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jarfil, to operating_systems in How do you recall your most used commands?

I’ve found Joplin to be “acceptable” to share notes from mobile. When sharing through a shared drive, it saves each note as a separate markdown file, so it technically is greppable plain text, my only gripe is it puts all the files in a single dir. I think it can also import them, or you could add notes directly to the dir.

Over time, I’ve migrated most of my KB to some sort of markdown: Zim Wiki, DokuWiki, Joplin.

I still have some locked up in MediaWiki dumps, probably should spin one up and migrate it all.

jarfil, to operating_systems in How do you recall your most used commands?

+1 for Zim Wiki. Write down all the process, document with concise high level explanations and keywords, then use the search function.

I also add a settings file to all my bashrc:

It’s a mix of some aliases from across several distros, some from as far back as 4DOS and a part for Cygwin, a somewhat complex prompt colorizer that highlights remote/local and root/user shells, and some other stuff that’s piled up over the years.

jarfil, to operating_systems in Systemd-Free Immutable Distro Nitrux 2.9.1 Is Out Powered by Liquorix Kernel 6.4

Systemd is not monolithical, it just happens that it’s made of elements optimized to work well together, instead of running everything through different text parsers when “mixing and matching” random daemons.

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