StillPaisleyCat, to quarks in Bruce Horak on Deaf & Disability arts

Who knows?

Just before Picard had its run, Alex Kurtzman was talking up the idea of having one-shots, movies and limited series focused around established (legacy) characters. He argued that the franchise has matured to the point where this was now possible for the next phase.

The Georgiou S31 movie was supposed to be a show, but with Yeoh’s star power, it seems impossible to schedule. So, it’s become the rest case. I hope it’s successful and smooths the way for more.

With Paramount retrenching and Matalas pushing his own Titanprise nepotistic nostalgia tour for an early 25th century show, the window for this seems to have past. Not to mention Paramount’s overall turning away from CBS’ focus on diverse representation.

Nmyownworld, avatar

I think of the originally proposed Section 31 series is a classic case of you snooze, you lose. Too much time was spent hemming and hawing about the series, rather than getting to making it. Resulting in Michelle Yeoh’s well earned popularity, and as an effect, lack of availability. I agree that the success of that movie will affect the immediate future of more Star Trek, made for streaming, movies.

Paramount’s treatment of Star Trek is so many mixed messages. One moment it seems to get just how popular Star Trek is and the potential for new stories and characters . Then, it seems timid, re-casting long time characters rather than bringing new faces to the table. Then, it seems surprised by Star Trek’s popularity, that there are still a lot of Star Trek fans. That’s just my impressions.

" … Matalas pushing his own Titanprise nepotistic nostalgia tour for an early 25th century show," is such a concise and accurate statement, all I can do is agree with it.

I find myself getting frustrated with Paramount+. Paramount has the money losing Paramount+ and the profitable (although not enough to fully offset Paramount+'s losses) Pluto TV. Yet, they seem to see no way to be profitable with streaming. I’m also getting frustrated with Pluto TV. With each change (update?) to Pluto TV, the platform is becoming more problematic to use. Freezing, dropping out of an episode or film in the middle of it, and constantly resizing the screen down from full screen. I’m also not impressed with the recent “sub to Paramount+ and stream Star Trek or else we’ll cancel (whichever show)” messaging. I get that doing this is important. I find the wording to be brutish. If my $6 or $12 a month can make or break Star Trek shows, I think the problem is on the corporate side, not with consumers shouldering responsibility.

The Star Trek franchise’s history has left fans wondering what, if anything, is next before. I’m going with who knows? out of hope, not expectation. Maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised.

StillPaisleyCat, to quarks in Is anyone planning to get Star Trek - Infinite? I never got into Stellaris, but this looks like it could be fun.

I’m going to. I’ve been waiting for a Star Trek release on Steam so will reward the developers by getting in early.

End0fLine, to quarks in Is anyone planning to get Star Trek - Infinite? I never got into Stellaris, but this looks like it could be fun. avatar

Absolutely. I have probably spent hundreds of hours on Sins of a Solar Empire, and though this isn’t that, it is similar enough with a Star Trek coat. I’m sure I will get hundreds of hours out of this one as well!


I feel like Sins would be a perfect game to do a BSG based 4x game. With all the build fighters or bombers squadron decisions, or the reliance on capital ships.

Klanky, to quarks in Is anyone planning to get Star Trek - Infinite? I never got into Stellaris, but this looks like it could be fun. avatar

I am, I love Stellaris and have played the NH mod, but I like the idea of one essentially built from the ground up as a Star Trek grand strategy game.

The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

I wonder how it’ll feel for someone like me who never played Stellaris.


If you’ve ever played a 4x game before, it’s not too hard to pick up. Stellaris is a fantastic game, and I’ve sunk quite a few hours into it.

With that said, sometimes they drop the ball on DLCs, and the late game gets bogged down/boring, so it’s worth waiting for player reviews to come back before getting it.

AdmiralNines, to quarks in Is anyone planning to get Star Trek - Infinite? I never got into Stellaris, but this looks like it could be fun.

Cool! Didn’t know about it until now. I’m a big Stellaris nerd so this is interesting to me. But I’ll usually wait until a game has proven itself before getting into it.

The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

I saw a video about it yesterday - I think just because my youtube algorithm knows I like star trek. It looks fun! And it’s not super expensive either.

Sharpiemarker, to quarks in Is anyone planning to get Star Trek - Infinite? I never got into Stellaris, but this looks like it could be fun.

I am now!

Nmyownworld, to quarks in Bruce Horak on Deaf & Disability arts avatar

Thanks for posting this. I’m glad that the powers that be continue to use Mr. Horak’s talents in Star Trek. I would like to see a stand-alone Hemmer film, detailing his life before Starfleet, and how he came to join the organization. Is that likely? Who knows. Doesn’t stop me from wishing for it.

ThatHermanoGuy, to quarks in Is anyone planning to get Star Trek - Infinite? I never got into Stellaris, but this looks like it could be fun.

I’d have to try it to know for sure, but that video makes it look pretty boring.

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