@BeAware@social.beaware.live avatar



Former #Twitch :twitch: and #Kick :kick: streamer. I post a LOT of #AIart with the assistance of #midjourney. I am your typical hippie and :weed: smoker. Follow me for a variety of topics like #gaming; comments and opinions on tech news; World news opinions; occasional self-loathing and #depression messages. VERY #ADHD. Sometimes my thoughts aren't organized. If this isn't your thing, just keep moving, or block, I really don't care :) #fedi22 tfr

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

BeAware, to meta
@BeAware@social.beaware.live avatar

Serious question for those that this is relevant to: if you don't understand how ActivityPub works, even a little bit, why do you feel the need to have opinions on how it should work?

Isn't this backwards as hell? Shouldn't you try to understand how something works, then ask why it is that way and if it's intentional?

Too many people here have this strange opinion that they have some sort of privacy, even if their profile/posts are set to "public".

This is just simply not true. We're on the internet. There's over 20,000 Fedi instances and there's just no way to manually parse them to make sure there's no "bad actors" using your "public" posts for whatever the hell they want.

We already see this happening with things like NewsMast which is aiming to be a "news" app where their users don't have to login or register to a Fediverse server, yet they will see posts by Fediverse users from bigger instances based on "categories".

Maybe do some research about how the protocol works and how it's VERY opt-out to the core, before you have opinions on it. Just saying....

#Fediverse #Fedi #Mastodon #ActivityPub #OptOut #OptIn #Threads #Meta #BlueSkyBridge #BridgyFed #Bridge

BeAware, to random
@BeAware@social.beaware.live avatar

Browsing #hashtags is quickly becoming useless. Even important ones for #MastoAdmin like #Fediverse and #Mastodon are filled with toots of random #photos and #art. Some even promoting their #porn or #gamedev #gaming project. Even random #journal or #blog posts FILLED with random irrelevant hashtags. It's quite infuriating...if you know what I mean.🤦‍♂️😬

BeAware, to random
@BeAware@social.beaware.live avatar

It seems people have become allergic to the BOOST button or maybe they don't know that Favorites don't give the content exposure.

Either way, boosting has gone way down since I joined 6 months ago and I wonder why.

It's like we don't enjoy endorsing other content anymore.

You should Boost content that you find enjoyable so that others can see it too!

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