all-knight-party, avatar

That explains why it was never fixed, the admin running the server seems to have disappeared a week or two before i joined the instance and I haven't seen hide nor hair of them, I even sent them a PM about that issue, but never heard anything back. Considering Fedia still has some issues and even testing the waters recently I've been logged out by the "invalid csrf token" problem, I think I'll just try a different instance again, is seeming all right, relatively small, but the owner has been recently active and is updating the instance, even directly posting about the avatar upload bug.

It's surprising, actually, just how few truly active kbin instances there are, and I love the hell out of Jerry, but I think he's got too much on his plate to properly fix up Fedia at the moment, at least, not until kbin is less buggy and he has the time to spare from his many other projects, I hate to step away from Fedia, but since I quit reddit cold turkey and don't use any other social media whatsoever I'm really relying on a baseline level of usability for all features.

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