
It sounds like you like outer-space… I also like sci fi that’s earthbound. 12 Monkeys, Donnie Darko - these are psychologically oriented.


Donnie Darko was surprisingly bad


in what way? the music lyrics didn’t connect?


It was too weird

Mr_Buscemi, avatar

“The Man from Earth” - this was a really good film that has a small cast and almost entirely filmed within a single room. It was written by Drexel Bixby who was also a writer for Star Trek. He wrote “Mirror, Mirror”. This was the story he wrote from his death bed and got turned into a movie in 2007. Has a few star trek actors in its small cast too. Trying to be vague for the story of the movie because I felt going into it blind was such a good way to experience it.

“Fantastic Planet” - this animated film was an experience to say the least. I loved watching it as a kid and bought the Criterion collection edition a few years ago. It’s on HBO Max and worth a watch for how weird it is.


I’ve heard The Man From Earth is really good, I gotta try that. Will add Fantastic Planet too since I’ve seen good reviews of it. I’ve seen bits and pieces way back in the day on premium cable and I remember liking it.

StillPaisleyCat, avatar

Happy to be reminded of Fanastic Planet.

The name also reminded me of MGM’s incredibly influential mid 1950s groundbreaking high-end feature Forbidden Planet.

Any fan of Star Trek, Star Wars or other 60s and 70s science fiction who hasn’t seen Forbidden Planet should make the effort to hunt down a copy just to know where a lot of the tropes and design came from.


Forbidden Planet is really good to this day. Thankfully never been remade.


Under the Skin - with Scarlett Johansson. There’s almost no dialogue. No exposition about anything, or names - just the short lifespan of an alien. Disguised as a woman, they’re part of what seems to be a hidden alien colony living amongst humans.

The soundtrack is haunting, hypnotizing and beautiful.

It’s also slow and sad.


Will certainly check it out :)

Mr_Buscemi, avatar

It’s on Max! I watched it for the first time there a month ago. Try and watch it where you can hear the audio. The music is so well done in that film and adds to experience if it’s heard well.


I’ll try to do it tonight or this weekend :D


Some obscure ones.

‘Altered States.’ Scientist tries mixing LSD and sensory deprivation. Not a great mix.

‘Battle Beyond the Stars’ Gloriously cheesy re-make of ‘The Magnificent Seven.’ Which was a remake of ‘The Seven Samurai.’

‘Rollerball’ James Caan original, not the remake.


I wouldn’t say its my favourite but Mute is up there for me. Does Hackers count as a sci fi film? If so, that!


Toss up between Robocop (1987) or Hardware (1990)

Corgana, avatar

Stalker (1979) I like scifi weirdness. The book it’s based on Roadside Picnic is also great.


Just looked it up, a Soviet film which probably means its a very arthouse film so that should be interesting.


Look up Solaris while you’re at it (the Soviet one, not the horrible George Clooney remake.) Same director.


I’ve heard of Solaris, never seen it. Yeah I ignored the Hollywood remake, and have heard the original Soviet version is basically Russia’s answer to 2001.

charonn0, avatar

Predestination (2014)

One of the most original and unique takes on the time travel trope I’ve ever seen.


These ones might be smaller, but:

  • Meet The Robinsons
  • Tomorrowland
  • Me. Peabody and Sherman
  • Everything, Everywhere, All At Once

I think these movies were really good because they actually moved you, in their own little way.


It’s impossible to name just one, so here’s a couple.



Jurassic Park

Galaxy Quest

Robo Cop

Face/Off (This one might be stretching a little, but it’s not possible without the sci-fi aspect, so I’m counting it).


I do love the fifth element. Absolite classic, with what seems like ageless cinematography


Coherence - a great small film.

Gattaca - fun sci-fi film that feels ignored

Moon - fantastic performance from Sam Rockwell

Primer - confusing but the best time travel movie ever

Dark City - I love this movie. It has problems, but it’s such a cool ride

Existenz - very matrix like but unique and surprisingly good

The institute - not sci-fi per say but a really cool documentary


2001- A Space Odyssey.


Oh that’s definitely a hard question. My answer might vary a lot depending on whether I’m in a spooky atmospheric mood, an adventurous mood, or a deep thoughtful mood. Right now, I think my answer is going to be Arrival (2016). It touches on the fun topic of intelligent life landing on earth and trying to communicate with us.


I gotta see that film, heard very good things about it


Back to the Future (the whole trilogy)

Alien (the first two, anyway)

Ghostbusters I & II (I know it’s a comedy with horror elements, but the proton packs are definitely sci-fi, and so is the whole city of NY coming together in harmony during the 2nd movie)

The Matrix (just the first one)

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