zalasur, to random avatar

Today on Dwarf Fortress: The Sinister Start in the Plane of Myth, my citizens has a sad! 😢

I keep sending them outside to build the outside fort and they are getting fed up. But not to worry, I finished the roof so now they con complete their work in a smelly goo-free environment. Or, at least until I decide to build the fishing hut.


Em0nM4stodon, to random avatar

Fediverse Question 🎶👀:

I'm not a fan of YouTube,
and certainly not of Google (as you might have noticed...), but one thing I'm addicted to YouTube for is instrumental long playlists of music to work.
I. Need. It :blobcatheadphones:​🎵​

Since I'm always looking for new ways to deGooglelify my life:

Do you know of any PeerTube equivalent for this?
Are there any instrumental long playlists/mixes for work on any PeerTube instances?
Or maybe another Fediverse platform would be preferable for this?

#PeerTube > #YouTube
#Fediverse #Music #Playlists

Mrfunkedude, to random avatar

So I talked to someone representing the developers of #PeerTube this morning about the mobile app they are working on in 2024.

They asked me a bunch of questions about usability and my expectations and a bunch of other questions.

The one thing that I kept trying to bring to their attention was that building an app that only let's you watch videos and download them was a waste of time if they didn't include something that content creators could find useful.


peertube, to random avatar

We are in the process of developing a mobile application in 2024 🎉 :peertube:

Before starting the technical development, we felt it was important to understand the expectations of people who are watching #PeerTube videos.

We're looking for a few people to take part in a short 30 minutes video conference during the week of 15-19 January to find out more about your needs and opinions regarding the adaptation of PeerTube as a mobile application.

Send us a direct message if you're interested!

tomasekeli, to random

there sure are a lot of conspiracy-nuts on #peertube.

peertube, to random avatar

We tried to simulate 1000 viewers on a #PeerTube video, and then on a livestream. (Note that 99% of twitch livestreams are under 1000 simultaneous views.)

We optimized accordingly... And here are the results: it works!

With a ~20$ server, PeerTube can now support such usecases.

Read all about these stress tests on our blog :

Ruth_Mottram, to random avatar

I just found #Flipboard's #peertube channel.

This is an interesting interview with @BBC_News_Labs on how #BBC see the #Fediverse developments


BBC’s Experiment in the Fediverse, with Senior Firestarter Ian Forrester

dschulten, to random avatar

While Mastodon is quite a lively place, my attempts with #peertube were disappointing. Did I start on the wrong instance?

Youtube has a lot of interesting content, and I pay them to get rid of ads. They collect revenue and share some of it with the creators. That allows them to sustain an ecosystem, where independent creators can make a living from their uploads. Also, they get on my nerves by suggesting a lot of right-wing videos, and by making me pay to suppress ads. Advice?


mike, to random avatar

The last 10 days have been a whirlwind for the . Important new versions of @mammoth and @ivory launched. Wordpress and Tumblr reaffirmed their commitment to ActivityPub. And Threads and Flipboard began to federate. What does this all mean for the fediverse? How will moderation work? Who will be next to federate?

I asked @Gargron the founder and CEO of Mastodon.

Check out this very special interview which notably is hosted on our instance.

mike, to random avatar

Hello Fediverse!

I'm excited to let you know that we have stood up our very own #PeerTube instance. This is so cool. We've posted all the videos for my Dot Social podcast. We also posted our original Flipboard launch video for fun.

You can check out our PeerTube instance here:

You can follow the Dot Social channel on our PeerTube instance here:


I'm super impressed with PeerTube. It's quite a capable platform and it is fully federated via ActivityPub.

seanbala, to random avatar

Wow #Fediverse, thanks for the help! I am genuinely surprised at how close the results were. It looks like the recommendation is to try out the #Threadiverse (#Kbin and / or #Lemmy) first - but only by 1.8% over #Peertube! Y'all must know that I've been getting frustrated with #Reddit lately. I also appreciate the recommendations for other things to explore.

Now the question is Kbin or Lemmy? Or both? (any thoughts?)

#AskFedi #RedditMigration #Polls #Technology

fediversereport, to random avatar

Last Week in - ep 46

This week's news:

  • NLnet funds a variety of fediverse projects
  • has released there latest version with a variety of new features
  • has published their recap for 2023

Read at:

m0bi13, to random Polish avatar

Na kanale @fruktozaur na znajdziecie fajny materiał, jak postawić sobie własnego oraz co to w ogóle jest i jak to wykorzystać, by się odciąć od "złego" YouTube:

Tutaj można zasubskrybować ten kanał w , bo działa w federacji więc i z : @fruktozaur_main

A jeśli chcecie jedynie korzystać z istniejącego Invidious, to jest wiele instancji, w tym, w której jakoś maczam palce 😉

Mrfunkedude, to random avatar

For those who don't know, I have a PeerTube Playlist of over 133 short form videos that are geared towards mental health tips and encouragement.

I made them for two reasons. Because I wanted to help others, and to leave something of myself for my daughter should anything ever happen to me.

If you're ever feeling down, pick a video at random. I hope it picks you up.
#PeerTube #MentalHealth

tullycraft, to random avatar


To clarify -- the below feature lets you use the same credentials for PixelFed to create a new PixelFed account, importing your avatar, bio and followed accounts.


Apparently, it is possible to use one's Mastodon account to log into Pixelfed. Is it possible to do that with Bookwyrm and Peertube? I'd like to have a seamless login instead of having to create separate accounts for each service I want to use:

peertube, to random avatar

If you missed it, we released #PeerTube v6 yesterday, packed with great features (learn more here :

Once again, we want to thank publicly @NGIZero / @EC_NGI and NLnet for their grant and support that helped us fund this years work !

governa, to random avatar

#PeerTube Gets Better Features Than #YouTube With Version 6 Release

juergen_hubert, to random avatar

Since video hosting requires so many more resources than image hosting, I have these questions about #PeerTube :

  1. What are the hosting costs of PeerTube instances?
  2. How do these instances deal with financing themselves?
  3. As I understand it, if a Fediverse user views content from a different instance, then this content will be downloaded to their own instance. Is this understanding correct?
  4. If so, is this also true for PeerTube videos - which means that, say, a Mastodon user following a PeerTube account will cause a lot of additional load (and thus hosting costs) for their home instance?


tilvids, to random avatar

I just noticed I missed this pretty massive tidbit of information from @joinpeertube regarding the roadmap for

"…Official PeerTube mobile application (end of 2024)"


This has been a long-requested development from the PeerTube community, and something I hear from our community all the time. What an exciting development from an amazing organization! 🙌


peertube, to random avatar

Huge thanks to @thelinuxEXP for including #PeerTube's roadmap to this week edition of Linux & Open-Source news !

Watch and share on his PeerTube channel :

symfonystation, to random avatar

Explore our article: You say you want a revolution: help the free, fair, and friendly Fediverse destroy Big Social. :fediverse: :mastodon: #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Mastodon #PixelFed #Friendica #PeerTube #/kbin #FunkWhale #Owncast #Plemora #Lemmy #Bookwyrm

vlrny, to random avatar

Ok hive mind!

I am looking for sources for watching science documentaries (NOVA, Nature, National Geographic, BBC Earth... And other awesome stuff I probably don't even know about) that isn't via YouTube. I am fed up with their unrelenting greed.

So need suggestions on doc-heavy streaming services, and/or a #peerTube buddy to help me find stuff if it's there, and/or advice on an applebox app that filters out these unrelenting intrusive ads on YouTube. 😤

official_videocave, to random German avatar


I'm happy to say that my instance is listed on now😃🎉

Please boost🙂

My thanks goes to @FediVideo for the mention.

Best regards
Admin from

zalasur, to random avatar

It looks like is getting some free press lately, so now is a good time to let everybody know again that I have a peertube instance at

My main account is at @zalasur which you can follow from Mastodon.

I do mainly live streams there but I also upload my canning and fractal zoom videos as well, and whatever else I feel like doing 😄

realn2s, to random avatar

Community question

Does anyone know about a application for ? It seems that once there was but I can't find any instance.

Probably would work as well.

Please boost for reach

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