
kylewritescode, avatar

Okay , let’s get something straight. We are all grown ups here (hopefully) and can make choices for ourselves. We alive in a society that allows us the freedom to choose for ourselves what to do.

Why would you allow or want to be part of an instance where they choose for you who or what to block? I understand that there are BAD people on , just as there are on EVERY platform on the internet.

Give the regular people on each platform a chance to been seen.

kylewritescode, avatar

@SallyStrange I understand why we have moderators...I have been a moderator for years. Moderate a Discord server, etc. What I am saying is...sit down and follow along now, that if we just sit back going around blocking entire instances, etc. What is the point of moderating at all? We are just stopping stuff at the top level?

Now I understand that some users wouldn't want to start with housekeeping (blocking their own), but keeping accounts that aren't bad from being seen is DUMB.


@kylewritescode @SallyStrange If an instance wants to block meta, it will draw people who don't want to deal with things like harassment from trolls on meta. I know people who don't want the abuse. As a white dude I don't face the same abuse levels so will be on a federated site with meta but I judge no one who takes an undue level of abuse just because of their demographics

MisuseCase, avatar

All these folks tut-tutting about various #fediverse instances preemptively blocking #threads should be aware that many instances are taking this step because Threads is full of #transphobic and outright fascist types that #meta is either unable or unwilling to moderate and instance admins are just treating it the same way they would any other instance that has that issue.

ErictheCerise, avatar


90+% of instances should be blocking Threads just because of their normal moderation policy, not because "it's Meta".

The question people should be asking is, why aren't instances blocking Threads, when it clearly violates their content policy? (Lookin' at you

cliffwade, avatar

With yesterday's announcement that Meta is starting to test Threads and ActivityPub integration, I see the #Fediverse is at an all time high again of whining and crying and being butthurt over it all.

I get stating your opinion about not wanting them here or whatever, but come on people, don't sound like a little 2 year old who lost their pacifier. It gets old, quick.

Just mute/block and move on and be done with it all. It's really that damn simple.

#Threads #Meta #ActivityPub #Mastodon

sour, avatar


where crying

SamXavia, avatar

I do wonder when #META will actually open up to the rest of the Fediverse. It seems like each day is moving towards that it will never be open to it.


Chais, avatar

I don’t. There are enough shitposts as it is. I’m not missing the billions of Facebook idiots.

tokyo_0, avatar

Can you imagine what the #Fediverse would look like now if the response to Gab had been "Admins don't need to block these instances, individual users can just choose whether or not to apply a user-level block (mute) themselves"?

And #Meta is even more corrosive than Gab. Gab users just posted a barrage of hate and unpleasantness. Meta is commercially incentivised to destroy what some people are inviting it into.


BeAware, avatar

Serious question for those that this is relevant to: if you don't understand how ActivityPub works, even a little bit, why do you feel the need to have opinions on how it should work?

Isn't this backwards as hell? Shouldn't you try to understand how something works, then ask why it is that way and if it's intentional?

Too many people here have this strange opinion that they have some sort of privacy, even if their profile/posts are set to "public".

This is just simply not true. We're on the internet. There's over 20,000 Fedi instances and there's just no way to manually parse them to make sure there's no "bad actors" using your "public" posts for whatever the hell they want.

We already see this happening with things like NewsMast which is aiming to be a "news" app where their users don't have to login or register to a Fediverse server, yet they will see posts by Fediverse users from bigger instances based on "categories".

Maybe do some research about how the protocol works and how it's VERY opt-out to the core, before you have opinions on it. Just saying....

#Fediverse #Fedi #Mastodon #ActivityPub #OptOut #OptIn #Threads #Meta #BlueSkyBridge #BridgyFed #Bridge


I'm really tired of the holier-than-you people on the Fediverse!

No, Threads is not full of trolls and evil people just because Meta is evil. Threads is full of people who are not terminally online like we are. This is idiotic to want to block Threads by default. If anything let's show them there is another way.

No, the big Mastodon instances are not full of trolls and evil people just because they're the big instances. They're full of people who are into the Fediverse but for reasons that are theirs have no time, energy, or interest to join smaller instances. This is idiotic to want to block such instances. If anything let's teach them about smaller instances.

And right now, I see people building bridges with BlueSKy and I see very negative reactions from some people about that. Well... No, BlueSky is not full of trolls and evil people.

I'm so fucking annoyed with this bullshit attitude.

Honestly, if your response is "don't federate" every single fucking time, have you thought for a second that maybe, just maybe, you are in the wrong place? Fedi fucking verse. It's in the name.

If you don't want to communicate with people who are different from you, you're honestly no different from the people you are calling names. Please go to your instance that's defederated from everyone else, or even better, go on a closed Discord or something.

Fuck, I barely finished my second coffee and I'm already annoyed.

#Fediverse #Meta #Threads #Federation #BlueSky #Bigots #Mastodon

hello, avatar

Hey and the #fediverse: we've made the decision not to federate with #Meta and #Threads. We do not feel that we can adequately protect members of our community from potential attacks from anti-LGBTQ+, anti-Black, anti-academic, or other extremists who can freely create accounts and sow hatred on Threads unless we block the server. We do not want to allow any kinds of connections that would make our most at-risk users less safe.

We understand that this may disappoint some of you, and that you may wish to seek another instance that will allow you to communicate more freely with your friends on that network. Please read more about our reasoning on our team blog:

J12t, avatar

Hey @TechCrunch, re your piece on #activitypub and #threads, my notes from last week’s meeting at #meta answer some of the questions in your article.

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