatar

Hey, I will try to check it this evening.


I'd gotten a 50x error page when trying to submit this post, too - but it went through anyway? This post doesn't show up in my threads page, though.

I read back your earlier comments before I tried posting - I know you have other pressing matters on your plate. As you can see, I just created this user at artemis.camp, so that I can get those notifications ... maybe?

@e569668@fedia.io avatar

I'm able to see that post, do you see it in private browsing / when logged out? If so, you might be blocking domains on kbin.social and removing them would make it appear again. That's been fixed in latest which hopefully kbin.social users should get soon, but wasn't affecting other instances I had checked so you should be fine to do so on artemis


I can see the post when I go directly to it (with either the kbin.social or artemis.camp account), but it does not appear in my threads area under my kbin.social account (the one that posted it).

@Teppic@kbin.social avatar

This a known bug, which has been fixed, but the fix hasn't been implemented on kbin.social.
The temporary work around is that you can't have and domains blocked. The link on e659668's post gives more details.
This will be fixed in the update planned for the end of September.

macallik, in /kbin Issues

Having issues searching for any federated content w/i kbin

daredevil, (edited ) in Just Curious: How long does it take for a kbin post to reach mastodon?
@daredevil@kbin.social avatar

I've been struggling with #kbin/#mastodon #federation for awhile now, it's been disheartening. I've been trying to be more active about following various users and domains in hopes that more content will #federate to the #magazines I moderate. However, it hasn't really proven to be helpful. In some cases, I can't even find particular instances that users post from via kbin. I can find the instance by going to the page itself, but I suppose it may just take more time than I thought? In some cases, trying to follow a user takes me to an error page, and repeated attempts prove unsuccessful. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but it's rather confusing when I can see posts from a given instance, yet can't search for the instance itself to federate more content. I've tried asking about it, and no one seems to know or be able to help. Searching the fediverse for information is also difficult due to the noise I have to sift through.

With that said, I know there's other stuff to consider: Ernest is planning a big update for kbin, some instances have restricted federation with kbin due to moderation not properly federating to other communities, and kbin being a younger platform than #lemmy/mastodon. I'll try to be patient, there's just some features that I really hope mature soon as there are features I'd like to use, but can't yet. Also, before this gets misconstrued again like it has in the past, I am still enjoying my time on kbin and support Ernest's efforts in regard to this platform. I wouldn't still be posting here if I weren't enjoying my time here.

@Arotrios@kbin.social avatar

Just wanna say I agree - it can be a frustrating process to figure it all out.

In some cases, trying to follow a user takes me to an error page, and repeated attempts prove unsuccessful.

This confused the fuck out of me until I realized that Mastodon instances have the option for users to allow or deny follow requests. Basically, if you click on someone's follow and nothing happens (or you get an error page), what's happened is that you've sent them a follow request that they have to approve. Kbin's interface fails here (hopefully will improve with update) and does nothing. If they do chose to let you follow them, you'll see their account update.

In some cases, I can't even find particular instances that users post from via kbin.

Go to the poster's account, and follow them. If Kbin hasn't actively federated the site yet, it usually does so pretty quickly after a follow. This usually also lets you link to the community they posted to.

more content will to the I moderate.

Check your magazine's Microblog section - you may be getting more content than you realize. Your magazine tags will determine what additional content (aside from ) your Microblogs pick up. Everything from Mastodon users shows up there on Kbin.

daredevil, (edited )
@daredevil@kbin.social avatar

Thanks for the reply.

Basically, if you click on someone's follow and nothing happens (or you get an error page), what's happened is that you've sent them a follow request that they have to approve.

This makes sense, and reflects what I've just seen regarding a user I was trying to follow earlier.

If Kbin hasn't actively federated the site yet, it usually does so pretty quickly after a follow.

My follow has updated, however, I'm still unable to access https://kbin.social/d/urusai.social. This isn't a huge deal, just something I wanted to draw attention to, I suppose. Perhaps it'll federate some time down the line. To future readers, I'll try to remember to edit this comment with an update if and when it happens.

Thanks to @Arotrios for the answer

Additional context here

Check your magazine's Microblog section - you may be getting more content than you realize. Your magazine tags will determine what additional content (aside from ) your Microblogs pick up. Everything from Mastodon users shows up there on Kbin.

I actually check this daily and have reset my tags on a few occasions to see if it would help on top of what I mentioned previously. I've also changed the sort options (e.g. new, hot, top, etc) just in case, to check whether or not things have been federating. What has been confusing to me is, the content federation seems to work when I search the tag outside of my magazine. For instance, I see microblogs federated to @japanese yet I do not see the same in @learnjapanese. This has also been an issue with @residentevil as well. Oddly enough, even users I have already followed do not have their content federated to these magazines at times, even though I have checked their history and seen them use the tags I've assigned to the magazines. I could simply be doing something wrong, but I'm not sure what it is.

Edit: Now that I think about it, there have even been very occasional instances where I have seen content federated to @residentevil in the past. I remember following them and then have seen them post with the tags on a future occasion, but those subsequent posts were not federated to the magazine. Pretty odd, but I'll just attribute it to kbin's growing pains. I hope this isn't coming off as too negative, I've just been really trying to nurture these little communities and better understand this system.

@Arotrios@kbin.social avatar

Not sure what's going on with the kbin.social/d/ view of urusai.social, but I was able to find posts (not threads) here:


This led me to @neatchee, who is the instance owner. You might try following them, but I agree, that's an odd bug.

Oddly enough, even users I have already followed do not have their content federated to these magazines at times, even though I have checked their history and seen them use the tags I've assigned to the magazines. I could simply be doing something wrong, but I'm not sure what it is.

Yeah, posting to Kbin from Mastodon instances is a challenge. Kbin filters and tries to assign incoming hashtags to existing magazine hashtags.

If a post contains a hashtag that is taken by another magazine, that magazine usually gets the content instead of yours. Your magazine's hashtag has to appear first in the text. Your Japanese forum is probably catching all of the #japanese posts before they get to LearnJapanese.

Second, it's random which of your magazine hashtags will pull content and from who. The order of the hashtags doesn't appear to affect this.

The only way to ensure a post gets from Mastdon to Kbin or Lemmy is to put @yourmagazine@kbin.social in the post tag. This will make sure it shows up on Lemmy, and will get your post to the Kbin Microblog of the magazine 90% of the time. If you want to be extra sure, do it like this:

@yourmagazinename@kbin.social #yourmagazinename (then any following hashtags)

Hopefully the update will clean this up a bit.

@neatchee@urusai.social avatar

@Arotrios @readbeanicecream @daredevil fwiw I can confirm that URUSAI! does not have any restrictions on kbin.social. And I'm able to load your kbin profiles from our Mastodon instance without issue.

I'd need to look into how the /d/ implementation in kbin works to know more.

But if you toss me the URL of a mastodon instance that DOES show up there without issue I might be able to learn something :)

@Arotrios@kbin.social avatar

@neatchee @daredevil I think perhaps someone has to post a link hosted on your instance for it to appear. For instance this works:


but smaller instances like this:


...don't seem to, generating a 404 because no one has created a link or thread back to a pagan.plus post (although their users post over to kbin often). Possibly posting link (in the url field of Add a Link on Kbin) to an urusai.social hosted post will do the trick.

@neatchee@urusai.social avatar

@Arotrios @readbeanicecream @daredevil this sounds very plausible. Unexpected, but it would make sense that kbin's /d/ path is showing you the directory of content from your server's local cache and not querying the target server.

Which kinda makes sense, honestly: since that feature is trying to list everything kbin knows about from the target server, populating it for the first time would definitely cause a significant load on that instance

@neatchee@urusai.social avatar

@Arotrios @readbeanicecream @daredevil now I'm really curious how it works when you subscribe to a server. Is it pulling in that server's public and local feeds? Or is it only showing you posts from users on that server that your instance already knows about

@Arotrios@kbin.social avatar

Only that it knows about to start, but I think that once it gets subscriptions to the domain, it starts pulling more automatically. I could be wrong, however - I'm not sure which activities aside from posting are federated.

EDIT: I was wrong - the domain only grabs Threads, so Mastodon posts will likely not show up this way. They may get indexed if they're sent to a kbin magazine using the @magazinename@kbin.social format

@daredevil@kbin.social avatar

I'll keep an eye on our instance of urusai.social and let you know in the future

@Arotrios@kbin.social avatar

@daredevil @neatchee - Looks like the linked post is what did the trick. I posted here to the Fediverse community to let them know about your instance (it's pointed at your pinned intro post).

As such, this link is now working for daredevil:


And will allow subscriptions.

@daredevil@kbin.social avatar

Fantastic, this has been very enlightening. I appreciate your time and effort.

@neatchee@urusai.social avatar

@Arotrios @readbeanicecream @daredevil and it answers my question: it is not the full server firehose, just the posts already known to the kbin server

@daredevil@kbin.social avatar

This led me to @neatchee, who is the instance owner. You might try following them, but I agree, that's an odd bug.

Thanks, it's worth a shot.

If a post contains a hashtag that is taken by another magazine, that magazine usually gets the content instead of yours. Your magazine's hashtag has to appear first in the text. Your Japanese forum is probably catching all of the #japanese posts before they get to LearnJapanese.

So it seems as if @japanese gets priority of the #japanese hashtag due to it being the name of their magazine? Or possibly that they had the hashtag first? I hope multiple magazines are able to federate the same hashtag eventually. @Acala, the admin of @japanese has been inactive for the past few weeks. That's rather unfortunate, as the magazine has no published threads in addition to an inactive moderator.

Second, it's random which of your magazine hashtags will pull content and from who.

That's unfortunate, but helps to clear things up.

The only way to ensure a post gets from Mastdon to Kbin or Lemmy is to put @yourmagazine@kbin.social in the post tag. This will make sure it shows up on Lemmy, and will get your post to the Kbin Microblog of the magazine 90% of the time. If you want to be extra sure, do it like this:
@yourmagazinename@kbin.social #yourmagazinename (then any following hashtags)

This has been very informative, thank you. I'm probably not gonna bug #mastodon users to add this to their posts, but if I ever decide to use mastodon myself I'll keep this in mind.

Hopefully the update will clean this up a bit.

Agreed, kbin as a platform is the most interesting for me, and I hope to see things turn out well.

@HarkMahlberg@kbin.social avatar

This confused the fuck out of me until I realized that Mastodon instances have the option for users to allow or deny follow requests. Basically, if you click on someone's follow and nothing happens (or you get an error page), what's happened is that you've sent them a follow request that they have to approve. Kbin's interface fails here (hopefully will improve with update) and does nothing. If they do chose to let you follow them, you'll see their account update.

God this explains so much. I tried hitting the Follow button multiple times in a row and now I probably look like a crazy person spamming someone with follow requests. ;_;

Arotrios, in Just Curious: How long does it take for a kbin post to reach mastodon?
@Arotrios@kbin.social avatar

Depends on the instance in my experience - mastodon.social usually posts within seconds. Note that due to spam issues, kbin.social has been dealing with a recent wave of defederation, so if you're not seeing your posts appear, that might be the cause.

@readbeanicecream@kbin.social avatar

@Arotrios Interestingly enough, I can see my kbin posts in Mastodon as https://mastodon.social/@readbeanicecream@kbin.social, but it seems that those posts do not appear in my Mastodon timeline under the hashtags that I follow. For example, if I post something that includes #nasa, I do not see that post in Mastodon under #nasa. However, I do see it as a post under https://mastodon.social/@readbeanicecream@kbin.social.

I guess I am still just learning how it all works.

Arotrios, (edited )
@Arotrios@kbin.social avatar

@readbeanicecream Hashtags are really hit or miss in general across instances.

I found that most Mastodon instances only collect posts from other Mastodon instances under hashtags (definitely the case with mastodon.social). I suspect this is because they are sharing the same posting format.

The long form posting format that Lemmy and Kbin use for Threads has a 25k character limit, too big for most Mastodon instances. This long form post is truncated into the posting limits of the Mastodon instance, but the conversion protocol is not sophisticated enough to read the JSON file to flag the enclosed hashtags as data fields defining the post.

The user-facing presentation layer then adds hyperlinks to what it can determine as hashtags (as it does to anything with a # preceding it), but the federating instance itself thinks the entire post is just post content.

Related notes - I found that when posting to Kbin from Mastodon, the order of the hashtags determines which Microblog the post appears under. Also, Lemmy strips hashtags placed in the "Tags" section of a Thread or Link when content makes its way there.

@readbeanicecream@kbin.social avatar

@Arotrios Thank you. That is a great explanation.

PugJesus, (edited ) in Just Curious: How long does it take for a kbin post to reach mastodon?
@PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

I haven't been able to post using Kbin for a bit due to a bug, but I can answer the reverse - posts on Lemmy generally show up on Kbin within a minute.

@Arotrios@kbin.social avatar

If you've got domains blocked, that might be causing the error. Domain blocking seems to gum up posting and comment visibility. Removing my domain blocks cleared up the issues I was having about a month ago.

@PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

Tried that already. Unfortunately, didn't work out.

@Arotrios@kbin.social avatar

Dammit - you're one of the best posters here.

Odd that comments are working for you. During my previous issues I did note that there were posting differences when I used the "Add Link", "Comment" and "Post" functionality (which worked) versus the "Add Thread" and "Add Picture" options (which didn't, or worked partially after throwing an initial 500 error). Given that you can still comment, you may have some posting access with the other options.

@PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

Aw, why thanks!

'Add picture' is the one that's denied to me, I can still post links. But I mostly post pictures and I hate going through the hassle of uploading to a third party site first, so I just use my Lemmy.world or DBZ alts for now. Been going on for two weeks or so, figure it might get cleared up after Kbin's upcoming update.

@Arotrios@kbin.social avatar

Ahh gotcha. The add Pics function never worked very well for me, so I haven't used it in a bit (mainly rely on Links and Threads). I've also noticed that kbin pictures only occasionally make it through Federation (seems to happen on other kbin instances as well) - seems really random whether or not they appear on the federating instance.


simplistic code attempts now. immediate

MHLoppy2, in Admin of my instance seems to have gone inactive, looking to migrate to a small instance with an active admin
@MHLoppy2@aussie.zone avatar

Based on what I’ve heard from kbin instance admins (especially jerry, the owner of fedia.io, where I usually post from when not dealing with errors), it’s not an easy thing to keep running in its current state. I imagine if you instance hop sub-100 user kbin instances many of them will end up shutting down or having inactive owners.

For example, feddit.online is kbin instance #6 by user count (yet it’s still <100!) and has announced they’re shutting down in a couple of months: feddit.online/m/…/SERVER-GOING-AWAY-ON-NOV-26th

To have a stable instance experience without going with a large instance you might have better luck with another AP platform as your home base, whether Lemmy or something else entirely.

Rhaedas, in /kbin Issues
@Rhaedas@kbin.social avatar

Notification issue I ran across today - a person can delete a message in a thread leaving "deleted by author" but the message still shows up in notifications (or part of it since notifications cuts them off at some point).

e569668, in Admin of my instance seems to have gone inactive, looking to migrate to a small instance with an active admin
@e569668@fedia.io avatar

he’s eventually going to make sure abandoned instances have admins

I think he meant magazines on kbin.social in this context. I don't think he has any way to control another instance and change who runs it, besides a kindly worded letter.

I do try to keep track of kbin instances and how up to date they are and their admins, but I can't really advertise in their place. One thing I've kind of been thinking about is it'd be nice if nodeinfo had information next to current user count of like: desired user count, max user count. Otherwise you have no idea what an instance admin is hoping for, whether it's just their personal instance or they're willing to support tens of thousands of users. Without that I don't want to send people to x instance and suddenly the admin being in for a surprise. But I just looked up nodeinfo and it looks like there's plenty of worms in that can about it being too complex already, so maybe I'll avoid opening my mouth about it... for now.

shininghero, in Is there a way to report an individual user?

Last time I just reported all their posts, and put snippets of the Monty Python spam skit in the various reports.
Hopefully it gave the admins a chuckle while they removed the account.

Illecors, in Am I the only one noticing it about kbin's name?

It’s a play for unix filesystem’s layout - /sbin -> kbin. Can’t recall the post, but that was answered by Ernest himself.

@Teppic@kbin.social avatar

There is even the folder icon as the logo to make this link clearer.

jeena, in Am I the only one noticing it about kbin's name?
@jeena@jemmy.jeena.net avatar

kbin sounds a lot like karabin, which means rifle in Polish.

@JustAWoopie@kbin.social avatar

Yeah ernest seems to be polish and the polish kbin instance is karab.in. Still it’s kind of a weird name for a link aggregator

@Teppic@kbin.social avatar
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