
ImplyingImplications, to news in Judge delays trial for Trump, others in Georgia 2020 election prosecution

Georgia will likely run into more problems like this. Their RICO case against Trump and his gang of bandits is massive, involving 19 defendants charged with racketeering, 41 predicate offences split across the 19 defendants in order to prove they were involved in racketeering. Not every predicate offence involves every defendant. Most of these predicate offenses involved many more people than the 19 defendants and happened entirely outside of Georgia. Several of the predicate offenses focus on speech and political activities which is going to be incredibly difficult to argue isn’t protected by the first amendment.

This case is massive and messy which means it’ll probably be a very long time until it ends.

RandAlThor, to news in Judge delays trial for Trump, others in Georgia 2020 election prosecution

This sounds like a win for Trump. 😒


This was always guaranteed to happen once Chesebro and Powell asked for their trials to be speedier.

Rapidcreek, to news in Biden joins striking auto workers on picket line

Meanwhile… After being rebuffed by the UAW, Trump will be appearing at Drake Enterprises (a non-union auto parts manufacturer) tomorrow in Clinton Township, Michigan, in effort to, as Drake spokesman said, “expand name recognition for Drake Enterprises.”

The workers at Drake are not union members or on strike.

DrYes, to news in Judge delays trial for Trump, others in Georgia 2020 election prosecution
@DrYes@kbin.social avatar

Guys, do we really need clickbait headlines from poor sources like politico?

fuzzzerd, to news in Planemakers look to a pilotless future

Of all the ways to reduce costs, this is one that leaves me feeling like I’d rather not participate.

ConstableJelly, to news in Newsom and DeSantis to debate in November

I can't see this as anything other than a losing scenario for just... sensibility and maturity in general. Neither DeSantis nor Hannity are serious people, and there's simply no way this debate isn't just chum for the rabid fanatics who enjoy their malevolent circus act.

Whirlybird, to news in Biden faces continued low approval ratings, concerns about age, poll finds

I watched a Netflix stand up special yesterday where the comedian said that whenever Biden finishes a speech he turns into a Roomba and I couldn’t stop laughing at how accurate it is 😂. He just aimlessly wanders around the platform trying to figure out where to go next until his handlers get him.


I couldn 't stop laughing at how small your mind is.


Cool story, 10/10 would read again.

What a strange, strange reply to my post.


What a strangely small mind behind the post.

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