@celeste@kbin.social avatar



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@celeste@kbin.social avatar

I typed a reply about how bad actors will use reasonable arguments to get their way, so we'd need genuine evidence

my comment didn't send properly tho and i got an error message, so if you see me commenting twice, sorry

samxavia, to random
@samxavia@lethallava.land avatar

I wonder if Tumblr actually joined the Fediverse is many people will have the same hatread towards it as Threads.

I guess Tumblr hasn't taken users data and been caught out for it. So maybe not.

@celeste@kbin.social avatar

@samxavia there was some recent irritation on there because of an announcement they're planning on selling data to an ai company.

@celeste@kbin.social avatar

@samxavia i think the justification is that ai is already scraping the info so they want to make a buck letting them have easier access

@celeste@kbin.social avatar

This early in a project, figuring out how to manage it effectively is a big part of the work, I think. There's no inevitability to either project failing or succeeding. I hope both projects do something cool, and if one fails I hope there are a few forks of it ready to carry on with the best parts of it.

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