@lemonflavoured@kbin.social avatar



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@lemonflavoured@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, that seems an odd UI quirk to me.

@lemonflavoured@kbin.social avatar

Which is what the app on my phone is based on already. I manage it most days easily by walking from the bus station to work and back, which is ~1 mile. And that doesn't include the time I'm actually at work, because I can't wear my smart watch actually in the office.

@lemonflavoured@kbin.social avatar

I'm pretty sure most people don't want it to...

@lemonflavoured@kbin.social avatar

Furthermore, what's even the point of open standards if you don't want them to be adopted.

Well, yes. There does seem to be a lot of "we want open standards but we don't want big companies to use them" among fediverse users.

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